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Created for: The Sims 3
Lukas is the son of a farmer, born in a small village in Sweden he learned to grow crops when he was a little boy. He didn't want to stay on the farm with his parents, so he moved away, to find a life of his own. His traits are green thumb, neat, unflirty, insane and a natural cook. His lifetime wish is to become the culinary librarian and learn every recipe in existance. He should make a very caring and hard working husband for some lucky sim. Perhaps my Swedish girl Annika?
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ItemID: 904961
Filesize: 876 KB
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Credits: Skin by peggy, hair by bosie (GoS)
- Favorite Music: 2
- Favorite Food: 23
- Favorite Color: 0xff0ee6de
- Traits : b82d0015b9294630, b82d0015b92943f0, b82d0015b92944a0, b82d0015b9294490, b82d0015b9294350
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