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liberty's Guestbook

fredbrennyApr 28, 2010

Mikey!!! (((Skattie)))!!!! Dank voor je bezoek aan het verhaal en je opmerkingen. Morgenochtend vroeg vlieg ik naar Barb! Spreek je snel!

runesong54Apr 26, 2010

I spent most of yesterday trying to get item numbers so I get submit my lot.  Had to get permission from one person who pm'd me the ok this morning so after I submit the lot, I'm going to play a little.  After I check out the house, I'm going to make a Sim for it (the house defines the personality of the Sim, don't you think?).  Well, thank you for giving me the inspiration to have some fun now. 

runesong54Apr 25, 2010

I love polls!  I did them all! 

runesong54Apr 25, 2010

Ok...I found and downloaded 99 Hill Drive...thank you.  I bookmarked you too, and thank you again.  I looked at all of your have some very nice lots.  \:P I've been submitting lots lately and really having fun with it.  The hard part is keeping track of all of the CC and finding who made it.  Patterns are the WORST since the game does not tell you anything...

fredbrennyApr 25, 2010

Heyyyy Skattie!!!! How's life??? ERRRUG druk zeker? Meivakantie, alles vliegt weer zo'n beetje, en narigheid van gestrande reizigers is weer voorbij. Leuk dat je tussendoor nog even tijd hebt gevonden om ons verhaal te lezen! Vermaak je en veeeeeel plezier ook liefs, Freddie

spitzmagicApr 24, 2010

((((Mike)))) Thanks Vriend for the comment on my newest lot. Texas style LOL, love them cows  LOL...I can tell you one thing for sure. When I get to come over there I will do my best to get Freddie and I to meet you in the middle, somewhere between the both of you. I hope your home when I get to make that dream trip. I don't when that will be but I can't hardly wait for it. Fred and I will take lots of pictures and post them in my gallery.  Bunch of love and huggs my friend....\:wub\:

spitzmagicApr 18, 2010

hahahahahaha oh I see you discovered that already. Hahahahah I went straight to your guestbook without stopping by your main page...hahaha well now don't I feel all silly  \:o  ahahahaha

spitzmagicApr 18, 2010

oh ((((Mike)))) I know how hard all this is for ya'll over there. I remember when they shut down the airports over here after 9-11 it can be devastating for everyone everywhere. I just can not imagine being stranded somewhere unable to get home again for sometime and running out of money. That can only be a nightmare. I know this won't help much but ((((BIG HUGGS)))) for you. Fred is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. If the wind doesn't blow the cloud away she won't be able to come until a later date. Vacation can always be re-set. We have a new story out. The French Connection Fred is submitting them when ever you have free time check them out. Also TSR hse updated the pods for your page. Check that out too now your sim3 stories will show up on your page. 3 col's wide if you want it's pretty cool. They had added all kinds of new pods.  Most thing are the same over here. It sure is good to hear from you. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers Vriend....lots of love and many knuffels \:wub\:

spitzmagicApr 17, 2010

Hey (((((Skattie)))) How's it going? Just checking in to let you know you are thought about. Hope all is going great! I miss you....BIG Knuffels Vriend...\:wub\:

hatshepsutApr 1, 2010

Hi and thank you for the lovely compliment on Overton Walk, I'm so glad you like it.  Happy Easter! \:D

AngelaMar 28, 2010

Dank je \:wub\: voor je commentaar op mijn Liams Bouwsetje!!

CyclonesueMar 27, 2010

Hello Liberty!  Thank you so much for writing in my guestbook today.  I really appreciate what you wrote and I hope you find something you like in my (rather awful) upcoming sets too - when I finish the screenshots and upload them, that is!  \:wub\: Sue

Marauder281Mar 23, 2010

Thanks for commenting on my screen shot! Glad you liked it!

srgmls23Mar 21, 2010

Olá(hi) liberty\:D thank you very much for having lost some time, and leaving a comment on my picture ( Chalé Rural )\:\) ... I am very glad you liked ... hugs \;\) Sergio

fredbrennyMar 7, 2010

Natuuuuuurlijk gaan Barb & Ik weer een verhaal maken... Don't you worry! LOL!!!

fredbrennyMar 7, 2010

\:wub\:Hi Skattie daar in España! Hoe gaat het? Ben je al een beetje gesettled? Hartstikke gaaf dat je daar met ons kunt babbelen! En dat we je hier op TSR tegen komen. Geniet!!! En tot gauw horen, schrijfs, lezen! Knuffels!!! En bedankt voor je berichtje! Dat huis in Frankrijk is een bestaand huis (zoals je natuurlijk weet) maar heb er een hoop aan versleuteld!

spitzmagicMar 6, 2010

(((Mike))) that's great we might get to see more of you then we'll have to have your sister put some more video's on you tube. I enjoyed watching those...not alot going on here on the Texas side, weather is warming up, thank goodness. I love spring, summer gets a little to hot for me, but I can handle it...LOL miss you already....\:wub\:

spitzmagicMar 4, 2010

(((Mike))) stopping by to wish you fair the well on your trip to Spain, lots of good will, fun, and love and hugs and all that you can carry with you...I'll stop by often and keep your page company from time to time. (((Knuffels)))) Vriend, you will be missed.....see you when you return...\:wub\: Barb

fredbrennyMar 1, 2010

In het kader van de grote Power Girl Convention (deelnemers : Martoele, Illandrya, Caridina, Spitzmagic, SimJeanie, Haagje and myself) hebben we nog een huis nodig. De meiden hebben nu 5 huizen in frankrijk! :PIk ga nu ook een blog maken met alle screenshots en opmerkingen. De screenshot section barst uit z'n voegen met al onze screenshots!

fredbrennyMar 1, 2010

Fred en Barb kochten dit "nieuwe" huis in Frankrijk. Het is een cottage van Simsjeanie!! LOL

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