pretty_baby (135456)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1881 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Random Japan Style
Published Dec 12, 2008
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About Me
Here is my website but now im on hiatus. I am too lazy and unmotivated to make fashions let alone play the game. So its completely taken off. bye
My Latest Updates Show All
My Brand Sparkling New WebsiteWritten Jan 09, 2009
Heya Simmers. I have a shiney new website which I all want you to come visit me:D You should come visit me sometime And OF course check out Shock-Shame. Vivian (my super lovely host) Has awesome clothes and you should have a peep Stop By. Grab some new stuff. Of course I will still be uploading here :) Bye for now... ...More
New Graphics *updated*Written Oct 28, 2008
Hello...Well its just a random little word from me..which I will probably delete. I just wanted to say I got a new graphics card...a Geforce9600. and another gig of ram....I swear I just had a sims playing session and I have never ever EVER had the game run so smoothly. Its insane. Even when it rains it doesnt slow it down...and when I am on lots I can see the neighbouring lots. I know alot... ...More
Wowowea!!Written May 24, 2008
How very exciting!!!!!! Everyone has been so lovely and supportive and friendly and im just sooo over the moon!!!! It sounds corny but i am really so proud to be appart of a great group of creators:) Thanks for all your lovely words and comments!! you are all so lovely..too many of !!!!! of those exclamation..just means im EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! :D thanks guys!!!! yipeepepepep ...More
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KatVerseCCMay 06, 2020
Thank you SO much for your kind comment!!
jes sale Aug 25, 2015
cool stuff!
JoaniesButterflyJun 14, 2012
Love all your creations!!