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sanhammy2's Guestbook

yukimimaruAug 9, 2014

doesn't matter \;\) TS3 is a bit weird sometimes T_T Once I had to wait a whole day before something got posted, so xD

yukimimaruAug 8, 2014

Ehm what I think about Reiner, Bertl and Annie. I really pity them T_T I also don't think they wanted to pull the trigger for so many deaths D: And ermahgerd, why must so many awesome characters die?? waaai? T_T Oh and a friend of mine is a huge fan from those three \;\)

moonlightgirl13Aug 8, 2014

oh XD!really,you wrote that at 4 am? XD!by the way,my names Lina \:\) wich part of the desert...well i use to live in Dubai but most of the time i was away from the big city just driveing around the open desert and enjoyin the heat \:\) yea,writing storys is fun \:\) but i am alway so shy to post storys XD!i am scared what people will say XD!i kinda didnt like the first story i made so i delte it so now i will be making a new one the name will stay the same the desert theme will be the same but the characters and storyline will change alot! \:\) but Shadow will still be there XD!i am also a fan of magical storys \:\) and i love harry potter XD!oh,why didnt i go to Higwarts hahahaha XD!i am almsot done with the story just need to edit all the screenshots and wait until tsr will allow me to post it XD! oh,i am glad your little sister likes Shadow \:\) hes my favorite male sim \:\) but i dont think many people fangirl over him couse hes kinda...strange somstimes plus hes a supernatural sims XD! oh,your a awesome friends too! \:\) oh,where out of coffee XD!need to buy some couse i cant live without it XD!i see,so alot of admission tests huh? \:o i am homeshooled so i dont have much tests but i feel i gotta study more XD!couse i just feel taht i play sims more then i study XD!its bad and i need to change that \:\)

yukimimaruAug 8, 2014

chapter 50 was sad indeed T^T Bertholdt was crying.. poor Bertl... And ehm, I'm working on a story atm with a character included that looks a lot like levi xD I tried to make it looked like the sim from Kewai Dou.. srsly, her work is soo amazing @w@. Why don't you also start stories? They're very fun to make :3 I must say you are very kind person hammy chan ^^ But I have to ask you one important question. What do you think of levi? \:\)

moonlightgirl13Aug 8, 2014

hi! \:Dhow are you? \:D sorry for my late reply,i just woke up XD!gotta have my coffee and sleep again XD! walking bare-foot on the warm sand...the best feeling ever O______O!!!i love when the hot sand kinda burns my feet XD! yea,i was lucky to live in a desert \:\) But i been removed from the hottests place ever to the coldest place ever XD!Russia XD!i like it here but its cold here and snows all year round XD!but i still remmember the good old days where the hot desert sand use to burn my feet \:\) yea,read storys too sometimes \:\) i mostly just read storys of my friends that post them here but i am so lazy to make storys sometimes XD!but looking at all that storys i wanted to make my own \:\) oh,a jinn desires...well,i am still working on the 1 chapter,the text and fully done but the screenshots still need work XD!but i am so happy to post it soon \:\) with all this desert world and a theme of 1001 arabian nights the story wont get that popular i think,but my friends said that they will read it anyway XD!i am in love with the desert and i will make everything in desert theme XD! i have 2 Al Simharas \:\) 1 is the one our sims can travel to and the number 2 is Al Simhara as a base world wich you can just lode and live in \:\) this 2 worlds are very diffrent couse the base world Al Simhara is a bit more smaller \:\) really? \:D your sister saw it from my pc and she nearly fell for the male sim i portrayed? \:D wow,this made me so happy! \:D now i want to post the story as fast as i can !\:D say thank you to your little sister from me! \:D i was kinda shy to post a story at first couse it looked so diffrent from all the other storys XD!its not a love story or a drama its not a horror story and its not even a comedy XD!i tag it as a magic-fantasy XD! oh,i love talking to you too! \:D your such a amazing friend! \:D and thank you so much for your nice comments on my screenshots!\:\)oh,and i like long messages! XD!

moonlightgirl13Aug 8, 2014

oh,and i make little mistakes while writing XD!i hope you dont mind! XD!i just write to fast that i dont see what i am writing!\:\)

yukimimaruAug 8, 2014

Herrroo Sanhammy ^^ I felt very glad reading your message that we have so much in common and I've also made the snk characters in sims! heheh... and ehm, yeah I'm alsofollowing the manga of snk, ergh. latest chapters.. so many cliffhangers included T_T. Waiting for chapter 60 tho \;\) It should be out somehwere these days. ergh, can't wait >_< Anyway, keep up your good work. Ganbatte ne \;\) and ur again, ur mikasa is lovely ^^ I guess I'm writing too much xD Srry for long post. ^^' heheh..

moonlightgirl13Aug 7, 2014

i feel so left out sometimes...i mean,everyone has all this cool sims and my little desert sims just dont fit in anywhere XD!i love my sims the way they are but,i just feel so left out sometimes XD!

moonlightgirl13Aug 7, 2014

oh,the coffee part XD!i drink coffee all day long XD!but coffee makes me very sleepy XD!

moonlightgirl13Aug 7, 2014

hahaha XD!your right! \:\) I am also sometimes lay to comment XD!but i like to comment screenshots and storys \:\) i sont really read alot of storys here,mostly just screenshots \:\) and you? \:\) yea \:\) people think the desert is just sand and sand only XD! the desert is not just sand and sand and sand and sand XD!and oh,do i know it XD!i use to live there \:\) so i can tell that the desert is not just sand and just barren wastelands \:\) its beautiful palm trees \:\) its hot sand \:\) its neverending desert hills,its hot days and magical nights \:\) the desert at night...there is nothing more beautiful \:\) i just...i cant describe this with words! \:\) its amazing \:\) oh,yea i use Al Simhara world \:\) its kinda beautiful \:\) there many pretty places there but they are so little and there hideing in the corners of the world XD!

moonlightgirl13Aug 7, 2014

oh,your screenshots where so beautiful that i just had to comment on them!\:\) there very pretty \:\) its sad that people dont really comment much \:\( i wonder why? \:\( maybe couse my screenshots are not that good looking sometimes but i like ot get comments \:\) oh,you also like anime,cats, animals, nature, sims and coffee? \:D that nice \:\) i like tea too but i am too used of drinking coffee everyday XD!if i dont drink coffee in the morning i will never wae up XD!

moonlightgirl13Aug 7, 2014

hello! \:D thank you so much for your nice comment on my screenshots! \:D i love the desert with all my heart and soul its so magical and so beautiful \:\) so i take alot of screenshots of it! \:\) but i dont post them much on tsr couse i dont really get any comments on them \:\( but today i was feeling like i didnt post anything here in a long time!so i posted alot of desert screenshots and gonna post a story,also with desert screenshots XD!anyway,thank you so much for your nice comment! \:D and by the way,your screenshots are very beautiful \:\)

PaogaeAug 7, 2014

Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I'm really glad you like my sim Lisa! \:\) Have a great day! Bye!

Christina51Aug 6, 2014

Thank you for your comment on my Misty Morning screenshots. You know, I almost added "Don't you wish you could wake up here?" to the description. Anyway, that is what I had in mind when I was building this house. Have a great day! Tina

camarossz28Aug 5, 2014

Hello \:\) Thank you very much for your kind and lovely comment. Have a great day! \:wub\:

daniluvsims22Aug 5, 2014

Good Morning! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot! Hope you have a great day! \:\)

miiih500Aug 4, 2014

Thank you for your comment on my screenshot! The world is downloaded, it is Sunlite Tides in the photo! \:\)

NisukiAug 4, 2014

OH (´・` )♡ thank you so much for all your comments on my creations and screenshots hehe. THIS COMMENT MADE ME LAIGH.. I don't know why. "And race with the pace of the story of Ace! XDD" His name rhymes with a lot. woah. LOL..

NisukiAug 4, 2014

Let me hug you !!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ♥ AARHH, you know, I keep changing the story the whole time and I'm not sure about Hexelia's grand entrace anymore xD I'm thinking of all kind of different things and the ending of Endless must have certain things, to make sequels happen. (I have two sequels in mind at the moment) But ARGH.. But I think I know what I'm going to do.. but I've no idea how many chapters Endless will have, because when I writed several chapters, they end up toooo long. and such. so.. who knows. eh.. XD /// I'm so glad you like the dress huhahehe, it makes m happy to hear that you've downloaded it =D Mwuaha \:wub\: I actually have a bikini and another summer dress lying down here in my folders, but I haven't finished them yet, ha xD. I'm currently working on another dress ^-^ HAUHA. THANKS. I HOPE YOU'LL treat Hayden good =D If he's being a badboy, tell me~ XD Someone asked me to create a male sim on TSR and ta-da, Hayden was born =D I've been getting a few messages that they want more males, haa... o_o but they are my males! LOL. I get so easily attached to sims, I didn't want to let go off Hayden at first .. XD Yes, your sim is amazing, I fell in love with her, right when I saw her face *Q* I think a male sim in my game will be a very lucky guy, hihihi. Aw, it's oke ha, you can always take screenshots, but only hearing that you love my creations and download them makes me smile already \;\) LOL. I'm a nocturnal at times, ha XD but usually my mom comes around 2am knocking me into bed, ha. I'm so sorry for my late updates XD I've been slacking of a bit, but now I'm totally confused on what I should be putting in it =3= but I guess it will be fine, hehe ^-^ Messages can't always be long, ha XD LOL, taking care of yourself... in a way.. lmao XD As long as you're not doing badthingies you'll be fine yes \:wub\: Aw! I hope you're having a good time and had a nice weekend =D Have another fantastic week ^-^ Suki desu~( ˘ ³˘)♥ Many tight huggies! ~ ♡

Bby-LAug 3, 2014're welcome ^^ And about my story update..sorry about the delay XD Hehehe.. \:o I'll update it soon..

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