Fall Colours
Oh to be in the Maritimes now that fall is here.
Some day I'm going to take a trip to the East Coast of Canada in the autumn. Being a teacher and being married to a professor means that September brings back to school not time for vacation. So I will continue my armchair travels for now, and let my imagination take me to Prince Edward Island.
My current project is Beaconsfield Historic House in Charlottetown. When I saw pictures of this Victorian "Second Empire" style house I knew I had to try building it, even though Sims 3 does not give us a proper mansard roof and dormers as was available in Sims 2 Apartment Life. However, I am giving it my best shot. And this house is HUGE! According to the Beaconsfield website the house was "Built in 1877 for James and Edith Peake... one of Charlottetown’s most elegant homes. Featuring the finest in materials and craftsmanship, it was also equipped with all the latest conveniences of the day." Of course, I am building it based on photos posted online by the PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation and by tourists who have enjoyed a visit there and uploaded their pics to Flickr. So as usual the floor plan may not be 100% accurate but I am trying to capture the essence of this beautiful historic home. My biggest challenge will be not exceeding the custom content limits for TSR uploads!
Check out the original Beaconsfield house here: http://www.peimuseum.com/index.php3?number=1043026&lang=E
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