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madkitty13's Guestbook

lassekattenJul 27, 2009

yea i really love to travel! Greece is awsome! but i wanna go to Canada, and usa..! New York is my dreaam \:D

Sweetie224playerJul 27, 2009

Αλήθεια έχεις φίλη που είναι από την Ελλάδα?Ελληνίδα είμαι!\:rah\:

shaml_sim Jul 27, 2009

Actually, I will be continuing Learning to Love ! I recreated all my characters yesterday, so now I'll have to just do their houses again and I will be able to start writing. I have already written about half of the next part cos I'd written it before my computer broke down. I think I should be able to have it out within the next week or two \:D Otherwise I would tell you what would have happened \;\)

Sweetie224playerJul 26, 2009

\:o So, you don't want the "path" of Polination Technician 9's daughters, I mean Lola and Chloe.Maybe you can invite cute's family in their home.Make sure you have made a cake...HAHA\:D \:D Don't you like The Sims 3?

Sweetie224playerJul 26, 2009

I hope Jenny is very happily with her granddaughter's name!\:\) Really are you so young?I'm too close to your age, madkitty!\:\) \:\) \:\)

Sweetie224playerJul 26, 2009

If you have a winrar extractor you can go to mod the sims 2 and you will find great baby boy nurseries!If you don't have go to <> at winrar and download <<WinRar 3.71 or WinRar 3.80>> and <<Free RAR Extract Frog>> they are very helpful!I don't know very well the <<WinRar 3.90>>.Anyway they're free!I hope I'm helpful.

shaml_sim Jul 26, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my new story A Lifetime of Memories! \:wub\: That was the whole story though, there won't be any more parts to it unless I decide to do an 'update' thing on her life after Eliza's death \:\) Hope you're going well with thinking of a story line for your own story, too!

shaml_sim Jul 23, 2009

I'm glad you liked Sims 3! I did get Sims 3 when it first came out but I took it back \:confused\: haha. It's not that I didn't like it, I just didn't like it as much as Sims 2. Some of the aspects were awesome, but then some weren't. I may get it again when a lot more custom stuff comes out for it and maybe an expansion or two. But yea, it isn't a bad game \:\) You should post a picture of the you-sim! :P

lassekattenJul 23, 2009

hi! oh lucky you, i wanna live in Canada to! then i whould live in Montreal, so i could se more Simple Plan shows hehe ;D I agree, it's fun to meet people from other countries \:\)

UM CreationsJul 23, 2009

HI! Thanks for the comment. I'm happy you like my sim eyes. \:\) Never uploaded 'em but maybe i'll do it someday. Keep in touch and have a gorgeous day! UM \:wub\:

shaml_sim Jul 22, 2009

The quality of the pictures don't need to be spectacular, it just helps. So it doesn't matter if they're not of the highest quality. And yea, that would take even longer having to change the file format of the pictures \:eek\: It's strange what the game does sometimes. When I go into my game, if I want to go to any other neighborhood other than Desiderata Valley, I have to go into Desiderata first then into whatever neighborhood I want. Otherwise, the characters come up all faded and see through. It's so weird, haha \:D I haven't been able to think of any outdoor storylines for you but I like your idea of what a gardener sees daily. I think that could be pretty good. \:\)

shaml_sim Jul 21, 2009

Rain is good...just not all the time, haha \;\) Well, when I first started writing I thought you do the same. Write it in game then just upload it somehow but I couldn't find where to do that. To my knowledge you can't but hey, I could be wrong. The only way I know how to do it is to upload each picture in the story wizard thing and add the writing for each picture next to it. I write all my stories out on paper first then type it out.

shaml_sim Jul 21, 2009

Yea the story uploader thing is kinda confusing at first but you'll get used to it when you're doing it. That sucks that you can do only 3 photos at a time \:eek\: It would take awhile! If only things could be so easy all the time....

shaml_sim Jul 20, 2009

Hello hello \:\) Those ideas for a story are great! I've been trying to think of some outdoor stories but haven't really been able to think of any....well, any good ones at least \;\) I'll keep thinking about it and if I think of something good, I'll let you know. Oh yea, I forgot about Sims in Paris! I had used that a few times but haven't been there in ages. I should check it out. Thanks \:D Hope you're having a great day!!

shaml_sim Jul 19, 2009

Oh, that's not good \:wacko\: The weather here is beautiful today. It's winter here but it doesn't get extremely cold, just nice. I can see a clear sky outside \;\)  Hope it clears up over there \:D

shaml_sim Jul 19, 2009

Thanks and I hope you have a great day at the beach...without any rain! \;\)

shaml_sim Jul 18, 2009

I'm glad your problem was a blessing in disguise \:D And thanks for those sites, I will check them out! I have had trouble with my computer now too and have had to restore it back to factory settings \:\( So, I've lost everything but managed to save my CC onto my usb but not sure if it will all work properly. I will soon see. But because of this I don't think I will be able to continue my Learning to Love story, which sucks. I will try to recreate the characters, scenes, etc, but I don't think I will be able to. I'll probably just have to start a new story when I get it up and running again. Computers!! \:mad\: Well, I hope your day has been better than mine \;\)

shaml_sim Jul 17, 2009

So you're moving too? That would make it that much worse \:confused\: And no worries about the offer, it's the least I can do. Oh, and thanks for complimenting my avatar \:D It's Charlize Theron, my favourite actress \:\) Alright, I'm going to bombard you with a heap of sites, ok? I'm not sure if you'll like them all but I'll let you decide. Obviously I get a lot of stuff from here at TSR, both free and donation items. My favourite site for hairstyles is, and I use both their free stuff and donation items. Some other good hair sites are:, and (though the best ones at Rose Sims are donation items). Good clothes sites are at:,,,, and Great furniture downloads:,,, and Another good way to find good sites is to go to the links on any of these pages and it'll list a heap of sites that they use or are affiliated with. Oh, and another site you could check out is It's sort of like TSR but not as good. Some of the sites I've listed are easy to navigate around, some take a bit of getting used to, but hopefully it'll help you get some stuff back! Hope I haven't bombarded you with too many sites, but I hope it helps \:D

shaml_sim Jul 15, 2009

Omg, that really sucks!! \:eek\: Ohhh, it's not good \:\( I don't know if I can really do anything to make it better, but if you need some good sites to get things from I could give you some. I hope you go ok trying to restore as much as you can \:\) By the way, for the first probably 4 or 5 years that I was playing the Sims, I had that trouble of flashing red walls as well. It can be annoying but I did exactly the same as you and just played with the walls down. Don't worry though, one day you'll be able to upgrade!! \:\) Anyway, let me know if I can help with restoring your CC. I know how much it would suck right now.

shaml_sim Jul 15, 2009

Hey Sam \;\) That's great we share the same name, it's a cool name \:P Haha, you didn't sound stalker-ish. We do have those three things in common \:D I love reading the 'About Me' sections, too. It's great to see what that person is like, etc. And I see that you may be trying your hand at writing stories! That's great \:D If you want to know anything, let me know, and I'll help as best I can \:\) Anyway, thanks for your message!!

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