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power_fantastic's Guestbook

MelanaAug 25, 2009

Awww. You're so lovely. Thanks so much for the comment you left for my 'Swamp Witch' lot. I really appreciate it.

BrandonTRAug 24, 2009

Thanks For Nice Comments \:\)

IllianaAug 23, 2009

ROFL! Just saw your comment on the Simsai Lot too, Power! Goodness, you've been busy lately. \:D Thank you so much for the compliments on it! You know, you could head over to the TS3 build forum and share pictures of your library there! Or...better yet...just go ahead and upload it! No reason people should only have a few choices in libraries. \;\) Maybe they will like yours better than mine! It's worth a shot at least. \:wub\: I say go for it! \:D \:rah\: Love and hugs - Illiana

IllianaAug 23, 2009

Thanks for the sweet comment on the Landower lot, Power! \:D Glad you liked it! (Yeah...the bathroom turned out pretty cool, so I'm really happy you mentioned it! \:wub\: ) As for YouTube...nope. You really wouldn't want to watch me build anyway. \:P Sometimes I agonize over the dumbest things! Do you know it took me a total of 3 hours just to choose the rug pattern/border (and shades for each of them) for the boys room in this home? \:confused\: I don't think YouTube would put up with THAT sort of tedium. LOL! It was sweet of you to say, though! I see you've started uploading TS3 lots! YAY!!!! Great modern look! I like your use of different textures and colors on the exterior! Well done! Happy building to you...and remember, a builder is never happy until someone is living in their home! \:D Love and hugs - Illiana

IllianaAug 21, 2009

Humble? Me? \:confused\: Sheesh! I have an ego the size of Mt. Everest...really, just ask me! \:P Seriously though, I cannot thank you enough for not only the sweet guestbook message, but for the amazing comments you left on the Granite Falls and Cajun Moon lots! Wow! What a variety of lots you enjoy...and that makes me REALLY happy! LOL! Creating trashy lots in TS3 is a lot more fun, IMHO! You really should give it a go! I had a BLAST making that lot, and I tested it far longer than I should have because it was fun to play. LOL! (Hence the fully stocked pond and garden...those were fun to build up!) As for references, what I like to do is look at pictures of all different kinds of homes and then take my favorite parts from one and combine it with others, or with what I see in my imagination. So while I am often inspired by pictures, most of what I build is actually just what I see in my minds eye. \;\) Real life homes just aren't "simmized", and building takes so much time that redesigning a pre-made floor plan for sims is just not practical...nor is it unique. \:P Gotta be unique, you know. ROFL! Ok...talked your eyeballs off. \:D Thanks again for the kind comments, Power! Have a great time buliding those trashy lots! Hehehe! Love and hugs - Illiana

GosikAug 21, 2009

Hi \:\) Thank you very much for your nice comment! I'm very glad you're enjoying my work! I appreciate it! \:\)

IllianaAug 19, 2009

I just read your sweet guestbook message Power! \:wub\: I consider it an amazing honor to be your favorite builder, and cannot thank you enough for that kind compliment and the sweet comments about my lots! \:o Wow! That just made my entire day!!!! \:D \:D \:D You really are the best...you know that? (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

IllianaAug 19, 2009

Hiya Power! Aw...you really liked the Risho Drive-in and Driftwood lots! \:D See why you are in my favorite people book? \:wub\: Seriously...thank you so much for the sweet comments! I do love hearing from you! \:\) Love and hugs - Illiana

Vanilla SimJul 24, 2009

Me again, I just realized I said Truck Stop...I meant Bus stop. I guess I had trucks on the brain. \:\) Thank you again. Take care!! ~Robin

Vanilla SimJul 24, 2009

Hi \:\) thank you so much for the very nice comment on my Trucks and Things pattern. I truly appreciate the feedback. I also would like to say I love your TS2 lots. The Truck stop and news stand is awesome. Great job!! ~Robin

IllianaJul 10, 2009

Ok...that's it! You are officially in my favorite people book. \:D \:wub\: Please forgive this ungrateful ol' bat for taking so blasted long to thank you for the amazing comment you left on the Silver Stone lot! \:o All I can say is "Real Life". Yup. That pretty much sums it up. LOL! Anyhoo, I am just tickled that you liked the lot, and am completely floored by your comment on my interior decorating abilities. \:wub\: What a generous, sweet, and altogether awesome thing to say! Thanks again, Power! Love and hugs - Illiana

libertyJul 6, 2009

Hi Thank you for your comment on my Submission. I appriciate it

IllianaApr 27, 2009

Oh...my...goodness! \:confused\: \:o I cannot BELIEVE all the wonderful comments you have graced me with this past couple of days! \:wub\: Thank you SO much!!!! LOL! I am just thrilled that you seemed to like so many of my lots, and that you would take the time to leave a special message for me on each one. \:D What a generous, kind, sweet thing to do! Thank you, Power! Coming from an accomplished builder like yourself, it sure meant a lot to me! (((Hugs!))) - Illiana

peachfuzz1966Apr 11, 2009

Thank you for sharing.  You can tell how much time you had put into making your creations, with the detail alone must have been time consuming.  Your work is fantastic.

clairepitts1994Jan 5, 2009

Yeah it makes total sense\:P Top Gear!! It's a english show, about cars, that i'm into atm, and the english presenters are coming down to australia to do a live show in Sydney\;\) have an awsum day adios xox

clairepitts1994Dec 30, 2008

Hey I'm glad you liked it\:D hehe another aussie!!!\:D OH! I really REALLY like your petite coffee house I am downloading it as we...no as I sp- type lol \:P what part of australia are you from?? you don't celebrate christmas?? Is that a religious thing?....just wondering, my family doesn't either

IllianaDec 26, 2008

Hi Power! Thanks for the holiday wishes! You asked how to turn the comments on for your creations? Well, I can help you there. \;\) See the tabs at the top of the page? Click on ACCOUNT, and then click on PREFERENCES. If you scroll down a little, there will be a section titled "ENABLE ITEM FEEDBACK". Just change those to YES, and then click on CHANGE. You'll be all set to hear what people think of your lovely creations. Good luck to you, and I sure hope I helped. \:\) - Illiana

Little_SvenDec 26, 2008

I LOVE your Mumbo Jumbo Playland! It's amazing and no CC, wow! \:rah\:

samcactus101Dec 26, 2008

hey even if you don't celebrate x-mas, i wish you all the best for 2009!\:rah\:\:D

charrayDec 23, 2008

Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations \:rah\: Well done \:\) Happy Holidays \:\) \:\)

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