natz3788's Blog
i am currently working my way through each house in my game and re-vamping them and uploading onto tsr. i have already done 2 but it is slow moving as i don't have much spare time at the moment. bear with me and new houses will be uploaded as soon as i get chance xx
new houses
i am currently working on some new houses having researched some floorplans. hopefully should have first one uploaded in a couple of days, have the general layout done, just got to finish it with decoration. i will be uploading an unfurnished and furnished version of the house so that people can put what they want in it without having to delete furniture etc. will keep everyone informed of progress.
the house has been accepted!!! YAY!!! three creations available from myself for download tomorrow, two sims and a HOUSE!!! hope everyone likes them!!!
change of plan lol
decided to finish the house and upload it properly now. lol. it is pending at the moment with the two sims i put on earlier. fingers crossed 2 time lucky and it will go through this time. it isn't much, but i am proud of it. hope everyone thinks on almost the same lines as me ... :s lol.
house has been put on hold for now, it got rejected because my pictures were not compatible, so will sort them out once i have done some adjustments to the whole house, had some new ideas. lol. uploading another two sims today hopefully they should go through and will be available for download soon, will keep everyone informed.
going to stick with uploading my sim characters for now but hopefully will start to upload and create houses in the near future.
ps may everyones new year be full and happy
2 new creations up for approval
the house is finished and quicker than i thought, hoping it goes through.
also, i have uploaded another sim. hopefully this one will be successful as well.
getting used to uploading now
merry christmas
2 approved!!!
another creation publishing tomorrow!! love it!! lol!!! house may take a while. trying to get it just right. got the colour schemes done. just got to add the furnishing. hopefully it will be done before christmas.
thanks to everyone who have downloaded my 1st sim so far and in the future. its great to see that people appreciate the work i have done even though there is no custom content of my own as yet.
hope everyone has a very merry christmas and a very happy new year
my first upload has been accepted!!!! yay!!! due for publish on the 21st!!!! yay!!! got another sim loaded on today!! hopefully that one will go on too!!! i've got such a buzz now!!! lol. gona go and create some more. might try a house now ... see what i can do :D
natz xxx
1st submission
uploaded my 1st sim today. :D !!! very excited. lol. it's still pending but i am really hoping it gets published :s lol. nervous now ... what if it does? lol