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Do I know you?

So... do any of you care about my first take on Late Night? Well, if you don't, too bad. You're here for a reason. I'm gonna babble for awhile. If anything, I'll make you laugh.

OK, so my copy of Late Night arrives yesterday and I get it all installed and we're happy. I put my sim I made to test out Late Night into one of the apartment complexes. There ain't much real estate to be had in Bridgeport so I guess family sims will have to be disappointed. Most apartments and homes are cracker boxes. Not even decent for a single sim, but whatever. Anyway, I get him moved in and immediately run out to take in a play at the cineplex. A little bubble popped up saying my sim would like it... blah, blah, blah. So much for not finding vampires during the day or easily. Broad daylight. Playing the game for like 5 minutes, first stop, two vampires walk up. The sparks and smoke sort of gave them away. The black and red clothes were another clue. And if you got really close, you peed your pants when you looked into their queasy eyes. I did introductions but didn't keep them long chatting. I mean, afterall, they were smoking and the smell of burnt hair isn't nice. It's only polite. There were some celebs hanging out too in front. Like... 8? So much for not finding celebs anywhere but the posh places too. They were pricks. Do I know you? Maybe you should come back when you can impress me. Up yours buddy. Not impressed with the celebs, but never was. Sims 1, 2, and 3. Then some grandma pulls a piano out of her butt and starts jamming right there on the sidewalk. Everyone went nuts. Dancing, clapping, whistling... and there they stayed. I ran off to a bar and the bookstore. Did the taxi and subway, yah dah.

I'll get this out of the way because I just have to. If you don't know me you won't be aware of my rampant distaste for trendy jeans. No bootcuts, bellbottoms, low rise, baggy butt jeans for me. I just want normal jeans, timeless jeans, jeans that hang the way they should and be pulled up to the waist. That sort of stuff. I'm not into crack or ripped ragged edges because they drag on the ground. Anyway, the women have always had a set of normal jeans. Since the base. Yahoo! I was so happy. But the guys didn't. Ugly huge belt buckles, baggies, hi-waters, ripped, stained, bad textures, flares, whatever. Aha! I was THE happiest girl in the world last night when I was dressing my sim. Woot! First thing in the pants window. NORMAL JEANS! For the love of God and all that's holy! Normal friggin' jeans! No ragged edges, no stupid cuts, no ugly belt buckles. Just awesome normal jeans. There are some really sweet threads in Late Night for guys. I am very pleased. I made a male sim so I didn't check out the chick stuff yet. I was like yelling and hooting and just going nuts at my computer. My neighbors probably thought somebody was killing me. They weren't home thankfully. Ok, I'm better. Just wanted to get that out there.

I swear every woman has had a boob job in Bridgeport. The boob meter was sorely needed and I am quite happy to adjust all my female sims that need it so they're more balanced. I refuse to make skinny chicks that look like little boys when they wear a swimsuit. C'mon, you've GOT to have something. Now even my skinny chicks have some curves and look like girls. I don't really get into the big, bulging, bowling ball things. If you want that, fine. It's unnatural as heck, but who am I? Bridgeport is full of bowling balls. And... and... this is as important to me as the jeans for guys. THE 6 PACK IS BACK! I was also hooting over that. I was so, so, so disappointed when no matter how hard I worked my male sims they never got ripped. The blank surface around their belly button baffled me. A real person without a six pack doesn't even look that pathetic. So now I can tweak all my guys with the muscle definition slider to have a shadow of a six pack or a full blown ripped physique. I don't like the ripped look but I do like them to look fit and the oddly barren tummy area will give me nightmares no more! MUCH better for swimming. God. The humanity. And here is something... random I guess. I had my guy make use of a urinal. Didn't think anything would happen and I normally don't watch my sims go pee pee. I'm glad I watched though because I got a grand giggle out of the guy whistling while he peed! OMG! He looks around, at the ceiling, side to side, and whistles while he works... so to speak. I thought it was a nice touch.

I do have some complaints. Not many, so far, but some. Is it just me, or does it take an inordinate amount of time to get anywhere in Bridgeport? I guess I need to give my guy a crotch rocket because this taxi and subway crap is for the birds. It's slow as heck! The elevators stink. Just as slow as they've ever been. I could drag myself up stairs faster. But you know how it is, always gotta have some useful object be the target of woohoo. So we have hot tubs back and... crappy elevators.

All in all I'm really happy with the EP. It's got great stuff and improves a few things that needed dire attention. The travel thing. That needs to be fixed. It's the main reason I refuse to go to China. I don't want to spend my trip walking up one hill and down the other. Lame. And now Bridgeport is a prime example with my sim taking a taxi, stopping to get out, taking the subway, popping out only to get in yet another taxi and eventually, many hours later, he gets to someplace before it closes. And... he could've gotten there with JUST the taxi in the first place. Oi. If you had Nightlife you'll feel right at home.

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