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sallyhails's Guestbook

ValgridaApr 24, 2008

\:\) It's been really nice cahtting!!\:\) For some reason the new photos I mentioned to you aren't there yet, though I've updated my site twice! Maybe the pictures will be visible some day!\:P - Yes, husbands are not that comfortable with sims! I've said that I love to empty my mind by bulding lots and I also like to have at least SOME control over things in my sims world! Not that my sims wouldn't do what ever they feel like there, too...\:P \:rolleyes: \:D Have fun spending money!!! Tiina\:\)

cariadbachApr 24, 2008

\:\) It will be good to see your picture when you put it up\:P I have already got a picture of you in my mind , it will be interesting to see if I am right\:\) Dragoness has invited me over to her page to read your latest instalment, so that is where I am off to now\:P Nearly Friday, where will you start, don't forget to go to bed though. Hope the day is good to you\:D

ValgridaApr 24, 2008

\:\) Thanks for the compliments! My daughter will be 18 next Saturday and we are planning a party for her. I just found a beautiful necklace to her: It's a silver & crystal heart locket and inside there's another small pink crystal heart and I wrote to her that she'll always be in my heart!! Her picture was taken last May when she was in Rome with her classmates. She got very ill last autumn, it was quite serious and for several months I didn't know what will happen. But now she is ok. - It would be great to have you living next door, we could have endless sims-conversations!!! I actually changed the pictures because the Cora's picture was a bit old. She's already 6 years, a mother of 4 puppies but still acting like a puppie herself!\:D

ValgridaApr 24, 2008

\:D I know, they can be horrible liars, especially about food!!! There's a picture of Cora on my site (about me) if you want to see her!\:\) She has such a hard time spending her days on velvet sofa among the satin cushions.... Poor doggie...\:\( \;\) \:P

ValgridaApr 24, 2008

\:\) Sounds great! I bet you love to meet your sims again!!! And Cora is a real Diva! She knows exactly how to manipulate all of us! I remember the first time she saw my husband 3 years ago:"At last a real leader to this family!", she thought, "Actually this must be my long lost biological father!!". And ever since she's been behaving as if they had a special bond between the two of them!!!\:D

ValgridaApr 24, 2008

\:\) Hi Sally! Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! It's so great that you read it!!\:wub\: I will try to get some photos as soon as it starts to look good, but it's still a bit of a mess! I thought about you last weekend: My doggie Cora had an accident because there was one stair missing during one day while we fixed it, and she didn't notice that but fell to the concrete floor. She got up, was quite dizzy and then fell down again suddenly because her feet couldn't hold her up! We got so frightened and I thought about you and Sam. But in a few minutes (after being on my bed all of us around her) she got up, and when my husband's daughter gave her some cheese, Cora got up as if there'd never been a poblem and that was it!! I guess it was just so confusing and hurt a bit that she got a bit dizzy. After all it was not a long fall. But on the other hanb she's a small dog (Norwich terrier). - I hope you'll get you kitchen & bathroom Stuff Pack soon, I haven't had any time to check the contents yet!! But I guess I will today!!! Take care Sally!! \:wub\: \:\) \:\) Tiina

twinkletoeApr 24, 2008

Thats ok\:D My laptop got unplugged in my cleaning frenzy today and it is not charging very well so I may not be on TSR for very long. So I hope you have a good sleep in and you are feeling well this morning\:puke\: I told Shirley earlier today about my busy day you'll have to go nose around and read it I'm afraid my computer is going to go into hibernation as it already has twice so I'm typing fast. If I end up missing you I'll still chat at you tomarrow. Are you looking forward to your simming day?\:wub\: Michelle

DragonessGirlApr 23, 2008

Anything you can tell me about Oman, no matter how tiny it seems to you, I want to hear. Stuff like how do the buses run? Or are there trams, or what sort of public trnasport do they have, if any? How do people que? Really tiny, insignificant things that tell you such a lot about a culture. You're right I can't wait for hte laptop, but I know I have to, because I've got schoolwork to finish. \:\( Lots to do, last chance to do it. Then I'm finished. Exciting, but I'll miss my school. But they're moving location anyway, so well... YOu can also tell me about FT when you've installed it. I am a sponge for information about almost anything! //Dragoness

Gumby_GirlApr 23, 2008

Hi Sally, I am sure you'll do a great job when you build it \:\) It is hard to believe that landscape can become a green oasis seeing how dry it is, but I have seen some parts of Australia change in monsoon times but they didn't look that dry. It looks like a nice beach there, is it sand or shells? Oh and your neighbour, very tall. I hope he doesn't spit \:P \;\) Hope you're having a nice day \:\)Louise

DragonessGirlApr 23, 2008

Heh, you must have posted as I was composing my e-mail. Landscape looks stunning, you'll have to post some pictures of it when it's a green oasis. Haven't resolved my probs, but I'm holding out until I get a laptop this summer. Then I'll get FT as well. I don't think my game can handle it right now. But I'm really looking forward to it. I like the EPs that change gameplay at home the best, like Seasons. I don't like having to go someplace special, I want everything to happen at home. //Dragoness

DragonessGirlApr 23, 2008

Thank you for your increadibly long and meaty post! \:rah\: \:rah\: Muchly appreciated. Wow, so much info! I bet you're itching to get down to playing, huh? Won't be long now. Thanks for the great info. Schools, wow that's harsh. 3 months and if you dn't pass, no second chances. Here in Sweden we get something like 4 or five chances for free and then you can pay for as many new chances you need to pass. ANd I can't imagine not seeing my husband before the wedding night, and especially not getting to take part of my own wedding. But the women must have some form of special celebrations while the men are at the mosque. And 4 wives. It's very different than here, that's for certain. What other holidays do they have, apart from Ramadan? //Dragoness

twinkletoeApr 23, 2008

That's great that you are almost done\:rah\: I've been looking forward to hearing how your first day of simming goes. So even if I'm not around let me know anyway. I'll look forward to hearing about it. Also when you get a picture in of yourself I'll put the ones back up of my family. You first\;\) \:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeApr 23, 2008

Well we have a couple of days before we leave. But I wanted to let you know because I would miss or chats too. I try not to miss them. I find myself waiting to hear from you and looking forward to it. The lake house has no tv or internet although I'm sure the lodge does if I get desperate. But I know I'll miss coming on here. So your Friday would be my Thursday is that right?

twinkletoeApr 23, 2008

Good Morning to you\:D Mike got the Monty Phyton movie to watch. It's on now. I wanted to stop in and say hello. After the movie we will head off to bed as we are both tired. So I just wanted to stop in. Do you ever get on TSR towards nightime for you? What all did you do yesterday? Is your weekend thurs. and friday? I'll be gone this Friday the 25 and Sat the 26. My birthdday is the 26 and we are going to a friends lake house for the weekend.\:wub\: Twinks

cariadbachApr 22, 2008

\:\) What a strong willed person you must be not playing on your Sims\:P Do you feel more at home now with all your personal belongings about\:\) I liked your little story about how you met Martin. Its like that saying , treat them mean , keep them keen\:P Another dry sunny day here in Wales so must make the most of it and get back in the garden. You can tell I am getting older , a few years ago I would have spent all day out there , now days a couple of hours and I start to ache \:P Oh well whats the rush , the weeds will still be there tomorrow . Enjoy your day, see you\:\)

DragonessGirlApr 22, 2008

Hello! It's been a while since I heard from you! Are you okay? Has your computer arrived, so you've been too busy playing the sims? \;\)How's socialising going? Made any headway with the locals yet, so you can grill them? What sort of holidays do they celebrate in Oman? Like public holidays, Ramadan etc? I think those are all the questions for now. \:P //Dragoness

twinkletoeApr 22, 2008

Well I suppose I should go. I need to get the kids school clothes ready. Plus I need to iron some more quilt blocks. There were a few kids who need to finish theirs tomarrow (or today for you). I hope you have a productive day today.\:wub\: Twinks

twinkletoeApr 22, 2008

Hmm.. I like all kinds of movies too. Beaches always makes me cry and think of my best friend who lives far away. I was at the house that they filmed part of Interview with a Vampire. The house is called Oak Alley and it is cool. Every since I had kids I can't watch too many horror flicks (they give me bad dreams) I don't know why. It's the funniest thing. I think I worry about bad things happening. My all time oldie favorites are Gone With the Wind and The Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music. I met Ray Bolger who played the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz when I was a kid. I was smitten with the movie then.

twinkletoeApr 22, 2008

That's funny the energy quote\:D Katie just turned 7 and Mikey just turned 5. They say funny stuff all the time. Not to mention the things I hear from the kids at school. I'll have to try and remember to tell you when they come up. Shirley had a couple of funnies to share not that long ago. You'll have to ask her about them.

twinkletoeApr 22, 2008

Oh I forgot to ask you the question too. Mike asked me to ask you guys if the British think Monty Python is funny? He thinks Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the funniest movie. I've never seen it. I guess I'll have to watch it sometime. What are some of your favorite movies? Oops maybe you don't want to think about that yet because you don't have your DVD's yet.

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