Making houses overshadowing life!
Oh dear, I think I've caught the bug of making residential lots.
The last few days I've made 3-4 homes a day, taking on average only 2 hours to build and completely furnish them. I've set so many pre-content stuff that I can now furnish pretty quickly so that's really good. I just seem to have become addicted to making them for the moment, and just can't stop myself! I find myself sitting at work pondering my next building project and neglecting my duties for my own business, not good! Perhaps I'll set a 3 house limit for myself today. I already made one this morning, but I have to go get ready for work now so I can't make another until later today.
Oh well, I guess I'll just draw up the next one until I have time to build it, haha!
Also one more thing, I'm so glad so many people like the look of my lots, hundreds of downloads so far, makes me feel good :)
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