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sanhammy2's Guestbook

lillkaMay 28, 2014

Hello! \:\) Thank you so much for the lovely comments. I'm glad you like my work. Have a wonderful day! \:\)\:wub\:

Simma4evaMay 27, 2014

Omg after seeing snow princess i looked at your other screenshots Gorgeous !!!!!\:wub\:

NisukiMay 26, 2014

Hello lovely ♥ You're welcome like always. Not much? That doesn't matter at all. It's seems big when you look at the interior =D I love it.. It's perfect.. *smirks..* Not compatible with the pets patch? rigfix...? LOL. I've never seen these errors or problems before haha. But I hope you can find the solution for it! You can always ask someone on the forums here, or google it. \:\) Yes, it will approximately be 3-4 chapters.. Not sure though.. perhaps it will turn out to 6 chapters or more. haha. Depends on what I feel like to share. But there's definitely going to be a sequel, which you actually don't need to read Endless at all.. xD! But it has to do something with the characters in Endless ^-^ Hehehe ♥ I'm really happy to see you love it =D Pfff I'm sure you can write nice stories, your comments are always nice to read, and your writing/english seems super fine, so, why not give it a try ^^!? Sketcher =0 You draw? So do I. haha ♥ But not much anymore nowadays. I'm not yet at my best, today I had itchy eyes and my nose was like, *SNORTSNORTSOB* Looool.. I've no idea why.. but now it's gone too. 2 more to go! That's going quickly! Hahaha digital pixel embrace, sounds funny \:D and cute you say? Hehehe (‘▽^人) Long messages are always nice to read! There are some more here on the site, which are really nice to talk to, but I know that most of them have moved to Tumblr or something like that. :c and some, dunno, they just disappeared D= I'm.. actually, a bit sad. My last save of the story, seems to be corrupted again. Probably bcus of some mods I had installed.. but I couldn't fix it. So I need to re-do a lot of things.. (I actually tweaked some sims a bit, a tiny tiny bit..) Saul, Lucy, Darcy etc.. and.. I lost Rave, Mana and Maeve D= I hadn't saved them. *Sadface* Oh well, it's alright, because it gave me some new ideas for the story ^^ many many virtual hugs to you. (๑′ᴗ‵๑) Lᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ♥

daniluvsims22May 25, 2014

Good Morning! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot! I captured it in a world called Sunlit Tides. You can buy it at the Sims Store on the Sims 3 website. It's a very beautiful world! If you are curious about it, check out some of my screenshots. I have more shots of Sunlit Tides on my page! Hope you have a great day!!! \:D

NisukiMay 24, 2014

Hello sweetheart! Glad to hear that. Wah, luckily you've been able to do that. ♥~(‘▽^人) You should definitely, definitely upload more. So, I'm happy to hear that. Hahaha, you know, I've actually made up an end, and I ACTUALLY might end the story within 3-4 chapters. Not sure yet though, just an estimated amount. My fingers and mind, are literally longing to write the other stories.. *whispers; especially the sequel of Endless..* Aw, thank you so much sweetheart! Ye, I hadn't been feeling well, but I'm doing much better now \:\) I'm currently busy with chapter 12, and I've a lot of fun writing it! Your exams are way more stressful! But you're right. Time flies! Just 3 more to go! Damn doesn't sound as much, but keep doing your best. I'm sure you do ^-^ I SAW ANOTHER HOUSE. I think. of yours! (Just a sec ago) going to check it out haha. It looks cute! and yes, superhugs for you! May my digital pixels embrace you. That sounds strange? Lol! Much love ( ˘ ³˘)♥

LavoieriMay 23, 2014

Thank you! Your comment means a lot, happy that you like it, a big hug ♥

chemyMay 23, 2014

Hi San! I absolutely love the comment you left on Vitric've totally made my day and even my week!!! Thank you soooo much!!! \:D ((hugs))

priscillamitMay 21, 2014

Sorry for the late reply.. Ah! Amy.. you've never fail to impress me hehe \:P 10 times eh? god, i was re-reading that all stories and i was ashamed of my writing styles in there, i was like 'no words' to put in there. LOL LOL LOL .. and yes! i think you should write.. since you're so busy with some stuff i guess i have to wait. but as i said i recommend you to write one :3 ♥ Ps : thankyou for the comment in game \:P do hope mr dead and ms stranger will get along so well, since the game will begin by the next chapter.. i'm praying that there won't be any rejection at submitting. i hope so ? ♥

ekinegeMay 21, 2014

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to sign my guestbook.\:wub\: I'm very glad you enjoy them. I want create more lace clothing too.\:\) Have a great day.\:wub\:

priscillamitMay 18, 2014

Hello amy, you're very welcome ^,~ . yes its actually happens to me when i wrote one in your guestbook . first one i wrote it long after i finished it only showed up your name . its weird. and about the seasonal series, yes! i'll continue it sometimes. really disappoint me tough, about summer with you, i lost all the saves. and i think i can't manage to continue it, since the town i actually did the stories i mage a changed and i don't know if the houses and other stuff still exists. so i think summer will pass :/ and all i have to do is spring and winter. it will come up after my new stories finished . ^_^ Ps . dear, u don't write any stories? after i looked at all your sims they're all gorgeous, i mean you could write a romantic stories \:P give it a try >.

NisukiMay 17, 2014

Heey sweetie ♥~(‘▽^人) sorry for the late reply. This is going to be a long comment ^^' ~ Yes, your house is fantastic. Especially the interior, is amazing! I'll definitely be using it in the story that will start, when Endless will finish. Because the house is quite modern, and I can't fit it in the worlds of Endless, because currently it will be all taking place, in somewhat.. different looking worlds =D Oh oh! I think, when your file of the lot is too big, it's probably because you used, too much cc. I think? Not sure though. And you're always welcome! It makes me smile to hear that you're really appreciate my comments. ♥ ♥ ♥ *virtualhugsback!* Do your best! But I'm sure you'll be doing fine with your exams =) ~ Oh my!, noworries, I once. accidently deleted some comments as well.. when I just started being on TSR, I accidently, "delete all" button while I was looking at comments from my screenshots.. Hahaha! \:P ~~ Now your comment on my story! Thank you so much for reading ♥ You perfectly described, everyone's current state. Great! Great! I'm glad to hear that you even became more hooked to the story. ^-^ ~~` Now, your last comment in my guestbook.. haha, sorry for rambling on and on (´ ▽`).。.. Anyways, it's amazing, that you actually named, Fauna. Because, she's appearing in the next chapter... Sssst, don't tell anyone else! nah, doesn't matter! But, why? you'll see it in chapt 12! And you're right, why did Darcy say that? It's funny how everyone... says that Lucy must listen, but of course, it's Darcy! anyways,, I'll be there, with some surprises. They might be nice, or perhaps not. I'm already writing the story! But haven't taken the screenshots yet, not sure when I'll finish it though! Because school's nagging me with it's work and crap, bah! I hope you're having an amazing weekend. ღhugs

priscillamitMay 17, 2014

Sanhammyy \:wub\: maybe i just called you amy. ^_^ . thank you veryy much for ur nice comment on my SS. and yes! i'm back again. i've submitted my stories couple days ago. but it's been rejected \:P LOL . i do hope you'll be reading my new stories soon, and i'm praying that it won't be rejected again :/ . much love

MetensMay 11, 2014

Thank you for your comment on my screenshot I'm happy you like it ^-^

NisukiMay 8, 2014

♥ . Hey, I still wanted to thank you, for commenting on my screenshots! I hope you're doing well ^^

TheOnlyMissMelMay 7, 2014

Hi, and you're welcome! Good luck with your exams, I hope they go well! I'm thinking happy thoughts for you lol \:\)

NisukiMay 5, 2014

You don't have to search all your cc sites again though! You have your map "Downloads" where all your downloaded cc is! You can also go to your patcher and select ALL your cc items, and install it again, this way the DCbackup will be filled again. Though.. I'm not sure if this will build up your files.. o_o' but yea, if you go for ALL cc you can better search the objects only xD.. most of my cc consists out of clothing.. hahaa! I hope you'll get it fixed soon! You're uploading a lot here? =D I can't wait to see it! ♥♥♥♥ and I'm really glad to hear that you can't wait to see the next chapter xD Though, I think you'll still need to wait for 1-2 days. I currently have 13 pages, excluded the (new) cover. and I'll probably pump it up to a neat 35-40 pages. but I've to work the whole day tomorrow! Yugh. But I can tell you. It's quite a sad chapter.. many tears. poor sims :c .. I feel sorry for them. *virtual hug♥. I hope you had a nice weekend. Have an awesome week! ^^

NisukiMay 3, 2014

Haai, ♥ oh dear. and actually, you said the cause already! Indeed, when you don't have your DCbackup files, somehow these cc you use, won't be included in your exported file. The only solution I can think of is.. re-download all your cc..? I've no idea if there's another way to get your DCbackup files back. Otherwise, after you've re-downloaded everything, do the same thing as me! Make a backup of it, so, when you export something, you can place it back xD And I'm sure that you know that the cc which are package files, automatically aren't included. You need to link those to the right site.

Margeh-75May 3, 2014

wow that is such a lovely thing to say thank you \:\) it makes me happy to know someone likes my stuff. and you make some wonderful screenshots yourself! amazing. \:D have a super mega awesome weekend \:D xx

DollyPinkMay 3, 2014

no problem! hehe would be nice \:\) you too x much love \:\) :P

DollyPinkMay 2, 2014

Hehe your welcome! It really is lovely, It's probably one of the best screenshots i've seen in a long time \:\) I know a place where you can get poppies here> (I use them quite a lot. ) Peace x

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