munchkin_brat's Blog
Time Flies!
Wow how time has flew by! It's been a long time since I have visited. I am finally getting RL issues under control and look forward to creating again soon. I need to brush up on my skills first and find all the programs again and get all the new, I'm gonna be busy....better get started. Hope to see you all again soon.Almost Done!
Well I am almost finished with the semester. I will graduate in May and hope to be creating soon after. I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments left on my creations. I, unfortunately, don't have time to thank each and everyone of you like you deserve. I hope to be back soon.Rachel
Thank You
I have been away for awhile with real life stuff and stopped by today to see what was new and found that I had 152 new comments! Wow! There is no way I can thank each and every one who left me a comment so I thought I would give one big THANKS to all who took the time to leave me a note. I am thrilled to know that my creations have generated some interest.Rachel
Off to the races
Well, today was the first day back to nursing school and MAN what a day! I will have a new class every 5 weeks plus a preceptor program that requires 112 hours of working with an RN. I already have 3 papers and 4 chapters to read in a week! Luckly this is my last term. Come May I will be eligble to take my boards and be a real nurse. With all that said I will not be around the site a lot. However, I will submit if and when I have time. I will be checking PM's and comments as often as possible so please keep 'em coming but don't get angry if I don't answer right away. Good luck in all your endevors.Rachel
Completed Lava Lamp Set
I have completed the Lava Lamp Set. It has a new mesh and 13 recolors. I will upload it soon.
Lava Lamps Project
I have been collaborating with Frogger1617 to replicate one of her Sims 1 objects to Sims 2. It has taken a few weeks to accomplish but we have managed to come up with something that is pretty darn close. Take a look at the finished project. Recolors will be coming soon.
So Little Time
Hello all! I have had so little time to create lately. I have been busy with studying. It is almost time for finals and real life stuff has seemed to take over. I have some things in my "waiting for upload" folder but have not had time to get them submitted. Hopefully, I can find some time later this week.Rachel
Snow Globes
Hello all! Today has been such a gorgeous day I just wanted to stop by and say hey! I am a big fan of snow globes. I used to get one for my son for Christmas every year but he is 21 now and beyond that stage (Now he just wants money). I thought that it would be a nice idea to make them for our sims and simmers who love them. They are just decorative but I think they are cute anyways.
Search Button?
Well it has been 3 days now and still no search function for my site. I was told it would take a couple of days for it to be available. But I am beginning to wonder. I put in a support question and they have 72 hours to answer (per online support). In the mean time you can search my things from the main downloads page by searching for my name. I know that is a pain in the behind but that is all I can offer at the moment until things get situated. I will keep you all informed as to the solution to this irritating problem.Rachel