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madkitty13's Guestbook

Sweetie224playerNov 1, 2009

Καλή τύχη τότε στην νέα σου ιστορία!\:rah\:

fredbrennyOct 31, 2009

Halloween is getting more popular in Holland every year. 10 years ago we never heard of it. Only thru watching movies. We have November 11th, Saint Maarten, where (small) kids with lanterns come to your door begging for candy and sing songs. Almost the same, not as commercialized though!

fredbrennyOct 31, 2009

Thanks for explaining why the stories are so short! I like this story, and hoped it wouldn't end! Have a great weekend!

shaml_sim Oct 29, 2009

Hey Sam \:\) Yes, I finally bought the sims 3 (again!) and I will be writing a sims 3 story \:D I'm mainly just focusing on downloading cc for the game at the moment, but I have written some of the story and I will be starting to put it all together today. As you know, Jade's the main character (the same name as your best friend \;\)). My story probably won't be finished for another week though, I think \:\)

shaml_sim Oct 29, 2009

I'm sorry to hear your story got rejected. TSR is sensitive to heaps of subjects, haha. A couple of mine have been rejected before as well and I had to change them slightly. But never mind, you can continue on with Clearblue for now and think of a new story you would like to do \:\)

damnanoirOct 28, 2009

not this year ^^' i'm too busy.. i can only celebrate Halloween with Sims XD and some nice horror movies ^^ In Italy Halloween is not so famous ^^' But i like it very much XD And what about u?

damnanoirOct 28, 2009

yes it's true XD

Sweetie224playerOct 28, 2009

Σκέφτεσαι να γράψεις και άλλη ιστορία?

DragonQueenOct 28, 2009

Well, it's nice to know I'm not alone in that!  \:D   i've been trying to get a story underway which is more "scripted," but it's going much slower than I anticipated...  \:\(   Ah, well...  \:D   I did do a second story.  I'm not sure if it'll be published or not, tho.  It's pretty dark.  \:cool\:   (Too much Court TV, what can I say? \:o )

damnanoirOct 28, 2009

yes GTA ^^ i prefer the last one ^^

xxCloexxOct 27, 2009

Hey thats cool! Im from Ontario (: you?

shaml_sim Oct 27, 2009

Awesome, I look forward to reading it \:\) It's great that you have a lot of spare time!

Sweetie224playerOct 27, 2009

Ναι!Είναι πολύ ωραίο, συγνώμη που δεν έβαλα σχόλιο, δεν πρόλαβα.Αλλά έκανες πολύ καλή δουλειά!Μπράβο σου, συνέχισε έτσι. \:\) \:\) \:\)

shaml_sim Oct 27, 2009

Thanks for commenting on the finale to my story, Sam \:wub\: I think I'll miss writing this story but I'm sure I'll be onto something new soon. I'm really glad you've enjoyed reading it and until I start my next story, I'll enjoy reading yours \;\) Have an awesome day...

DragonQueenOct 27, 2009

Truth be told, I went from Sims 1 to Sims 3.  I never played 2.  The ghost in the story, as far as I know, doesn't really have a back story.  He was an EA ghost that just happened to run past a property I was creating.  He looked so cool, I started taking pics and built the story around the images.  (sad, but ture.)  \:D

Sweetie224playerOct 26, 2009

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ αγάπη μου για τα καλά σου λόγια για το profile μου.Η ιστορία σου πηγαίνει πολύ καλά!Φιλάκια πολλά!\:wub\: \:wub\:

DragonQueenOct 25, 2009

\:o   Why, thank you for your wonderful comment on my story, Corey's Last Run .  I'm very pleased that you enjoyed it! \:wub\:  I liked "Corey" and felt he had a story to tell...  ('Course my hubby hated the ending. \;\) \;\)    \:D

powergirl6193Oct 25, 2009

yh that con work for me i can do it in the next part but one will come out first then ill sent you the next chapter and yhu can like eddit it for me if yhu dont mind

powergirl6193Oct 25, 2009

thankyou for cammenting on my storie i would like some help with my english.ANy way i hope you have a nice day

shaml_sim Oct 25, 2009

Yes, congrats on being featured!! \:D

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