
43Creations 280,351Downloads

mlpermalino2's Blog

Comeback Home

I have disappeared for quite some time, that's why I'm making sure that my next creation would be something somewhat big, complex and something that looks "wow".


Here's a preview of it:


It's on a 30x40 Lot, with complex architecture and lots of greenery.

It's not for some penniless Sim though.

I'm not yet finished with it. I'm working as fast as I can ^^



Yes, daddy's home, and his laptop is home as well. I can start building as well!!!


Well, 3 months of waiting and not playing the sims 3 is unbearable. T___T


Watch out for my new home! coming soon ^^



Gone, but not for good

Hello all!

I BADLY want to create and share sims 3 homes, but I can't!! T__T

I usually use my dad's laptop, but since  he went to work in another country for a while, i'm stuck with my slow laptop, and I only get to play the sims stories, which is laptop friendly, but is from the era of the sims 2.

I'm missing out on a lot. I'm not happy about that.

I will create and submit again as soon as dad gets home, I promise.

Just enjoy my homes that are already uploaded.




New Home

Hello guys! Hope you download my new house: Tesoro!


It would fit perfectly in a 20x20 lot. It's the smallest and most compact I've ever made!

Modern, Artsy, Luxurious and compact: Tesoro

Incoming Home



I already uploaded a house, it's just waiting for approval.


Anyway, here's a peek:


It's called "Pavement"



I only used Late night and the base game objects for the Lot.

Upload - almost there

Hey there.

I'm about to reach 7000 downloads @ 7 creations. Thanks to all!

Don't forget to download:




I'll be making a home soon. Help me reach 7000 to inspire me more to build a great home!

I'm Back! (again, for a while, because imma upload something)

hey there :D


Later, I'll be uploading Vallejo PLUS. It's similar with my previous upload, Vallejo, but it also has a big difference. I hope you would like it!

Want to submit so Bad

I have this nagging feeling inside of submitting something.

I hope I can submit one (lot) soon :D

I now Have SCHOOL

I have enjoyed my Summer with the Sims 3 and TSR, but, alas, I have to "leave" for I now have school.


I cannot promise to be active(online everyday). I cannot promise to upload homes every week either.

If I ever upload any, they might be unfurnished or partly furnished, since the laptop I will be holding on for the moment is my HP mini, where the sims 3 does run somewhat slow. I will try to make them magnificent, so that you may find it like somewhat "heaven" to furnish.

Screenshots might not be so excellent. I used to use my dad's laptop for playing (since it's faster). But now, I think I can't use it frequently.


I'm 15, I'm a builder, yet I have school, sorry if I won't get to fully furnish,


I'll do the best I can, I promise!




A Child/Teen's (My) TSR Progress

Okay. I'm below 18, so am I child? but I'm 15, so I'm a teen.

Nevertheless, I just like to share this:

I became a member at around January this year, so I was 15 when I joined the TSR community 


I never thought of submitting back then. I just downloaded some interesting houses. Though not much, since I only have the base game back then and it was rather RARE to find a nice base game home. Or as a matter of fact, it's hard to find ANY plain or gorgeous BASE GAME home at TSR. I began experementing, then I submitted a base game to satisfy other's needs, eventually.

At 15, with currently 5 creations ready for download (1st creation was published at 25th April 2012),  I am near the 4000th mark, and I am so happy that fellow TSR members like you download my creations, I have great feedback from fellow submitters and even from Feature and Select Artists, too.


First Creation: Villa Montevilla. This is my first creation and is still the creation that I have that has the highest downloads ever since I have submitted (1231 and counting). A lot of people like it because of it being base game and no CC. It's huge and I put in a lot of effort and time making that.


Next: Celeste Mansion. This is my Second Highest in downloads.(1069 and counting) It's modern and stylish with a unique design.


Followed by Modern Tavern (423 and counting) which has few CC, modern and very unique architecture. This was the first time I ever used CC.


A potential house with high downloads is the next: Vera (903 and counting). This is a modern home with a natural look. It has quickly grossed into that high number, as compared to my other houses,grossing to 500 in a week or less, since it is also base game, No CC


My latest creation is Ventura Lowrise (338 and counting). Made with late night and offers modernity and class. It has No CC.


Watch out for Vallejo! Out Tomorrow. It's decorated externally, and I made it for you to fill up with your own stuff!!


Thank YOU ALL! I Hope you download from me, and thanks fellow artists for inspiring me all the way!



Latest Headlines

Comeback Home I am BACK Gone, but not for good New Home Incoming Home Upload - almost there I'm Back! (again, for a while,... Want to submit so Bad I now Have SCHOOL A Child/Teen's (My) TSR Progress
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