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Created for: The Sims 3
THE EA Morris Wide Curtain is a Pretty Important Item for this lot .so you might consider Investing in it....
To see MoRe Screenshots of Ghosts on this lot please see my Residential Version by going to my page ..and ..if you are Brave and enjoy being frightened,,you might like to download the Residential holds even more spooky surprises..come see what they are..if you dare....
This Community lot is a Home Business..Residence..and Cemetery...
Sims may enter the Catocombs thru a secret door located within the House..
Legend has it that the two souls buried here Lynnette and her son Fredrick were great voodoo practicioners..the legend goes on to say that Lynette's son Fredrick became a zombie when he was only 14 years of one knows for sure..
what is certain..Fredrick drown in the river behind the cemetery..and his mother Lynnette later died in a horrid fire..
both of these ghosts have been spotted by curious daring sims and some cowardly timid sims as well..
the Grim Reaper has also been known to make an appearance every now and again on this spooky lot....
in essence..this Community lot is Very Haunted with 3 consistently active or more is likely to appear the first night your sim visits or sleeps on this lot...
i play this Community lot with a homeless order to get her in game..she first purchased a very cheap piece of empty land next to the lot..she spends all her days and nights living here..reading palms..telling fortunes and holding seances in order to earn enough money to truth ..she mooches a lot..
This home business Community lot..has a full bedroom with dresser..a full bath..a kitchen with refrigerator..3 grills outside with picnic for a garden to grow food..and a cozy parlour..perfect for setting the mood to unsuspecting innocent victims desperate to know what their futures hold...
if you want the Grim Reaper Ghost to appear on this lot you Must Download Moschino_K's Grim reaper..this is the link...
About the Grim Reaper Ghost: this Ghost Will Appear on your lot! He is a shy Ghost and may not appear for many patient..
Short URL:
ItemID: 929836
Filesize: 3 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.
THE EA Morris Wide Curtain is a Pretty Important Item for this lot .so you might consider to get it
Credits: Lisa9999, Moschino_K, Mensure, RICCI2882, Shakeshaft
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size (z): 30
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