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macgirlffx's Blog

Happy Thanksgiving

I thought I'd stop by quick to wish all those in the US a great Turkey Day! I'm not having a turkey dinner anywhere but my son will come visit and that will make it all better.

It's a long weekend for me since my place of employment is closed tomorrow as well. Woot! And no, I'm not going shopping. Are you crazy? Once in my life is enough. Everyone should do it once just to see the madness. The whole materialistic gluttony of Christmas here irritates me to no end.

And no hokey Thanksgiving Day parade for me. Although the sheer nonsense of it all is amusing at times. Kind of like Super Bowl commercials. Anyway, I'll probably plop in front of the TV for the Smoking Gun marathon on truTV. Hilarious! Ah laughter, it makes everything seem tolerable. Maybe I'll even lug my behemoth PC laptop down to the living room and work on a lot while I laugh myself silly. Or... maybe I'll try to figure out how to make a tatoo. I have one I want to do. Probably the only one I'll do because it's the only one I've ever wanted to do. LOL I dunno. I'll see. I downloaded the DDS plug-in for Photoshop this morning. I drew the artwork in Illustrator the other day so I'm all ready to start feeling like a loser. I'll figure it out.

So, Happy Thanksgiving. Eat, drink, and be merry.

It's alive!

OK, maybe it's not really alive... but it is approved. Woot! My next lot will be available for download tomorrow. And on my Dad's birthday too. Aaawww... He doesn't sim. LOL That would be quite a sight.

And good news for my vampire! I changed his name back to his original last night. Awesome! The option came back. I moved a new sim into this new lot of mine to get some shots for the upload and I took him out and about after getting my piccies. The name change option was available for him at City Hall so just out of curiosity I decided to load up my vamp family and see if their's was fixed. Yep. Yeehaw! I dunno what caused that to glitch but making a new sim and starting a new game fixed it. Uh... whatever. I'm so happy! I changed the last name of all the kids but left his wife's alone. She can keep her silly EA name. It's a celeb thing to do. It's her punishment for messing up my game in the first place. Bad EA sim, bad. I'm just glad my vamp can stop stalking City Hall now. I swear I camped him out there for a week. I know you're in there! I want my real name back! Get me the papers!

I still have the puking problem too. My sims never do it though except that one odd time at a party, the wife did it, but never again. Whatever is causing it isn't phasing my sims at all. Thank you very much. It's disgusting so if my sims were doing it I'd be looking for a fix. Maybe it's one of those useless traits I never use because I don't want my sims to be vacuous idiots. 'Tis still a mystery.

I have to say that vampire children have a horrendously unfair advantage for skill building and for just about anything really. They max a skill just sitting there for 5 minutes. Even watching the cooking channel it goes way faster. They'll all be maxed in everything before they're young adults at this rate. And that's just me casually skill building when I think of it or they want to learn something. I don't really like my plain jane sims now. They're like... learning disabled. Why are you so slow and stupid?! Aren't you done with level 1 yet?! My regular sim turned vampire is slightly faster than a normal sim, but his kids are insane. It's actually a lot of fun but still, way unfair.

My vampire and his wife are getting wants to travel now so they might take some interesting trips soon. She's also incredibly horny all the time now so another batch of kids might be in order. Honestly. She has at least 2 woohoo wishes at one time, all the time. She can't get enough. Must be that biological clock ticking. She's in her adult phase now but my vampire is still a young adult. Now he's technically married to an older woman even though they started the same age. Ah well. She's never had the desire to be turned so I let her be. Still had 3 vamp kids out of the 50/50 mix. He's 3 for 3 so far.

OK, so sim life ain't so amazing right now but I thought I'd prattle on about it anyway. Enjoy the new lot and I better get started on the next one.

Lot Update

It's finally done! My Bridgeport masterpiece. The big, huge, friggin' gigantic lot I've been working on way too long is finally complete. I've uploaded it to TSR so all that's left is approval. I'm sure it will be out in time for the long holiday weekend.

If you're interested the lot is named Theirin and I think my nitpickiness paid off. I had to alter the original floorplans quite a bit on this one from the start. Some things just don't work with what the game gives us. And I got rid of some stupidness regarding layout. I don't think too many people have pools in their basements either. Most people don't want water in their basements! LOL Ahem, anyway, it's a lot fit for a vampire because everything is contained inside the structure. No scary sunshine to ruin the complexion. Oddly enough, this floorplan did have an elevator in the plans so I left it. Two staircases to the upstairs, one to the basement, and an elevator going to all floors. I even found a spot for the digital aquarium. That sucker is HUGE! All in all, I really like this lot and I hope you do as well. I know I'm going to put it to good use.

I'm starving so I'm going to keep this short. I need some food!

New Screenshots

Greetings. I've gutted my screenshots here at TSR and uploaded a whole new batch from my vampire's life. If you read my blog some should seem familiar to you. I had to lighten quite a few since vampy stuff goes on at night mostly. The clubs and bars are pretty dim too.

Also, I have made progress on my Bridgeport lot. I know, I know. It's taking forever. I polished off several rooms last night. I'd really like to use it for a new sim I want to start so I'm pushing myself to get it together. I have to play Dragon Age in order to find the creative drive to build and decorate, but whatever works. If I play sims then I never want to stop to build and make stuff for the game. I just want to play and play and play... But if I play a game other than sims then I wish I was simming and thus I get the urge to build and make things for my game, as well as play... later... after the lot is done. LOL Got it? Sure, clear as mud.

I don't have much else to report right now so enjoy the piccies and I'll catch y'all later!

How rude!

I dare say, how rude! Just plain rude! These sims, who do they think they are? They need to be slapped around and taught some basic manners. Rude.

I know, I know. You're wondering what I'm going off about now. Well, my butler walked out on me. She just... left one night. No goodbye, no reason given, just *POOF*. She made a getaway in her fancy schmancy butlermobile and that was the end of it. I guess $1200 wasn't enough for her. I guess a deluxe private suite to sleep and bathe and have quiet time just wasn't good enough for the witch. I suppose free drinks and a giant garden weren't anything worth writing home about either. Working for a level 8 mixologist ain't bad. But nooo, she had to leave. And she didn't even say goodbye to the kids. Just left in the dark of night. Now she has some ridiculous top hat on and sparkly dress suit thingy. I invited her to one of the kids' birthday parties. What a snot.

Fine. BE that way. I promptly hired another butler. Another woman. She spazzes less over working for celebrities. So far, so good. She could work on her mothering skills though. Change the baby and feed the baby would be nice. Do laundry once in awhile. Maybe repair something. They really do little to nothing. Honestly.

OK, rant over. Phew. Unfortunately I wasn't around much this weekend so I didn't get my lot done. I'm kind of bummed. I didn't think I'd be gone all weekend but stuff came up. I have a bunch of screenshots to upload too. Didn't get that done. I hope next weekend is better. But I'm stuck at work all week first. *sigh* Woe is me.

I did play my vampire a bit at the end of last week, before I got busy. All the kids are growing up. I had 3 birthday parties in a row. They were all a blast. Tons of people come. I invite my list of people and then others come with them or just show up. Being a mixologist really helps the fun meter. At one of the parties I made a boo boo. When I clicked on the cake to pick who was to blow out the candles my computer froze for just a second and then the list was gone. Oops. Who did I pick? Turns out Jett Atkins blew out the candles meant for my toddler and progressed to young adult. Oh well. He had to be close anyway. He's been a teen since I started playing. I didn't know you could age ANYONE. I can't change my name but I can command anyone on my lot to age transition. Huh.

I'll leave you with that nugget and be off. I'm sure I'll have more to tell when I scrounge up some time to play.

Build Blues

Alas, I have the build blues. This latest lot is testing me. I've had to start playing Dragon Age again to get my creative juices flowing. That whole "thing" still baffles me. Killing stuff and stumbling around in clunky medieval armor = need to build? It's so weird, but it works.

I don't think it's so much me as what's going on in real life bothering me. My mom is in the hospital so that has me distracted. And I tend to pick up speed the longer I create/decorate/etc and after work I just don't have enough time to reach maximum creativity on this huge lot. I have to be responsible and get to bed for work so I can't pull an all-nighter on a lot, no matter how much I want it for my game. It might just have to wait for the weekend when I have a bigger chunk of time to focus on it. I'm not sure why I'm being so picky on this one. I'm always picky but I seem to be picky picky on this one.

I did get a chuckle from an email this morning. Blizzard sent me an offer for 7 free days of play when World of Warcraft: Cataclysm comes out. Woo. Just about wet my pants over that one. Not. Now if they gave me a free copy of Cataclysm, waived the ridiculous monthly fee, gave me free name/race/faction/server changes THEN we'd be talking. They still won't do anything about the daycare-esque atmosphere and brat packs so, no Blizzard, you can take your 7 days and choke on them. I will not be returning to babysit snot-nosed, immature, eternally horny teen boys. I'd like to slap their parents around for not giving a rip what their kids do online nor teaching them any manners nor passing along any common sense with their genetics. I guess $15 a month is a cheap babysitter. Don't even ask me how I got into WoW in the first place. It's not open for discussion.

Anyway, you probably wonder what that has to do with sims. Nothing. I just wanted to vent. But anything that distracts me from sims means less good stuff for you guys so you might want to care in the future. I'm just sayin'.

I still want to do an updated version of my Ayesleigh lot for you folks and finish this monstrosity for Bridgeport. This week can get over any time now. Where's Doc and Marty when you need them?

It's in the Genes

So... lovely weekend. I did start that lot for Bridgeport. It's coming along nicely. The exterior is done and a few areas of the interior. This is the hard part though. Decorating the inside. Making it all warm and fuzzy. Transforming it into a home your sims would want to live in, and maybe die in. LOL The floorplans actually included an elevator so I installed one. It also has two separate staircases so your sims will have options for getting upstairs. My sims tend to avoid all elevators when given a choice. But ya know, if you're a rich sim and have a spare corner or two in your mansion, why not install an elevator? I hope to get the lot done this week. I don't know how long it will take me. It's a monster. I guess you'll just have to keep your peepers peeped for a new lot.

I had to play my vampire sim this weekend. I just HAD to. LOL He's so much fun even if he won't behave himself. His son aged up to child this weekend. Hrm... vampire children are spooky looking. The shiny eyes as a toddler were a tad creepy. Made me think of robot toddlers. When he aged to child though he got the pasty skin too. So now he's unhealthy looking. He's blonde, which is just wrong for a vampire to begin with, has the shiny eyes still, but his skin is an icky grey color. He had darker skin than his dad and I guess when the pasty overlay gets applied it doesn't look all that hot. My sim I made looks fine as a vampire but he started with pasty skin. I did see a vampire downtown that had almost purplish skin. He must've had dark skin before. That's my guess. Anyway, I threw a party for the kid. Just like Sims 2 days. The poor kid. I had to fix his wardrobe right away. The game put him in a hoodie with pink short shorts and pink sneakers. How embarrassing. His favorite color is black, just like dad, so he got some black added to his duds. Nothing freaky looking, but at least he ain't decked out in PINK now. Everyone enjoyed cake and music and there were quite a few extra guests I had never seen before. The party was a smash and everyone went home entertained and happy.

The kid wanted to learn the writing skill right off the bat. I put him to work on his laptop and within 5 minutes he had maxed out the skill. Unbelievable. He skilled up so fast the pop up bubbles had trouble keeping up with him. Is the vampire skill boost really that good? His dad did pick up gardening rather quickly but he doesn't seem to excel at anything else. Oh, except Charisma. He picks that up insanely quick. But the kid's mom learns so slow frozen molasses moving uphill in January would best her. Homework seemed too quick too. Hey, not complaining, but it seems unfair. Who the heck wants normal sims now?

Also, one of my sims did the nasty green puke thing at the party. None of my sims have ever done that. My vamp's wife did it though just before she went to kiss him (eeewww). Morrigan came to the party and she had just complimented her on the house. Everyone says how wonderful the party was and heads for the door. As Morrigan passes my sim opened her mouth and green puke poured out. No sound or oomf behind it. I've had my guy read minds and make chicks think about him but noone has puked, ever. Noone has even puked at my guy. They puke in other directions or at people or while having a conversation with an NPC, never interacting with him. Hmph. So what gives? His wife is still normal. She never pukes around him. And before he was a vampire he was always being hunted, had the moodlet etc, and he never puked. Didn't puke interacting around numerous vampires the night he was bitten. Huh. Actually, my vamp has never puked at all, even before turning. I haven't figured out the cause yet. Most odd. And gross.

Has anyone else noticed how needy the babies have become? The social need is never satisfied and it depletes rapidly. C'mon, you can only do so much to keep them happy. Play with and snuggle don't get very far now. I suppose sims could just stand around constantly shaking their babies but that's ignorant. Maybe it's vampire babies? My vamp's son was like that and his daughter is like that and I think she might be a vampire. She's ready to age up to toddler so I'll find out soon. If so then that's 2 for 2 with only a 50% chance, supposedly.

I guess nothing funny to share. I spent so much time building that I didn't play a lot. But I did make a lot of observations in the little time I did play. I'm not feeling very funny today anyway. I'm bummed for some reason. Sounds like a good reason to take off work and play video games.

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Yes, I must keep sharing my tales and adventures from my game. I have so much more fun now that there is actually a reason to leave the house and watch other sims. It was eh, OK, before. Hanging out on the street corners, playing chess in the park, loitering in front of the theater, hissing at the bad art in the museums, mourning the lost and meeting new friends from the other side. You know, all that jazz that happens downtown a small midwestern town, uh, sort of. Let's face it though, it was BORING! Life in Sunset Valley was so gay I had gag reflexes for weeks. I wanted to jazz up life so much. I was really bummed when the first EP wasn't the fun one. I'm happy now. Hopefully more good stuff is to come. (Like a really easy and nice way to make L and U shaped stairs without resorting to building cheats. I hate having stuff between floors.)

Anyway, I wanted to share something I found at my favorite site for house plans, Dream Home Source. Hee, hee, they found me. I dunno how, but they found me! I noticed an ad in the sidebar for Sims 3 Late Night. Someone has been paying attention to the build addicts. Now you're probably wondering, and just what were you doing at a house plan site macgirl? Well, it's not like there's porn to look at. Sheesh. I was actually looking for a modern/contemporary house plan to fill the odd sized lot in Bridgeport, on snob hill. It's 40 something x 30 something. I don't really have anything for a WIDE lot so I went and found a plan. This style of home isn't my intuitive style so I really need some inspiration to get a lot like this done. I wanted something modern but with room for a family. There isn't much in Bridgeport large enough to raise a family. Heck, most of the housing isn't even big enough for 2 sims. I have a hard time making any of those existing lots feel homey. They're kind of sterile and disturbing, sort of. So you should see a lot for Bridgeport coming soon. I hope. I have to pull myself away from my awesome vampire sim and be productive.

Now, onto the game. I am wondering where the Change Name option went at City Hall. My slightly mentally disabled game decided to give my vampire his wife's name when they got married instead of her receiving his. He proposed and initiated the wedding sequence. I don't get it. And it's a retarded name too. Seriously, I spent hours doing name research to develop a good last name for him. (Name stuff is another hobby of mine born from the ceaseless need for sim names. No, they're not A, B, and XYZ. Everyone is not named Bob.) I tried to get his name changed last night while playing and the option was never available. It's just not there any more. POOF! Just when I need it too. And just by getting married he got 2 star status and his wife hit 3. There was this big impressive concert of sim achievement music and glittering stars going on. I thought something exploded. Nah, they just got famous. Or infamous. His wife constantly has the 3 day negative moodlet for rumors. *GASP* She's been woohooing with an occult! I can't believe they're looking in their windows. They are! I caught them. Eeewww... that's just nasty. Makes me want to move the bedroom to the basement. Give them some privacy. It's not like they're doing it in the proverbial elevator for all the world to see. Sheesh. Nobody has said a peep about my vamp's repeated raids on Mike's Cornerstore for plasma fruit. I just refuse to pay for it. He's working on his gardening skill so he can grow his own, but for now he has to raid the store and scare innocent babies. He has such fun doing it though. So really the only rumor going around about them is the woohoo one. Hey, I can't help it the man's desire can't be sated. If I don't tell them to do it they just do it on their own. Don't yours? Mine do. I tell you, if I leave my older sims alone for a second they're hittin' the sheets. And skinny dipping! The man is obsessed with skinny dipping. Everywhere. If there is a puddle of water around he's naked. STOP THAT! Get back in this house this instant Mister! No woohoo for you!

Ahem, so I hired a butler for them. Mrs. Vamp wanted one. I got a chick. I didn't know butlers could be chicks. She's not an old fart either. She's like their best friend. They interact with her all the time. For some reason the Mrs. is as obsessed with playing catch with the butler as her hubby is about being naked constantly. He'll be over in the hot tub, naked, of course, and they'll be playing catch right next to him. It seems a tad... odd to me. With the baby now he has to control his urges better. He still gets the urges all the time but Mwhahahahahahahaha, the clothes must stay on. I suppose he'll start sneaking out of the house to go downtown and cheat on his hot tub. For shame. He doesn't even have the party animal trait. Hrm... maybe he needs therapy. And I assigned that stupid butler a bed and she just tries them all out. I never know where she is. And does she use the private bath I gave her and decorated so nicely for her? NO! She bathes anywhere. At random times. And it's really weird when your butler walks around the lot taking pictures of you constantly and spazzing because you're famous. Um, you're the butler, chill. You wash my underwear for Pete's sake.

Oh! Oh! And I took my vamp to the cemetery. I thought he'd like it. He found a vampire eye. Ew. It's a rock but how nasty is that? Taking a stroll through the cemetery, visiting the relatives, and stumble across an eyeball sitting in the grass. Tad gross. I find it funny though that my vamp goes downstairs and sleeps on the vampire bed there and tends bar. Noone shows up but he makes money. ??? Ya got me. I'm such a mom at times. I always yell at him when he uses the bed. Get off of there! What do you think you're doing? You don't know who's used that!

Well, OK, I suppose I should go. I have some lots to build. And some fruit to steal, er, raid.

Puke anyone?

What is with the puking? Everywhere I go sims are violently puking glow-in-the-dark green puke. They'll even do it during a conversation. So Jim, how's that acting *SPEW* career? Oh, don't mind me. It's a condition I have. Here, let me wipe off your face, and shirt, and pants, and... shoes. I don't understand it. Some let it just dribble out of their mouths while some projectile vomit on everyone. Oddly enough other sims never notice. Is this a normal behavior in Bridgeport? Public display of nausea? A sim pukes then goes on their merry way. They don't seem sick. They just... puke. Noone pays it any attention nor cleans it up. It's really kind of a putoff when there are 3 sims in the vicinity of your fun spewing ectoplasmic residue. Most odd.

I played my to-be vampire sim last night and he finished the whole shabang in an impressive display of red fog and bat wings. Lovely. I took piccies but they're dark, as well as piccies of him doing his thang in the club on the counter, and various other vampire shots. They're all dark though so I need to lighten them before you could really see anything. Of course they're dark. Everything happens at night. Sheesh. Don't knock a girl for trying. Anyway, the vamp life seems fine. He sleeps in his normal bed as he has a small place right now with no room for a... coffin thingy. But he gets the slept like the dead moodlet when he wakes up. That made me giggle. I haven't delved too deeply into the vamp life as of yet. He did raid Mike's Cornerstore. The option was there so, you know, I just sort of... slipped and clicked on it. Something I thought might end badly was really a riot. While he was apparently acting like a child, riding his shopping cart at vampiric speed, and oggling the produce, I got a pop-up that said, Don't stare at me! Silly baby in a shopping cart... I almost peed my pants laughing. He did this at like 2 in the morning. What nutjob was there with a baby then? Anyway, he scored 5 plasma fruit from the... er... raid. And probably totalled a shopping cart. I got a lot of pop-up windows telling me of his activities. I also prowled around town looking for something to do, but the town was dead oddly enough. So I sent him to Smuggler's Cove. I had hoped to find a plasma fruit seed there as my other sim did one night. No seed but I got some rocks and junk. Apparently vampires are aware of the lameness of travel in Bridgeport because I told my guy to go to the bookstore next and he ran from Smuggler's Cove all the way there. It was so funny! He's got a motorcycle but didn't use it. He just ran, and ran, and ran. I think my vampire is a tad hyperactive. And horny. He hit it off pre-vamp with a cute blonde after completing an opportunity and he moved her in after he finished the creepshow transformation. And the man can not get enough of her. Jeez man! Down boy! Down! He even had two woohoo wants for her at the same time once. Yowzers! I think I have a hidden wild child in this sim. He's so different from my other one but doesn't really have any extreme traits to add to weird behavior. He just acts wild. I need to tweak her traits. She's got mainly useless ones. I hate useless traits. I want my sims to have personality, not be some vapid waste of oxygen. I mean really, some of those traits are pointless, useless, and add nothing of interest to the game. They just take up personality real estate on game generated sims so they really have no personality at all. The whole point is so sims act differently from each other and keep things interesting.

Ok, enough whining about game shortcomings. I might actually get around to doing that revamp of my Ayesleigh lot soon. I love Late Night and want to play, but now I need to make lots to fit the city life. Hmph. I'm getting the build bug again. I always do when we get something new and I get a rash from how irritating the stuff EA gives us is. Inefficiency and sims do not mix well. *cough* subway *cough* Whether heading across town or traversing a multi-story building you're in for lag not caused by your computer.

Oh! One more tidbit to giggle about. I hope this happens to other people or I'm going to start taking it personally. I'll send a sim out to some random bar/club/what not and get a pop-up stating this place is as hot as Connor Frio blah blah blah, or nothing is happeneing here, there must be a better place. So I pick another lot and then get a pop-up stating Oh yeah! This is where it's at! I enter and... noone is there. Not one sim. Not even a cricket chirping.  WTH? Hotspot? I think not. What is the point of having bouncers if they also prevent ALL the other sims in the game from going anywhere as well? I know it's not fair to give mindless, lazy sims a free ride into a posh place but c'mon, we don't go out to these places to sit in a hot tub alone, drink alone, throw darts alone. Duh. So, I stick to the tried, but true, hotspot in town... loitering outside the cinema. It's so upscale! It's so happenin'! It's so elite! It's so... sidewalk. It's not about status, it's about fun. Go where the fun is, wherever that may be. It is a game afterall.

Stop shakin' your thang!

I'm getting brave. I went ahead and enabled comments since my last post was mundo popular. Just don't give me a reason to report you and we'll get along.

Wet noodleness aside, I really am honored that so many of you have been stopping by to get a laugh and even tell me about it. I have some more Late Night observations to comment on in this post so I'm sure you're in for more giggles. Cuz I just do that to people. We all need to laugh more so why not?

OK, so, I was playing my tester sim for Late Night and got him all set up in a lot and added a bedroom for a butler and got the guy hired. He's wonderful but oddly looks like Steven Colbert. Scary. He does a fantastic job compared to the lazy maids. I swear I never get a decent one. Hire, fire, hire, fire, just forget it. Merry Maids do not make me merry. So that chap's life is much better and he's working on his celebrity status. He's only a 2 star right now. Poor widdle two star celeb. I love it when sims react to him in public. It's so funny. I always scan the lot to see who they're spazzing over and then it comes to me. They're freaking over lil 'ol me. Aw shucks.

I moved a lady in with him just because I can. I'll make her work or something. See, I met this sim once. Once I say. And she didn't like my sim. Next thing I know I'm at Smuggler's Cove and she's sitting there reading a book. I was like, Oh, I remember you. Ms. Grumpybutt. and slunk over to greet her. Then I look in my relationship panel and somehow she and her daughter got to best friend status with my sim (and I had never met her daughter). Wha...? The only thing that changed between the time he met her and now was he moved. She's his neighbor now and I didn't know it. Did that change the relationship? Weird.

I wanted to try out the vampire life so I made a sim to become a vampire last night. He already looks like one since I planned for it. He just needed to be turned. This was an... adventure. He met all sorts of vampires day and night. He actually got vampire wants, like meet a vampire, befriend a vampire, be turned by a vampire, etc. Like he already knew what I made him for. My other sim didn't get those wants. Anyway, I go to the most happenin' place in Bridgeport, the pavement outside the Cineplex (Did anyone else notice this is the grand hangout? Forget bars, clubs, lounges, parties. It's all about the sidewalk and loitering in Bridgeport apparently.). Morrigan Hemlock (you can't tell me this isn't a Dragon Age reference) took a keen interest in my sim. And she was hungry. I have a feeling he scored high on the yummy blood meter. She was pretty forward and persistent regardless of the fact that her creepy husband was lurking in the corner by the doors, watching with his beady little... er... eyes. The vamp eyes are wild I tell ya. There were actually 5 vampires that showed up. My sim was alone at first. He must be really nummy because they all wanted to talk to him. Kind of creepy. And why do they all have the evil trait? Can't there be nice vampires? Sheesh. They all wander around wringing their hands cackling that creepy evil laugh. Mwhahahahahahahahahaha! Do you mind? I'm trying to socialize here. Cripes. Uh, so, my sim got friendly with Morrigan quick and asked her to turn him. I didn't expect it right then. I thought they were supposed to go someplace from prying eyes, but no. She just hauls off and munches on his arm right there, in front of like 10 sims. You can't tell me they didn't notice. And she did it before he even got the question out all the way. It was like, Hey, would you be willing to... CHOMP! Aieeeeeee! She enjoyed it a little too much. Slobbered all over the place. Ew. I felt the urge to leave once it was done as the other vampires were still scoping me out. Look, one donation a day. I am not a walking blood bank. Go find a celeb to kick or something. He had the itchy bite pop-up and the boiling blood pop-up so it's progressing. I'll have to finish it another play session. I'm sure I'll have tales of vampire adventures soon.

You're probably all wondering what my catchy post title means. Well... in the course of playing this sim, in hopes of snagging a vampire to turn him, I went to a few bars and a club. I got a good look at the dance on counters and tables. It was funny, yet embarrassing, yet erotic, yet... just plain WRONG! Once he really got into it I thought, Stop shakin' your thang at me! It just seemed above the teen rating, and I half expected him to start stripping (I didn't direct him, he did this on his own. I often let my sims be independent.). LOL Apparently he is an inspiration to all clubbers as a female sim jumped up on the table next to him and did her thing. Well, OK. Whatever floats yer boat. I was so embarrassed. I got him down and he got back up. He was rather obstinate. But it was worth a giggle.

Now, I've been editing my old sims to add in the new body enhancements so I've checked out the female Late Night wardrobe additions. Is EA SURE the only new career with this EP is film? Really EA? I beg to differ. I dunno. Maybe I'm a prude but they're always going off about the game rating and claim it's family friendly, blah blah, but you check out the leather, buckles, and bustiers in multiple clothing categories and see what you think is going through their mind. I found it... fascinating. Especially the lingerie. Hmmm... I suppose it gets real lonely being a game programmer/designer/etc. ROFL

OK, I'm done. There will always be more later. I never run out of stuff to make fun of or comment on. Y'all have a good laugh on me and we'll meet up again soon.

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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