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midland_04's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jul 24, 2008

SimSlice has a computer that's "a fixer upper" what your Sim does is take different components of a computer and put them together to make a working computer. \;\) Do you guys have Seasons? If you do you can make a farmer Sim and windkeeper made some super cool farm animals......although she left the goats out......guess you'd have to ask her for some.\;\) Take care.\:wub\:

luvmy7Jul 23, 2008

Hi Midland. Congrats on the Mini-Site. \:rah\: I knew it wouldn't take you to long. Way to go \:rah\:. Keep up the awesome work and I'll see you in th TC. Sue \:rah\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 23, 2008

You ba-a-a-a-a-a-ad boy! \:P Your poor goats.....sleeping in. I've milked a cow before and been around goats & have tasted goat's cheese....but not milk. \;\) So do you have farmer Sims or would it be too much like real life(Q) \:D LOL (forgot to cut & paste \:P ) I do wish Maxis would have given us MORE markings for pets.......of course then again when do they ever give us enough choices. \:D See ya. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 23, 2008

That's funny I've noticed that I've been making a lot of British friends. \:wub\: Good thing that our countries are friends again. \:P LMAO Anything below 75 I'm freezing; I just don't have enough insulation or circulation. \:D When ever it rains around here I'm usually in so much pain that I usually get sick to my stomach. \:puke\: So it's a deal then........you keep your rain & I'll keep my heat. \:cool\: Well Dosha is YOUR dog after all.......I just made her into a Sim. \;\) Well I'll Sim you around. \:\)

hiedibear75Jul 23, 2008

I was born in Eugene. \:D I'm not really all that close though.....California is a pretty long state. \;\) LOL We left Oregon when I was a toddler......but I know it's rainy. \:P Rainy me no likey! \:mad\: I forgot what your disability was but I can tell you it may make the countryside pretty but you can keep the weather that makes it that way. \:P I've lived in a couple of states.......California is great to live in for a few reasons. \:rah\: I gotta make the rounds around TSR. \:cool\: Ya know I'm still getting quite a few comments on Dosha.\:wub\:

qvisnJul 23, 2008

Im glad you had a laugh, its good for you.\:P

twinkletoeJul 23, 2008

I do like the new banner better\:D I hope your brother and his family are going to be ok\:eek\:

Kamcia216Jul 22, 2008

Oh my god! Dosha is a girl!!! Sorry! \:\) So, she's a pretty girl. \:wub\:

Kamcia216Jul 22, 2008

Yeah, I really like signing your guestbook. I was looking on your photos, and you looks very cute with your dog! \:wub\: I love this photo. (Your dog is soo handsome guy - you too) \;\) See ya! \:\)

clare030182Jul 22, 2008

Thanks for your lovely comments on my Too Right Tiles sets \:D I hope you enjoy using them in your game!

Kamcia216Jul 22, 2008

Awww...Your minisite is fantastic! I was in Spain on vacations, and now I'm making new creations. I bookmarked You, of course \:D Hugs!

qvisnJul 22, 2008

minisite settings has 4 versions of lay out, play around with them and you will find one that gets rid of the big white space at the top of your page, its a bit of a nuisance but its worth it.\:D

qvisnJul 22, 2008

Wow, i didnt know you could do that,LOL Congrats on your mini site,it all comes together eventually.\:D

Ame-CJul 22, 2008

Hi Midland, congratulations on your mini site. Beautiful, I love the banner, is it from your surroundings?? Wow, you really worked hard, I am just not that into working on a mini site, as real life keeps me to busy. Well done. Talk soon again. Amelda. \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:D

twinkletoeJul 22, 2008

Twinks again I forgot to tell you I like your banner btw. Is it your view out your front or back window\;\) LOL Have you ever been through Gaston? That's were my hubby had his goat Mandy\;\) He'd get a goat now if we didn't live in town.\:D I'll bet you are super excited to get your minisite. I check in to TSR whenever I can. Sometimes its when the kids are eating or playing nicely(once in a blue moon)lol. Stopping in to TSR helps curb my desire to play sims when I don't have the time yet\;\) I'm off to go save tambriah from the doghouse\;\)

twinkletoeJul 22, 2008

I had to wait to do your poll till after 4:00 today.\:D Oh and I forgot to check off the first question and the answer would have been more tinkerbells... oops. I'm surprised that it took the other answers when I missed checking off the first one. Your minisite looks great \:D

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

I don't know if your logging out then back in again is what did it or not.......but they're there. \:\) I can see your featured items.\:cool\: Glad you're enjoying having a mini-site......welcome to the club. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

You'll see yours in the same way that any other artist's page is.....there will be a LARGE thumbnail with a click-able title or something like that that they (people visiting your page) can click and be taken right to your item.\;\) I have stories up right now......but it'll work the same, cuz I've had houses and\or pets up like that before. The whole thing is a learning experience.\:cool\: You're right that if you never practice you'll never get any better at it.\:D Just take a look at even some of the FA's & SA's......even their earlier stuff isn't quite as good as their later items.......we ALL get better when we practice.\:D Take care. \:\)

qvisnJul 22, 2008

How would you know i done your poll? Its 1am here in England, have a good day.\:P

hiedibear75Jul 22, 2008

You have to find the item as if you were wanting to download it yourself, once you find it you'll see a little blue "feature this", it's where you'd report a "bad object" if it were someone else's (you may know where I'm talking about \;\) ). Also you can go through the submissions area as if you were going to upload a new creation but rather than starting off at the start tab click the tab that shows your creations (it should be a # ......mine says 147\:cool\: ) find the items you want and then preview them; you can click them into "featured" that way.\:cool\: If you're still having trouble let me know.\:confused\: Oh & speaking of downloads.......Dosha has now downloaded 128+ times.\:rah\: Take care.\:\)

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