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sallyhails's Guestbook

qvisnDec 11, 2007

No i hav'nt heard who im secret santa for, i hope its someone i know .\:D I already have my pressy ready for someone, we are being matched by game packs so i know it will be OK. The only time i had a baby get out the crib was a plant baby. they never get tired and wont go to bed ever.\:P

ValgridaDec 11, 2007

\:\) Hi Sally! Thank you so much, she is actually much better now!! It was so nice of you to think of her!\:wub\: \:\) I've just come back from a 2 week combined holiday-work trip in Florence. There was a Biennale and I had my paintings there. I'm trying to get back to the normal daily routine and of course checking this site is number one on my list!!! Take care, Sally! \:\) \:wub\: Tiina

pretty_babyDec 11, 2007

Hello again\:\) thanks for leaving me another nice comment on my creation\:\)loves it\:D happy simming!!

qvisnDec 11, 2007

I put a fish down so the penguin could eat it on his way off the lot, then the other one teleported in and grabbed the fish, it was very funny to watch, i thought there might be a fight.\:D

qvisnDec 11, 2007

Hi Sally, thanks for your nice comment on my spell pic, i wish we all had one.\:D

sesameDec 10, 2007

Hi there! me again just wanted to thank you for some more fabulous comments on the Metric lamp and a few of the Subtleties items. If it wasn't for you they wouldn't exist. I am so happy that you inspired me to start recoloring and it is a huge compliment that you like my items \:wub\: Hope you have a peaceful day!!\:D \:D Hugs, sesame

rythmgitrDec 10, 2007

So you're a British hybrid and I'm an exotic hybrid? Almost sounds like we're talking about cars. lol. \:D -Sheyza

rythmgitrDec 10, 2007

Thank you. \:D I'm going to try this one more time *coughs*. Since I see that you're husband is in the military, I also have some relatives in the military. My cousin is in the Army, in Iraq right now. My dad is a Vietnam veteran. He was a Marine. My brother Eddie also served in the Navy for awhile. I know some of my dad's brothers were also in the service, but I'm not sure who, seeing as how he's got a whopping 11 siblings \:eek\: . You know his parents obviously had nothing better to do. Ha. One of my really distant ancestors was a Nazi... \:\( . Not exactly the best branch... heh. My heritage is German / Austrian, so my family is from there. When my parents did our family tree search and whatnot, that's when they found out a few of our relatives were Nazi. I was like wtf??? \:mad\: Then on my mom's side, my grandma is almost entirely Indian (as in Cherokee). Point is, I'm a werido. And I think this is long enough now. \;\) -Sheyza

rythmgitrDec 9, 2007

Wow do you have some long entries in here. \:confused\: Maybe I should make this one long too? \:wacko\: Well, I can try and stretch it out as long as I can, though all I really had to say was thank you for commenting my army tee for adult males. You've made some really nice furnature recolors on here. I like your avatar and banner too. Ok, well that's as long as I can make it, I'm out of things to say now. \;\) -Sheyza

hiedibear75Dec 9, 2007

Well I guess any tank tops and shorts you might have will have to be set aside for when you return.LOL \:P I'm glad you're excited & not anxious. All but one of my cousins is in the military and my female cousins all married service men.......I know how the re-assignment thing goes.\;\) Say it just occurred to me........good thing relations between our countries is "tip top" \;\) again.\:P I don't know about British armed forces but US armed forces their mail even had to meet certain standards........(and there was a laundry list of what was unacceptable). On our news we hear reports of civilian contractors being taken prisoner or just executed............I'm relieved that you feel you'll be "safe" where you'll be staying. I'm thinking that there isn't exactly what one would call drastic differences between military training (and therefor mentality.....not in an offensive way) of US and British troops.......that kind of gives me a bit of insight as to why your hubby doesn't like to talk about your accident. If it isn't something they can fight like an enemy or do something to change it they deal with it the only way the military teaches them.........."suck it up, try to forget about it, and carry on soldier". My cousins just kinda refrain from mentioning me to any friends or people they know..........they're nice to me.......they just can't deal with the new me(they'd rather pretend I was MIA than just wounded \:P LOL).

MinnieMinPinDec 8, 2007

Thank you so much for you care and concern. I have had a very bad week! I will miss my Minnie very much! I have 3 kids, 2 cats and my man. Minnie has been my constant companion for several years. \:\( I wasn't ready to let her go. Today is better than yesterday though and they say time heals. MMP

hiedibear75Dec 8, 2007

If a person is disabled whether from birth, illness, or accident; they fall into 3 categories(#1 be pissed off at the entire world as if somehow that will help their situation any #2 wallow in their own self pity and misery #3 learn to get on with life in spite of);personally I think I'll stick with door #3.\;\) \:cool\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 8, 2007

I can one up you on the oddasity of some people.\:mad\: \:P I went with the family out to an all you can eat, self serve restaurant; there was someone in a big bee costume to entertain the kiddies. Well as we were going around the counters of food filling my plate they walked up to me and tied a big bright yellow balloon to the push handles of my wheelchair!\:eek\: I know I'm short......but I didn't think I looked like a child.........apparently I must.\;\) :P

hiedibear75Dec 8, 2007

Hey I was going to suggest making that red plaid set I see on your front page into an Arizona recolor......or maybe that maxis set that originally comes in green, blue, orange, and beige. They're what I use most often.\:wub\: \:cool\:

sesameDec 8, 2007

Hey there doll!! I just read your blog MOVING??? to the middle east?? talk about climate change. Well all I can say is that until you get your computer set up a lot of fans will be waiting in anticipation of your next creation hmmmm I'm thinking Laptop\;\). I just love the Annie sofa recolors and thank you for your recent lovely comments on the lamp and sofa. Hope you have a beautiful day!!\:D \:D

qvisnDec 7, 2007

Hahaha! naked snow woman, you make me laugh. Thank you.\:P

qvisnDec 7, 2007

Thanks for reading and commenting on my Gingerbread house story.\:D

hiedibear75Dec 7, 2007

I think if the US had a health care system like that of many European countries things would be a lot better. The web site I go to a lot was started by a Brit, but there are lots of people from all around the world; and the topic of health care comes up often.......go fig a bunch of para and quadriplegics feeling the need to discuss health care.\;\) \:P Any way the thing that we keep finding when we discuss things like equipment for example your governmant actually sees A QUALITY OF LIFE as being VALID and IMPORTANT.........our health care system rarely takes into account the quality of a person's life. On the SCI(spinal cord injury) site the people like me who were lucky enough to have some residual ability are not forced to stay in bed or in a nearby chair because that ability is only 50-100ft(don't know what it would be in meters\:o ). Sometimes when a person injures their spinal cord they may be able to walk for VERY SHORT distances with crutches and in the US an insurance can tell you that you're SOL and that they will not buy your wheelchairs even though without one you're trapped in your bedroom area. Because I can "walk with forearm crutches from my bed to my bathroom" I then according to them "don't need a wheelchair" never mind that my Dr.s have said I need one and that I'm "house bound" it didn't matter.\:mad\: When the Dr.s stated that there are in fact more times than not that I am "unable to do this" the insurance's answer was to buy me a bedside commode and my caregivers could just sponge bathe me. Apparently those who have similar abilities to mine would NEVER be told this.......they get their wheelchairs paid for and even a standing frame if they are unable to stand for 30min at time. It's almost enough to make a person want to defect.LOL (IT'S ONLY A JOKE \:cool\: no need to get any federal panties in a bunch \;\) \:cool\: ) I can have forearm crutches bought for me.......but what we can buy for cash is so much better that we don't even bother( OMG lightweight crutches \:wub\: ). They will buy a walker with wheels and a seat...but I can't walk enough to make it worth it collects dust and looks more like a coat rack behind the door. It's funny how the "good stuff" is "too much" for an insurance company......but it isn't for my Mom and roomies(unlike the insurance company they value my quality of life)\:wub\:. Of course there are other people who are from countries like Africa, India, Vietnam, just to name a few.........those SCI members have a hard time even getting a cushion at all.\:eek\: When I see some of their posts it really humbles me.\:\( I have a Rolls Royce of wheelchairs compared to some of what other people have to use. It may have had to be purchased out of pocket but I have a 23lb. custom made wheelchair, and my cushion is made of pockets of air so that my butt is nice and cushioned and it even allows for better airflow to help with ventilating my skin.\:rah\: On the complete other side are those poor folks in "3rd world countries".\:\( 50lb wheelchairs that are what we'd call "a hospital clunker" and often sit on nothing more than a standard kitchen chair cushion or what you'd sleep on.\:eek\: \:\( Those stories make me so thankful that my Mom, Mike and Karen(Karen & Mike R my roomies & Mike takes care of me) would NEVER ALLOW me to be stuck with such equipment. Ooooops sorry I started with the differences with our health care systems and wound up on a soapbox......\:o Gotta love those ADA +(UK equivalent) rules........they put ramps on everything........even soapboxes.\;\) \:P \:cool\: Well we're keeping the TSR screeners busy.\;\) LOL I'll just go ahead and quite while I'm ahead.\;\) See ya later.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 6, 2007

(nothing I have seen just a funny T-shirt saying I had thought up) People said "look for the silver lining" so I did......trouble was all I found was tinfoil.\;\) \:P \:cool\: \:wub\: I don't actually think that......the opposite actually, but I do have a twisted sense of humor and I just think it'd be funny.\:P \:wub\: There are a couple shirts from that site \:wub\: I have to have \:wub\: #1Well aren't you special.......walkin around on two legs all homoerectus #2 Jesus Loves you(apparently I pissed him off)#3 special needs princess.......cute, adorable, and Hell on wheels #4 Wheelie sexy...........I don't call it having a large wish list I look at it as having a bunch of options all of which I'd be happy with. \;\) \:rah\: \:cool\: Come on Christmas.\;\) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 6, 2007

Oh I don't know.......if you think people look at you funny; try telling them you floated over your body, saw and talked with your dead father, saw the inside of a van while it sped down the freeway......all while you tried making a huge male nurse look like a rodeo cowboy trying to keep you from shaking yourself off of a gurney........this kind of thing make most folks want to look up the number of the local public mental health services.\;\) \:P I went through a major depression afterwards too.......only going to a counselor didn't help me. As far as I was concerned unless somebody had been through something like what I had..........they were "talking out of their butt" and I didn't think someone could help me just because they had read some books on the subject. My Mom is the most awesome Mom in the world; (she is an OT occupational therapist by profession, and did and till does a lot of work with the city to try and change policies and educate law enforcement)she found people who were willing to talk with me about what life being disabled was like and how I could learn to deal with it.\:rah\: \:wub\: I tried to go to college and become a psychologist and specialize in rehabilitative therapy........unfortunately my back just won't\can't take it. As much as I want to do it......I must admit that that is a job where your missing a day of work is way more than just some paperwork to catch up........those people really need you, and unless I'm able to keep that kind of commitment it wouldn't have been fair to clients to have spotty attendance. I do the next best thing though.......I belong to a website that is specifically for people with spinal cord injuries and we all sort of help mentor each other and give the newbies helpful tips and advise. Another member here on TSR told me about a site called "" it's a UK site actually, themistress666 is the one who told me about it. It's a wide range of disabilities one of those "everything from to" deals.\;\) \:cool\: I think that may be something up your alley if you haven't heard of it already. Wow!\:eek\: I just took a look at how long this post was......ooopsie.\:o Well I'll just stop right now before I make TSR crash with this incredibly long novella. \:P \:wub\: Sim ya around.\:wub\: As you Brits would say "mate".\;\) \:cool\: \:wub\:

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