Sims 3
I was so looking forward to Sims3 - nearly since I quit Sims2 1,5 years ago.
There were some disappointing news about it but mainly okay (although I had expected a little more - like weather and seasons for example in the original game, not needing to buy an expansion pack later on, and some minor things....) so I pre-ordered my copy a while ago already.
Well, yesterday I read a detailed review from people who were alowed by EA to play an early version - wow, that was quite a shock... obviously I hadn't read any and every information available or I guess I had known about those "rabbit holes" for example or that you can't design your own neighbourhoods and many more things like that... But my way of playing the Sims - since Living Large came out! - was to have one neighbourhood with "normal" Sims, one medieval and old roman, one scifi, one creepy etc. etc.... and I tried to get everything in that neighbourhood as realistic as possible, so that my Sims from ancient rome don't have to go to a modern downtown etc.
So, I can totally forget about that way of playing. Even if I could have several neighbourhoods, they would all seem fairly alike because of that ridiculous rabbit hole nonesense! I am SO disappointed and sad about that!!! I was SO looking forward to this game!!!
I canceled my pre-order. I won't start playing Sims3.
Well, I will wait and see if maybe the fan-community can do something about it or if future expansion packs will change everything totally or whatever... but I guess that will take quite a while. Maybe I get lucky in 2010.