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Created for: The Sims 3
Christi is a weird one, she's neurotic and over-emotional, so she'll freak out because of little things. But she's also fiddly about keeping her surroundings neat and tidy. On the positive side, this also means the little things intrigue her and bring joy. She's also a genious! She loves to read and improve her knowledge or fix something. She loves family and when it comes to throwing a party, she knows how to have a good time, so she loves to have people over, or to be invited by others!
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ItemID: 896694
Filesize: 615 KB
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- Favorite Music: 4
- Favorite Food: 19
- Favorite Color: 0xffd6252b
- Traits : b82d0015b9294520, b82d0015b92944b0, b82d0015b92942c0, b82d0015b9294310, b82d0015b9294550
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