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liberty's Guestbook

spitzmagicNov 30, 2009

Knuffels Vriend, hey there weekend was alright. I do love Christmas. Tree is already up lights are on the house so Santa can find his way LOL. I would have thought you guys over there get lots of snow. We folks in Texas sure don't. Once I would love to see a really white Christmas too. Like Montana way. I bet it's beautiful there. Have a great week..\:wub\:

spitzmagicNov 28, 2009

Hey skattie. I glad you like my new avatar. Your mom and pop  LOL  \:D before children LOL

spitzmagicNov 28, 2009

Knuffels Skattie, you have a wonderful weekend to vriend...\:wub\:

DragonQueenNov 27, 2009

I'm slowly getting better, although I had to miss the family dinner...\:\(   (\:eek\: Wouldn't want to pass it on, right?)  \:D  I understand completely on the whole re-upload and permission thing!  I refuse to use anything without prior consent & full acknowledgement but even then, \:o  I feel kinda strange using it.   I don't know why, I just do... \:D  LOL

fredbrennyNov 26, 2009

Mike, Skat, als ik wat wil weten over tombes bouwen klop ik even bij jou aan! Dank nog voor je commentaar bij mijn index screenshot!!!

fredbrennyNov 26, 2009

Dank voor je commentaar bij mijn verhaal skattie!!! Ben je druk met bouwen van ondergrondse ruimtes, graftombes gaten en spelonken?

fredbrennyNov 26, 2009

Ik heb een nieuw verhaal! Transformation Day...

luckyoyoNov 25, 2009

Hi, Thank you for your comment on my story Ghostly vision and thank you for taking the time to read it,   I try and make the screenshot fit the dialogue so you can get into the story more and I'm so glad you enjoyed it,  the last part should be out by Wednesday,\:wub\: Dee xx

fredbrennyNov 24, 2009

Oh Gee... nee skat... zo ver was ik nog niet gekomen! Morgen nog 1 dagje werken en dan heb ik weer ijd om e.e.a. uit te proberen! Ik hou je van mijn bevindingen op de hoogte! OK? Knuffels!!!!

DragonQueenNov 24, 2009

Ooohh...I look forward to reading it when you're done!  It's been \:cool\: seeing your house in Spitzmagic's story and now Fred and Barb in yours!  I'm really \:wub\: it!   I'm afraid my shopping plans got sidetracked.  A raw throat last night has blossomed into the flu.  \:puke\:    I'm barely concentrating enough to answer emails...I don't think I could give the World the attention it so richly deserves today.  \:\(     Anyway, have a great day!               As always, zen hugs....DQ

fredbrennyNov 24, 2009

LOL.....Barb schreef precies hetzelfde als ik wilde doen. Nog 1 jaartje naar school en dan mag je kiezen waar je heen zou willen met vakantie skattie! hahaha! Knuffels Auntie F!!!!

spitzmagicNov 24, 2009

Hi ya Mike, Thanks for commenting on all my screenies, and on our final VOD. See, alls well that ends well. Back to high school for you Senior2010 LOL...and then maybe for your senior trip where would you like to go France, Egypt or Now won't that be weried, your mother could also be your aunt....ROFL...have a super day...\:D

SimSylvia40Nov 24, 2009

Dank u voor uw vriendelijke reactie, voor beide huizen. :-) zal gebruik maken van de anderen te haasten, lol, maar ik ben nog niet gedaan en vraag me af of ik niet Burg van deze te maken, of misschien wel allebei ne, ik kan niet besluiten om lachen :-) hihi, das war hoffe ich Niederländich und jetzt das ganze auf Deutsch, lol.   Danke für den lieben Kommentar, für beide Häuser.:-) werde mich mit dem anderen beeilen, lol, aber ich bin noch nicht fertig damit und überlege noch ob ich nicht ne Burg daraus mache, vielleicht auch beides, kann mich nicht entscheiden, lach:-)

DragonQueenNov 24, 2009

Normally, I keep up with EA's site pretty well, but lately I've stayed away..\:o least til I pick up the EP.  I give up. \:D I'm going out tomorrow to pick it up!  LOL  Too many gorgeous screenshots, too many locales I love... \:rah\: Yeah, I gotta get it!

DragonQueenNov 23, 2009

Whoa , hold the fort!  World Builder ?  Ok, I gotta ask...  I haven't picked up World Adventures yet. \:o  I assumed you'd be able to modify the "worlds" contained in it.  Was I wrong?  What's World Builder going to offer?  (Oh, no!  \:D  It's happening again, the everlasing expansion wheel is starting to roll without me!  :eek\:\)  LOL

fredbrennyNov 22, 2009

Dank je skat! Voor je commentaar bij de screenies! Ja... ik zal rustig aan doen met de wijntjes!

spitzmagicNov 22, 2009

(((Mike)))) hi ya skattie, guess little grandbaby girl is going to make her grand entrance into this big world on are you ready....\:D  Dec 10th...they are going to induce labor early that morning. Cool huh \:cool\: oh and thanks for commenting on The Boddy Mansion. I do appreciate that very much. If I can ever get away from square...\:P have a wonderful day, liefs vriend  \:wub\:  

spitzmagicNov 20, 2009

Hey Skattie  Son, you have to wait for the next part, only dad (not Nita dad) was a bad guy. LOL this story could of had many possible ideas of who your er Mikes father could of been  LOL, Sean, Rex even, could of been Nita's even without him even knowing it. LOL Thanks for reading it and commenting on it too. Auntie F is working on the conclusion....Liefs Vriend...\:wub\:

fredbrennyNov 20, 2009

Now don't worry kiddo... You were raised by the sweetest people ever! If there is any evil in the genes (which I don't believe) you will be ALLRIGHT!!!!

fredbrennyNov 19, 2009

Deel 6 van ons verhaal is uit!

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