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sarajmac's Guestbook

TikoJan 20, 2007

Hiya SaraJ \:D ----- It was so great of you to leave such a generous message in my Guestbook - thank you! \:wub\: Yeah, I've tended not to publish my (many) walls, floors etc since they vary with each new building, but occasionally something seems right and worthwhile! I'll put up another set next week. Hope the drought is lessening for you guys. \;\) ----- Andy

sophel21Jan 20, 2007

\:wub\: hi there. Thanks so much for your comment on my stuff. I really appreciate it and your feedback is so welcome! Cheers, Sophia \:\)

SunairJan 20, 2007

It is always a pleasure reading the lovely compliment you leave in my guestbook, thank again\:\)

sarajmacJan 20, 2007

hi only me again i just want to thank every1 that takes the time to write in my guest book iam shore you are all buzy creation things for people like me to download keep up the great work all of you and yes iam signing my own guest book to let yous all no how much i love all your work this way i can tell yous\:wub\: \:rah\:

AnoeskaBJan 19, 2007

Hi, thank you for your nice comment on the Turano Diningroom. I'm planning at least one extra recolour, probably begin next week, so keep an eye on it \:D

TheNumbersWomanJan 19, 2007

Well Hello! Thanks for leaving a comment on The Grey Livingroom Set! I am pleased you and your simmies like it.\:D

The_UnicornJan 19, 2007

Thank you for your comment on my GrapesBedroom, am very glad you like it!\:wub\:

chrissy6930Jan 19, 2007

Hi! thanks for your lovely entry into my guestbook! too cool you like my stairs ! \:D

HenwenJan 18, 2007

Hi sarajmac! Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my Victorian Coral Dining Set. I'm so glad that you like it and I appreciate it. \:D Nancy

MadisimJan 18, 2007

Thank you so much for your wonderful entry in my guestbook about my houses. Please enjoy and thanks again, ~Madison

prin6jeJan 18, 2007

Hi! Thanks for your nice comment on my 'Retrocity' dining set \:\) I'm so glad you like it and I hope you'll enjoy it!

sarajmacJan 18, 2007

hi every1 again i just want to say thanks to every1 that signs my guest book iam shore u have betta things to do

cashcraftJan 18, 2007

Hi, thanks for signing my guestbook and your lovely comment on my Victorian creations. Thanks for the feedback. \:D

SpaikJan 17, 2007

Hi sarajmac! Thanks for the nice comment on my Modern Staircase. It is really appreciated. Silvia

NoFrillsJan 17, 2007

Hi, thank you for your comment on my flower pet bed and rope dog chew! I really appreciate them! Happy Simming! \:D

EisbaerbonzoJan 17, 2007

\:\) Don't feel discouraged, I'm sure you have undiscovered talents as I had. I was a player for a year. Then I started decorating, inspired by "show off" and "contest sections" in some forums. Started taking part in contests, but never won. I got bored and found out how to make clothes. Got bored again soon, stepped through some tutorials and discovered how to make walls and floors. Gained some experiance with graphic programs. Got bored again and tried my first (really ugly) recolors. Got more bored and took part in a big contest. Stepped through several building tutorials and built a house for my team. The house won, but we lost the contest against a scrapbooking team. Got angry and started to learn a bit of scrapbooking. Gained more experiance on PSP graphics and stepped back to recolors. Found out, many famous recolorers got bored and started meshing, so they left some space for me - the beginner. It's a developping path and you are a late entrant. Let's see what you'll try in the future.

EisbaerbonzoJan 17, 2007

\:\) I'm glad to meet another fan of my Firenze bath. We are the minority. In selling terms, it's a lame duck compared with my other Tadaos. Let's stick together in the small community of fashion victoms. Many thanks for taking the time to comment.

SunairJan 16, 2007

Thanks for the nice comment and I'm so happy you love my other site too\:\)

Dr. MacabreJan 16, 2007

I am planning some more Metallica stuff soon. And yes I have heard of MTS2. I personally don't like the forum idea, but maybe someday I will put some stuff there.

sarajmacJan 16, 2007

yes thats me sarajmac if ur wondering why i singed my guess book its because that way i can tell u all what great artist u all r

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