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Created for: The Sims 3
VeRy IMporTaNT..for your lot to look like the one in the photos..you Must download Old Wood 2 AND Wood 2 - Horizontal by AnoeskaB...otherwise it will not look like the photos..there is no lnk to the woods on this page..
Also..You must Manually find..Simaddict99 LadyBug Pattern and Cruinne Elephant Bookends Pattern...because those links are not showing up on this page either...
to download Ground Grass by Modern_Sims, Green Grass by Carpediem, and Green Dots by MsKitty please click on links above...But Most Important are the two AnoeskaB Wood Patterns!!
i built this house in honor of Koko the talking Gorilla..i have been fascinated with her for over 20 years..she is able to understand the English language..she speaks to others by sign language..she is a painter..she uses the computer..she watches tv..her favorite show is Mr Rogers..and before he passed away..she was a guest on his show..
her gorilla friend Michael went with her to the show..Michael also knew sign language..he is now passed on..Michael told Mr Rogers..Koko thinks you are The Man..Michael was a little jealous..Koko had a wonderful time meeting Mr Rogers..two decades ago Koko had a book published with photographs of her and her kitten..it is called Kokos Kitten..
this is the first of two houses i have built in honor of Koko and her ability to show mankind ..that gorillas are able to speak and communicate with humans thru words and language..i find her amazing!! this house is what i think Koko would enjoy playing with if she played Sims...to learn more about Koko..go to
or simply google Koko Gorilla..in Google Images you can see her talking..reading ..writing..playing keyboards..painting....and also see her with her kitten :)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/913200
ItemID: 913200
Filesize: 3 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

Lot Needs Old Wood2 AND Wood2 Horizontal by AnoeskaB
Credits: AnoeskaB, Carpediem, Cruinne, Modern_Sims, MsKitty, Simaddict99
- Price Unfurnished: 31066
- Price Furnished: 54473
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 2
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size (z): 30
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.