
285Creations 2,342,527Downloads

oldmember_EveRelm's Guestbook

lndn36Dec 15, 2002

Yes, I'm yet another EveRelm groupie...\:\) but what can I say, you do make the best ever skins! And thanks for always including your beautiful heads...(that sounds weird, but you know what I mean)

oldmember_MierAnineDec 12, 2002

hi, my name is Mier Anine and I am a big fan of your skins. I was wondering if I could comission you to do a couple of skins for me. I am specifically looking for some "tomboyish" women. Still feminine enough, but short haired and well-dressed, you know? If you are interested please let me know. My email address is MierAnine@aol.com thank you so much! Miera

SweetCaliforniaDec 11, 2002

Your skins are da bomb!!! I always check out TSR to see if there are any new updates by you!!! You Go, Girl!!! *smile

feltz1Dec 11, 2002

What can I say? Your skins are unreal!! All your effort is very much appreciated. I'm sure thousands like me just live for your skins! you have a great talent and very special gift. Many thanks.

oldmember_StApLeSDec 10, 2002

Congrats on being selected for the TSR artists group!!!! Hope well see more of your great work.

sandsDec 9, 2002

Eve! Welcome to TSR! We are so proud to have you on board as a featured artist! I love your work!

RaveenaDec 9, 2002

Welcome to TSR Eve. I'm so glad you could join us. BTW, I love your name. It sounds like it should be the name of a dramatic movie.

cyber_moonDec 3, 2002

Your skins are awesome --- thanks for sharing them with us! Emily

filmisart23Nov 30, 2002

You have wonderful skins, I can't name many creators off the top of my head. I have told friends that play to check out your skins, and they all agree that they you are an excellent creator. Thanks you

oldmember_sunflowercb99Nov 24, 2002

You are cool please help me to clone objects because you are cool and i know you like to help people like me!!!!!!!!!

ShinjiNov 23, 2002

Just thought I'd compliment you on your skins. They are some of the best I have found.

oldmember_moondustNov 21, 2002

Eve, your skins are really beautiful. Keep up the great work!

oldmember_stevestrumsNov 10, 2002

Had to tell you that your work is just inspiring. I've already gone from using MS ART to 'copy' from skin to skin to starting to use bodywarp now. Also you're a babe.

CaranwingNov 6, 2002

wow! beautiful skins! I've got about 13 of your skins in my basket right now! Keep up the beautiful work, I love the heads as much as the bodies, and that's rare!

oldmember_DragYnNov 6, 2002

Just wanted to let you know that 99% of the skins I get off TSR are yours. Excellent detail - obviously alot of hard work. Thanks!

oldmember_charming_princeOct 26, 2002

Hey EvE, your a very talented woman, your skin creations are very beautiful,but theyre not as beautiful as you \:\) LOL havefun

oldruleOct 22, 2002

Thanks you! you have a great eye for design. OldRule

natewalkerOct 22, 2002

great skins i wish u luck keeping them coming thank u icsred

oldmember_primeevil3000Oct 21, 2002

Bieng a fellow artist I can truly appreciate the beauty in your work. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to bring my own comic book character into The Sims. Thank You. By far the best skins out there!

oldmember_wolflordOct 20, 2002

well again more great skins. Keep 'em coming\:\)

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