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Created for: The Sims 3
Grace is an all time beauty, the old fashioned bob is back and it's hot! Grace is a snob sim, but looking at her, doesn't she deserve to feel better than everyone else? She's also a great kisser, neat, a technophobe and friendly. Her lifetime wish is to be super popular, let's hope she doesn't act like too much of a snob and scares people off!
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ItemID: 900593
Filesize: 1 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.
Please do not re-upload, feedback appreciated!
Credits: Stockings by Lianaa (TSR), hair by and chamise recolour by tahmoh of
- Favorite Music: 7
- Favorite Food: 16
- Favorite Color: 0xffb0b5b9
- Traits : 04c800171bd46a40, 04c800171bd469d0, b82d0015b92944a0, b82d0015b92945f0, 8bfc001b620c6f70
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.