phoenix_phaerie (445301)
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Manor House Collection: Gourmet...
Published Jun 21, 2009
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About Me
My name is Crystal. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, but I live in the Dallas area because I'm in school.
I've been in school for exactly 1278 years, 11 months, 23 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes and....28 seconds...29 seconds...30 seconds...first chasing a fashion design degree, and now pursuing a degree in fashion merchandising.
My love of The Sims started in 2002 and have been hooked ever since. I love creating objects for the game, even though school doesn't leave me with much extra time =/
Please be sure to check out my blog. I regularly update it with news, both vital and inane.
My Latest Updates Show All
Taking A BreakWritten Aug 15, 2009
This will be very disappointing for some, but for the next year I am taking a break from creating. The end of this month marks the beginning of my final year in university and I need to focus on that. Of course, this will be horrible, terrible news for the people still waiting on the remainder of my Manor House Collection sets and those recolors of the MH Kitchen I promised. My... ...More
Two new sets!Written Jun 20, 2009
Two new sets will be available for download tomorrow. Part 2 of the MH Kitchen as well as a small pack of countertop recolors. I'm currently working hard on the next full set release in the MH Collection. I'd like to get at least two full sets done this summer. In the mean time, I will also be releasing full kitchen recolors over the course of the summer. I already have three completed and I... ...More
The Great Disappearing Phoenix Phaerie!Written May 24, 2009
I vanished off the face of the planet for a while there. As usual, the reason for my extended absence was school. Usually the moment mid-term hits, my free time shrinks. This semester was no exception. Also, I am entering my final year of school. As a consequence, I am less and less concerned with maintaining an online presence. That doesn't mean that I'm going to stop my simmy activities!... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
JayTheBuilderDec 21, 2022
Can we still have the rest of the Manor Build set (if you still have it) LOL. Always loved your content and still think about this set when I play the sims 2. Hope all is well.
joseph.n.flowersMar 05, 2021
BlueIsNewSep 25, 2016
Are you active in the Sim community anymore?