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makabaer's Blog

Back on TSR

I don't think many people will see this as it's... oof - indeed 12 years ago I posted anything on here! And even longer that I've created CC (which was Sims2 back then of course).

Well, anyway - here I am! Yay! ;) I never stopped playing Sims even though I skipped Sims3 - I continued with Sims2 even after Sims4 was out there but eventually switched over. For several years I kept my CC to a minimum because it's such a struggle to update everything after patches... but there are still many themes I love to play (fantasy, medieval, scifi, ...) that are so much more fun with CC.

So for a few months now I've been browsing the community and downloading tons of stuff (I really have to cut down on that again...) and finally I was itching to create something myself again. I was always editing things in Sims 4 Studio, changing tags, deleting or correcting swatches, updating stuff etc. but just for personal use as it's not in accord with most creator's TOU. 

Well, 2 days ago I put something together meant to be shared with you! I'll never be an industrious creator, never have been, but there are some recolors on my to-do list, so let's see!

Mansion and Gardens :-)

TODAY I finally bought Mansion&Gardens (a used copy since EA isn't selling them anymore...)! I'm so excited :-)) Don't know why it took me so long, it's a really nice stuff pack....

Anyway, I forgot to tell you about the Kudos affair ending: it turned out I was indeed still able to use them to buy subscriptions which I did. So no hard feelings anymore. Thanks for your comments on this :-)


Today I learned that there are no more Kudos. I saved them up for YEARS (enough for 3 days of subscription).

I also learned that you were informed 1 month prior to this so you could still spend them. Yeah, but no newsletter or anything - so I wasn't aware of it at all.

Well. Not much more to say. No sense in anything here any more.

Sorry, but I'm so furious I have no words for it. Expect nothing more from me in the future - neither downloads nor comments or whatever - I'm outta here.

Just to let you know: Still playing Sims2 :-)

As you can see I still haven't created anything new and I still don't know if I will ever again as my time is so limited - but I still enjoy playing VERY much! I'm pretty sure I'll keep on playing until Sims4 is released - IF it is any better than Sims3 and comes back to the gameplay from Sims2 (in the way that you can control every Sims' life again without them making important choices all on their own while you're playing other families...). And if Sims4 keeps on with that - well, I guess then I'll be playing Sims2 for another 7 years and more ;-)

Best wishes and happy simming :-)


What would you like?

I hope you had a good start into the new year!

I am thinking about creating new clothes, I have a few ideas because of what I need in my game (more medieval or roman sleeping attires... more outdoor clothes for "normal" and medieval Sims... maybe something for my futuristic Sims...) but I'm not sure what YOU want. Lots of people have bookmarked me - I just don't know why ;-)

So, I have a few questions: would you prefer "normal" clothes or medieval ones? Do you prefer Maxis meshes or custom ones - or don't care? Any age you need most? (Like - there are tons of clothes for adult Sims but less so for elder ones, toddlers etc...)

Please leave a comment and let me know :-)

Happy new year!!

I wish a very happy new year to everyone!! May it bring lots of fun and joy!


I wanted to wish you all merry christmas too but read about a virus going round on TSR sometime before christmas - and afterwards I just couldn't make it over the holidays... (we celebrate 2,5 days in Germany ;-)) And my husbands birthday is just one day before christmas, so our guests arrived even two days earlier... I called it our "christmas marathon"... ;-)


Anyway - all the best to you all, especially the many kind people who continue to bookmark me although I haven't come to creating anything for years... I still plan to but can't promise anything... hopefully I won't disappoint you all :-)

Good news - but no sim news, sorry ;-)

Just wanted to let you all know what's happening around here and why I'm not online much: I gave birth to our 3rd child just two weeks ago :-) It's a little absolutely cute and lovable boy! Since today I'm almost able to sit normal again ;-) So might be online a little again but of course there is just SO much "real life" demandements now... (besides our eldest child just started school 3 weeks ago!) and honestly speaking my little boy is much more fascinating than any video game just now ;-)

But of course I'll be back, promise :-)

TSR Challenges?

I see quite a few people have bookmarked me - probably hoping for new creations, so I want to say sorry for keeping you waiting but right now I'm just downloading a bit of this and that and getting to know Sims2 again and the expansion packs I didn't have back then before I quit. Still can't believe I'm actually playing again ;-)

My spare time is very limited so please bear with me, it could take a while.

Meanwhile I'm thinking of taking on a TSR challenge. I always thought that was a neat idea - I'm just hesitating because I had so many technical problems with Sims 2 in the past (one reason why I quit it - the other being my limited free time) and don't know how it will affect my game if I install the challenge wizard (or whatever it is called). Well - and besides I still have to discover so many things in the game itself ;-)

Anyway - if you're reading this - tell me if you have ever played any challenges and your experiences with it, I'm curious :-)


Edit on Sept. 8th: Stupid me forgot to enable comments - never noticed they were turned off by default. Now corrected that for all my posts (except the first one - strangely that was the only one with comments enabled - well, anyway...) so.... I'm still looking for someone who wants to tell me about those challenges and their experience :-)

Happyly simming again :-)

Just wanted to let you know I got Sims2 again indeed! With all expansions. It's so much fun again!

Although I don't have much time for it... right now I can't really play and won't have time to create anything either of course, but I'm not in a hurry... I know I'll go on simming for years ;-)

I'm so happy I decided against Sims3 - I read many more news I didn't like at all. If they won't change the basic programming with an expansion pack (and that's a nearly impossible thing to do I guess) I won't play Sims3 at all - ever. I mean - the way I understand it is either the whole neighbourhood is aging - or nobody at all. So either you're missing lots of days in those families you don't play at that moment - or your sims will never age. Now that s***!! 

I'll just stay with Sims2 until Sims4 comes out ;-))

Definetly Sims2 :-)

I decided today: yes, despite all the trouble I have to go through *again* (because of all lost data) I will indeed go for Sims2 a second time :-)

I will start with buying Super Deluxe and add expansions slowly... (whenever I find a good deal on Ebay or something)

I am so excited about this, have been thinking about nothing but Sims for days now *lol* (Well, okay, of course there were lots of "real life" topics too... my daughter got an operation today for example... I just meant: whenever I was *dreaming* there were only Sims in my mind ;-)

Can't wait to get Super Deluxe!!

Latest Headlines

Back on TSR Mansion and Gardens :-) Kudos Just to let you know: Still... What would you like? Happy new year!! Good news - but no sim news,... TSR Challenges? Happyly simming again :-) Definetly Sims2 :-)
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