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paramiti's Guestbook

LonelyPinkSockDec 13, 2009

Just me... again! \:\) Thank you so, so, so much for helping me figure out how to upload some of my Sims! You did a great job explaining the steps and I understand it completely, so now I can hopefully get started right away! The thing is, I love my computer, I am in fact a huge freak for it, and I always hate when I can't figure out how to do something on it. You have helped me so very much! Oh, where would I be without you? \:wub\: Again, millions and millions of thanks for your help, and have a great day!! *Hug* \:D

LonelyPinkSockDec 13, 2009

Hi there!! \:wub\: Just dropping in (at this ungodly hour *yawn*--just returned from a two-day trip to Montreal, and I am tired!  \:\) \;\) to say that you are very, very welcome about the dragon picture! I just love all your paintings... especially appreciate the Christmas-themed ones. I just lo-ove this time of year, and I'm certainly getting in the Christmas spirit... just get rid of the snow and it's perfect! \:\) Also! I don't suppose you could help me figure out how to upload some of the Sims I create? (I'm a bit of an airhead when it comes to using a computer! \:o  \:P ) Thanks again, and have a wonderful weekend! \:D

caridinaDec 12, 2009

Hello! I just realised I have missed all your fantastic paintings \:wub\:They are absolutley stunning \:rah\:Hope you get a nice weekend! //Sonja Caridina

MinimissDec 11, 2009

Thanks I'll try :P

mensureDec 10, 2009

Hi Paramiti,\:wub\: I know, I didn't write very long time. I'm sorry. Days are going very intense. I love your all works. Lots are wonderful as usual and pictures are also beautiful. I am waiting your great works. Big hugs... Mel!\:wub\:

MinimissDec 9, 2009

Para... Now I can make paintings and the whole workshop is working.. but in the game they only appear as a black square.. so you can see the frame, but the painting itself doesn't show. It does so in the downloadmanager. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?? Tnx!

CyclonesueDec 7, 2009

To be honest, rather than creations stating "requires patch x.y.z", it is more likely that we'd advise people that downloads will always requires the latest patch.  There will be a zillion patches (you know what EA is like) and keeping up with different numbers will be impossible, so it is easier just to advise people to keep their games up to date.  I understand why you don't want to do this yet, so, until you are able to update, DON'T DOWNLOAD UPDATES!  For example: today, I have updated my Colonial Windows because they weren't showing properly in neighbourhood view.  These will now require the patch too.  Happy Simming in the meantime \:D \:wub\: \:wub\: Sue

djehmliDec 7, 2009

Love those dragon fantasy paintings paramiti, great job!

dltn43Dec 7, 2009

Hello Para,  Just wanted to stop by and see how your doing and to tell you that I love your Blacklight Paintings.  I hope that all is well with you!  Take care Para!    \:\)   \:wub\:   Diana

MinimissDec 7, 2009

Hi! Yes, I solved it.. just by reinstalling.. *doh* but I'm quite sure I had the latest version.... but it's still a computer, so things are strange \;\)

FreemousseDec 6, 2009

Hello my sweet friend \:wub\:Thank you so much for all your nice comments on my paintings "June Leeloo" and "LostFish".I'm so happy you like them \:wub\: You're so kind and more with me \:wub\: Merci d'exister et d'être telle que tu es \:wub\:

CyclonesueDec 6, 2009

Hello - me again! \:wub\:  That's right.  Everything I'm making now needs the patch.  Same with other creators who have patched their games.  We've tested and found that custom content made on a PC with the patch will only show in the games of players who also have the patch.  So yes, all my stuff (and some updates to windows I'll be uploading) will unfortunately only work with the patch.  \:wub\: Sue

eviDec 6, 2009

Hi paramiti! I am so glad that you liked the reciepe\:\) I feel that you and your family/fiernds enjoyed eating them!. I have used your paintings in my christmas kids fun park and they are gorgeous. If you go to the upcoming items of mine you will see a pic with them. See you around love!\:\)

JCIssetteDec 6, 2009

Good morning and my weekend is going great. Thanks for asking. Wow! Your island sounds wonderful. I would enjoy living in such a place, too. It sounds so unique. I know you will have a Merry Christmas there. I will look forward to any new angels or paintings you do. I love anything "old world" looking. Have a great Sunday. Many hugs, Judy\:wub\:

CyclonesueDec 6, 2009

Hello Paramiti! \:wub\: Long time, no hear!  Hope all is well.  \:D  On downloads, I have a spot of bad news for you, I'm afraid: no future download will work without the patch now  - and that includes all new store items (it won't break your game - but it simply won't show).  WA will not install either until you have installed the patch.  The patch is fine provided you remove all your package downloads first.  For safety, take a full backup of Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 3 (this will copy all your Sims, neighbourhoods and lots so you won't lose your game if it ultimately does go wrong), remove all your packages from the 'Mods' folder, and then you're safe to install the patch.  Package-format downloads are not compatible and so patches cannot update them, and this is always going to be a problem with this format.  Personally, I'd get rid of all but the most essential.  I deleted all mine. \:wub\: Sue

stori_64Dec 6, 2009

Hey  hon, just got your msg's...thanks and sorry I'm late. I left a pvt one for ya here xx Chat soon...Myst~

JCIssetteDec 5, 2009

Hey there, just want to drop in and say good morning. You are so welcome about the Santa pic. I found another one when I went to your site. I just love angels...hint. \:D  I used to collect them, but ran out of spots. LOL Playing the Sims1? Wow! I never played that game, but I have heard people still love it. I am so in love with Sims3, I can even go back to Sims2. I tried to build a house one day, and it was just too boring. Well, have fun. Don't be a stranger. Big hug, Judy\:wub\:

fredbrennyDec 4, 2009

I will keep you updated! Have not re-installed yet. Playing an old sim family in Sunset Valley and send them to China once... no problems... Saved as with different names, in Sunset AND in China. They came home safe. I am sending one family member to Egypt now. Doing the same safe as... ( I probably will have 5 or 6 different games now to choose from when i start up again... That's what I fear most ... to stop and later start up again. But it is Trial and error now. I completely got rid of the Mods and resource.cfg. Did NOTHING at all in the game. No re- decorating NO re-building NO cellars,and no pools... I only hace the sims3 packs installed as it is. I will report to you what I found out. Thanks for being there too! I find it wonderful to see other die hard simmers are having these issues and trying to do something about it. The sorry thing is that I'm a computer freak and lots and lots of fans aren't and just want to play their game. I fgeel sorry for them. You know... I don't mind (once I get over it) to re-install and start from scratch.... but wouldn't that mean it has to do with installed CC and not the game (or patch) itself? I keep trying and help out if I can! Hugs, Fred

francienDec 3, 2009

Dear dear Paramiti what would I be without your fabulous fantastic and enthousiastic comments, I have no word to describe how I feel when reading them!!\:o I can tell you they are so encouraging when I'm in a dip I gone read them back and get my spirit back \:wub\: I see that you are in the middle of making the most awesome paintings! incredible how fast you are..I come back later on to download some of them. Take care and thank you again for coming by! \:wub\:xx

frisbudDec 3, 2009

I am so glad you are enjoying the Sims1 conversions. They are actually quite fun to do. I am slowly but surely making my way through all of the houses/families. I will also be converting as many of the Downtown, Old Town, Vacation, Studio Town, and Magic Town lots as I can. \:\)

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