![Sims 4 — INSPIRE Kitchen Butcherblock Counter Island by k-omu2 — This thick butcherblock island will look great anywhere,](/scaled/2720/w-600h-450-2720813.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 4
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This thick butcherblock island will look great anywhere, and it's got extra storage underneath! Comes in four swatches - dark wood top+metal legs, dark wood top+copper legs, light wood top+metal legs and light wood top+copper legs.
Please see notes.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1341029
ItemID: 1341029
Revision: 3 (updated Dec 15, 2017)
This countertop is higher than the standard and all slots are raised. Sims will place items on it without issues, and will eat and interact just like they do with lower counters. However the animation is still based on the lower countertop, so things like hands WILL go through the top when a sim is performing an action on this counter. For example - A sim is chopping tomatoes. The cutting board sits nicely on top of the countertop, but the sim's hand/knife will go through it due to the animation being the way it is. When eating sims will place their plates/bowl at the correct height. Sinks will NOT work on this counter.
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Uploaded on TSR only
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