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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
Oak Alley
Lot Size: 40x30
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 5
Price: $372,655
Built in Willow Creek on the Cypress Terrance lot.
This build was designed to replicate The Oak Alley Plantation Mansion located in Vacherie, St. James Parish, Louisiana, USA. With gorgeous southern oak trees, a beautiful 19th century colonial mansion, and lots of hidden gems, this lot is ready to be part of your sim world. It comes with not only a wine cellar, but also a modern twist with laundry. I hope y'all enjoy.
* Don't claim as your own
* Don't reupload
Cheats Used:
* bb.moveobjects
* bb.showhiddenobjects
* bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1480441
ItemID: 1480441
Filesize: 235 KB
Expansion Packs I have:
- Base Game
- Get Famous
- Seasons
- Cats and Dogs
- City Living
- Get Together
- Get to Work
- Island Living
- Discover University
- Jungle Adventure
- Dine Out
- Spa Day
- Vampire
- Outdoor Retreat
- Parenthood
- Realm of Magic
- Strangerville
- Moschino Stuff
- My First Pet Stuff
- Laundry Day Stuff
- Vintage Glamour Stuff
- Backyard Stuff
Kids Room Stuff
- Romantic Garden
- Movie Hangout Stuff
- Spooky Stuff
- Cool Kitchen Stuff
- Perfect Patio Stuff
Holiday Celebration Stuff
Notes from the creator: I love architecture, and love the details in old world buildings and homes. I hope you have fun with this home.
Credits: Louisiana, USA
- Value: 372655
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 6
- Bathrooms: 5
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: No CC used
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