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midland_04's Guestbook

shadow66Jul 26, 2008

Yeah, I'm pleased with the way the detail has come out on the white set, especially the sofas - glad you like them \:D PM replied (eventually! - had my usual problem \:mad\: ) explaining the black - and my site doesn't seem to be updating tonight - it didn't even tell me I'd got a PM - I just happened to click on it after I got your message! Aaaaah, technology - ain't it great! \:P

shadow66Jul 26, 2008

Not sure I'm up to the mark yet \:\( - I've only just started having a go at re-colouring furniture/objects, and the only thing I've used textures for are walls & floors and a few rugs which I've created myself, so I think maybe I ought to practice a bit more first (especially after seeing some of the things people have come up with!). I've been having a go at creating my very first whole room set, which is turning into a REAL project! \:P I'm enjoying it, but it can also be very frustrating at times \:wacko\: I've got some pics in my Blog if you'd like to take a look (don't laugh too loud!! \:P ) - any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated \:D Hopefully catch ya later! \:D

PsychoSimJul 25, 2008

Thank you for your wonderful comments on my creations! I dearly appreciate it and thank you very much! Happy Simming \:wub\: Pam \:wub\:

mermaidofthenileJul 25, 2008

hey thank you so much for your sweet comment you left in my guest book!! also thanks for bookmarking me as well!!! im super glad you like my items!! \:D ps. i bookmarked you too \:rah\:

Vanilla SimJul 25, 2008

Hey there, Congratulations!!! \:rah\: I'm so happy you got your mini. \:\) I know how hard you worked to get it. You are doing such a great job. I'm proud to call yua friend. Hugs, Robin \:wub\:

missy_sceeterJul 25, 2008

Hi Midland! Thank you for the congrats and I hope you found something you liked. \:\) I'm off to browse YOUR stuff now \:\)

shadow66Jul 25, 2008

England actually! \:D I do tend to be a night-owl (or Vampire! \:eek\: ) which is ok - until I have to go back to work (on summer hols at the moment), then it's definitely NOT going to be ok! \:\( It's now 4:35am, so I'm off to bed! \:P Catch ya later! Night-night! \:D

shadow66Jul 25, 2008

I used to be on dial-up for a long time, then my provider offered me broadband for the same price, so naturally I took it \:D Speed fluctuates throughout the day, but I find it's a lot quicker late at night/early morning (it's 3:40am here as I type! \:o ), so that's when I tend to do any up/downloading \:P My dial-up used to be slow too (but I guess that's no consolation \:\( ), and over here it's pretty much obsolete now - broadband has well and truly taken over! \:D Would have thought, you being in the US, broadband would be pretty much the standard for everyone - guess I was wrong! \:confused\: BTW, I've been reading up on this TC100 going on - is there like a list of rules? You know the kind of thing - Can do, Can't do, Must do, etc - I haven't found any, just everyone getting really excited about it \:P I'm curious and just wondered if you knew since you appear to be involved in it all! \:D

shadow66Jul 25, 2008

Yeah, I can usually read PMs and browse around the forums without any problems - it's just sometimes if I want to reply to a PM or post anything, it comes up with the log-in boxes, and like I said, refuses to let me \:\( I use IE and mine's not that slow - only when I'm 'submitting' sometimes, but I just put that down to other people submitting at the same time and live with it! \:\)

shadow66Jul 25, 2008

Hi Midland - No, it's just temperamental! - Sometimes it works fine, other times it keeps asking for my log-in details (despite the fact that I'm already logged in!), then refuses me access anyway \:\( (does it if I try to post on the forums sometimes too!) If it does that, it seems the only way I can then get it to work is log-out, close down my internet completely, then re-connect and log back in - it's just a pain and rather time consuming to keep doing that \:\( I have read that other people have suffered a similar thing, so I figured it was something here affecting it. I'm presuming you don't get this problem? Any ideas as to why I do and others don't?

hiedibear75Jul 25, 2008

MTS2 is %100 free.\:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 25, 2008

Uh well yeah she's a FA so she's for paid members. \:\( I did however see some animals on ModTheSims2 which is NOT a paid site. \;\) They're aren't quite as good as windkeeper's but you can still get horses and cows and possibly a couple others.......I can't remember what ones they had aside from the horses and cows.\:confused\: And........I can remember anything else. \:P If I remember anything else I'll type at ya later.\:P SIM ya around.\:\)

Elena.Jul 24, 2008

Hi midland! How are you? Just dropped by to congratulate you on your ministe! Keep up the great work! \:wub\:

sallyhailsJul 24, 2008

Hiya thanks for the tip on the web site, I have used it in the past and found it very usefull, thanks again\:D Sally\:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

Well if you get FT & BV I could make you a barn. \:P I found out that put together computer for your Sims to build is at Sims Wardrobe at least that's what the file I've got says.\;\) So try going to simswardrobe.com \;\) ;let me know if you find the site.....I'm reasonable sure it's a free site.\:D You can use windkeeper's barn parts (walls & doors) or you can make them with the gray or red walls that came with seasons they should be found under siding or paneling. I'm lower income......but I'm just lucky enough to have roomies & a mommy who like seeing me happily occupied and are kind enough to make sure I get them.\:wub\: I go on vacations and out to night clubs all the time......OK so it's actually a Sim.....but heck an expansion is about the cost of pizza. \:D SIM you soon. \:\)

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

Dosha is at 134 downloads as of 10:44PM (since we're in PST zone Wednesday 7-23). \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

For the overalls no link needed just look under men's outfits vs. separate top & bottom. \;\) You can use farming as a business......in fact I think "the Farmer's Wife" is the TSR challenge that has Emma McDonald open a home business and get to a rank 10 selling fruits, veggies, fish, & flowers......or you could also get some objects that look like fruit & veggies & add those so you only have to grow SOME of your merchandise. Go for it! Oh yeah you'd have to make your own but it's not that hard. I'd offer to make you one except you wouldn't be able to download it. \;\) \:P Look at it this way......with both you AND your wife playing Sims at least it wouldn't be JUST for you.\:D Oh & speaking of things you can't download cuz you don't have the expansions.....I'm planning on getting Apartment Life.......so you'd better get catchin' up. \:P \:D I'm not trying to be mean. \:\) Really.......but I know you guys were wanting her (duh even people who don't love HER want her) & I want you guys to be able to have her.......& it'll be even one more you'll have to get before you can have her. \:\( So what expansions and stuff packs are you guys still missing? \:confused\: Well SIM you around......just don't stay up so late you sleep in & forget your poor goats again. \:P LOL \:cool\:

shadow66Jul 24, 2008

Hi Midland! Just been having a browse around - as you do \:P - and came across your comment in Sally's GB regarding the 'objects' website - looks like it's just what I've been looking for! \:rah\: so Thank You very much! \:D \:D

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

Well they don't "go to work" , but I've made a Sim look like a farmer (wearing over-alls) and they have to grow crops for a living and I give them a barn full of critters.\;\)

maryashJul 24, 2008

i really love your creations\:wub\:

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