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Created for: The Sims 3
Watch out! Jimmy is quite the hot head and could snap at you for the smallest thing. He does have his good sides though, don't worry. He loves the outdoors, is a great kisser and is very athletic. His lifetime wish is to be a heartbreaker, but look at him, that is going to happen regardless, right? He's also a party animal, so early nights and a book before bedtime is really not this guy's cup of tea!
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ItemID: 897959
Filesize: 719 KB
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- Favorite Music: 7
- Favorite Food: 24
- Favorite Color: 0xffffffff
- Traits : 04c800171bd46a40, 04c800171bd46aa0, b82d0015b9294550, b82d0015b92943d0, b82d0015b9294180
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