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Created for: The Sims 4
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The old house did not leave much room for what we, nowadays, find acceptable for a functional bathroom. The roommates, therefore, sacrificed a small bedroom for this. Bath, walk in rain shower, and double sink. What more do you want?
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1514378
ItemID: 1514378
Filesize: 59 KB
Rooms by Fredbrenny
I use so many things from so many artists. I do not use entire sets, but like to mix and match everything I like. I also like to think that this is my forte. OK
Before you are placing the room, have bb.moveobjects cheat on and if you like testingcheats true and other cheats. I have all extension and stuff packs installed on my computer and use them all the time. For the bathroom, it tells me I have used Get Together, Island Living and Spa Day.
Next up will be the Master Bedroom and the lot where all of this takes place.
Credits: All artists here at TSR whose objects I use with gratitude. You are a MAJOR inspiration!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Bathroom Pisces - Toilet Paper Holder
- Lead Soap Dish
- Bathroom Industry Towel small
- Frame Mirror
- Asuna Mirror right
- Asuna Mirror left
- [Daisy bathroom clutter] - toothbrush
- [Daisy bathroom clutter] - dispenser
- Magnesium Soap Dispenser
- Platinum Towel
- Barber Shop Decor. Hair Spray Gel
- Barber Shop Decor. Hair Spray
- Art Deco Bathroom - Towel
- Construction set
- Amber Framed Tree Branches V2
- Onda wall towel
- Antique Moroccan mirror
- [Veresk office] - branches
- Making EA Beautiful Living Room Set-READ DESC FOR REQUIRED
- Bathroom Pisces - Folded Towel V2
- Bathroom Pisces - Mirror Table
- Decor Bathroom PB - Waste Can Table
- Decor Bathroom PB - Container
- Decor Bathroom PB - Waste Can lrg - Deco only