The Latest...
I'm currently working full time for Tucson Unified School District in their science department. We provide quality Science education with Standard Based Curriculum. Right now, we serve 57,000 K-8 students with curriculum and materials and refurbishes, pick up and deliver 5,500 Science kits per rotation to 117+ K-5 & 6-8 schools.
Due to budget cuts, we are working with a staff of 8, including myself, who are responsible for all aspects of what we do at the center. It is very labor intensive and takes up most of my time. My weekends are used for recovery, and I have not bothered to look at any sort of Sims related object since September.
I'm still married. We managed to work things out. I'm still having trust issues, which may end up breaking all that we've worked hard for in the past few months.
My kids have been attending a public school, and though our adjustment period was rough, they learned to enjoy the experience.
... that's basically all that's happened in my life for the past 6 months. I honestly don't know if I'll ever get back to The Sims, and that is regrettable...
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