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midland_04's Guestbook

hiedibear75May 21, 2008

I have a decent video card in it. I may have been messing things up by trying to hold on to neighborhoods instead of just leting them go I kept trying to copy and reinstall them.......I'm now trying EA extra goodies to see if I can still run it. See I could run it no problem.....even with the cc. But when I'd shut down and try again it wouldn't load......which is why I was telling you I already knew about the caches. If it does turn out that there was just a problem with the old neighborhoods I'd made.......well I can start over again......especially if it means I get my custom content back again.\:cool\:

hiedibear75May 21, 2008

Well yeah a tower would make it easier to upgrade..........but there are times where I end up HAVING TO play in bed; I end up in so much pain during Winter that I'm often having to lay down for hrs & hrs and can only be up in my wheelchair for an hr or 2.\:\( Sucks but such is life.\:P So that's why I sue laptops instead.......they're portable and I can still play Sims even when I'm THAT owies. \;\) \:cool\: Thanks for the advice though.

Cerulean TalonMay 20, 2008

Hello, \:rah\: I am very flattered that you liked my work (hahaha more like play) enough to download it. Thank you for that fabulous words, they were really appreciated! Smiles & happy wishes, CT \:wub\:

thekewlestnerdMay 20, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my screenshot! \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 20, 2008

PS it isn't a defrag issue......I wish......that'd be oh so easy to fix.\:rolleyes: I was having trouble with my pc ever since I put in Free Time. \:mad\: I'm already aware of deleting groupcache and accessorycache and content registry out of the Sims 2 folder. I HAD been trying to hold on to old hoods and reinstall them when I reinstalled everything....but I'm going to try it again I'm going to NOT put them back in.....and see if that does it. I've got an ok processor and I've got 2G of RAM, and my roomie's laptop is the same make and almost the same model as mine......they're both Fujitsu Lifebook laptops. Well I don't work from computer but I'm still on it almost all day.......oh & night. \:ph34r\: Type at ya later.\:wub\:

hiedibear75May 20, 2008

By getting a TSR mini-site.......you purchase them for 20,000 kudos. \:cool\: But since you've done some creating you really should think about getting one.\;\) \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 20, 2008

I'm sorry......cc stands for custom content. \;\) \:P \:D I haven't been able to have it for quite some time with out my game crashing. I miss oh so many things.......like matching colors and sets for instance. \:\( I was going to start up my story sims Matt & Jenny again if I can get that all sorted out. Lots of people seemed to like them and through Matt people saw a side of Sims\people who use wheelchairs that they normally wouldn't see or think about.\:cool\: My job is sitting on my butt and to try and be as small a pain in the neck as possible. LOL So what do you do @ home(Q) (sorry question mark key fell off\:o \:P ) Take care.\:cool\: By the way....you need to join the mini-site club too.\:P \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 20, 2008

I'm still living in the dark ages of simdom.......no cc. \:\( But I know the Arizona set from Holy Simoly is usually a big hit with down loaders.\;\) I'm just now getting around to some of those older challenges; with all my pc probs thats been a low priority. \:wacko\: Thanks for stopping by & take care. \:wub\:

iron mumMay 19, 2008

Hi, thank you for commenting on my screenshot \:D I love your dog what a cutie and poses well, my black lab seems to be camera shy \:\)

LottieLorzMay 19, 2008

Hey! Thanks for commenting on my screenie "Getting Ready"! Have a really lovely day! xx Lora \:wub\:

LillyKPMay 19, 2008

Thanks for taking te time to comment on my screen shot

DevalynMay 19, 2008

Thnaks for commenting on my screenshot\:\) Have a great day!\:cool\:

Vanilla SimMay 17, 2008

Hi Midland, thanks so much for leaving me a comment on my "Tracy and Hercules" screen shot. He just wouldn't leave her alone. It was the funnest thing to happen in game. He just loved her. See ya in the TC. Hugs, Robin \:wub\:

veldmuisjuhMay 17, 2008

Thanx for your nice comment on my screen "First Kiss". Have a nice weekend.

Mausi45May 17, 2008

Hi and thanks for your nice comment on my screen \:rah\: Have a wonderful weekend \:wub\:

n8eulchenMay 17, 2008

Thx for your comment on my creations \:\) Have a nice day and happy simming \;\)

DirtdevillMay 16, 2008

Hi, midland!\:D Thank you very much for your sweet comment and your nice words on my SummerBreeze white tops. I appriciate it very much! Hope you'll have your own minisite soon! If you wish to, you could earn 25 lovely kudos by voting at the poll on my ministe. \;\) Have a Happy Simming & a wonderful weekend! Grtz, Dirtdevill\:D

Elena.May 16, 2008

Hi! Thank you very much for your feedback on my creations! It is appreciated. And thank you for signing my GB. I am really glad that you enjoyed my stuff! Have a great day!\:wub\:

Black_LadyMay 16, 2008

Hi! Thanks so much for your nice comment on my screen!\:D \;\) \:wub\:

TantraMay 16, 2008

No problem, I'll check them out tomorrow\:\) As for camisoles, you may use parts of those textures I posted, coz it's EA's textures, came with Kitchen & Bath Stuff Pack. So it's OK to reuse them if you wish\;\) Good luck with collecting points\:D\:rah\:

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