Keeping Downloads in Place?
Hello....I am new to this whole situation. I am a Grandma who loves Sims 2. Making families and building/decorating houses are my favorite things to do. I am, however, new to downloading. I try to find solutions to problems on my own, but there are two things....well, maybe three things I can't figure out. First of all is there a book in print like "Sims A to Z for Dummies"? I sure could use it.
1. I have downloaded a couple of collections and used them once. But, when I go back another day to use them again...the folders are empty. Must be something I am missing.
2. I have some pillows and a blanket to place on the bed...but, can't get them on the bet.
3. While browsing for items to download, I have noticed some people are able to place items on an angle. Like a chair doesn't have to be square, but on an angle in a corner. How is that done?
Think I will have to do some internet browsing for that book....I feel so stupid. The fact that I live in a rural area where high-speed internet service is not available...doesn't make downloading very easy. In fact it is downright slow. I don't know if anyone reads these blogs, but, I sure could use some help.