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shadow66's Blog

Back In Business!

The submission issues I was having a few days ago now seem to have been rectified, so look out for some new paintings from tomorrow!  ;)



Submission Issues

Just a quick note to let everyone know, I am still around but just unable to submit anything at the moment due to issues with the submissions system - don't think it's anything I'm doing wrong since I know a few other people are having the same problem.  Hopefully it will be sorted out soon and I can get some more of my paintings uploaded in the near future.

Meanwhile, I guess I'll just have to entertain myself with CAW now that's finally working!!  Yay!!  :D

Coffee, Cakes, Flowers, Fashion and More - Coming Soon!

Hi all! 

Had a few days off from making paintings to work on some other things I've been planning - some spooky old house/tombs to go in a new world I was going to build (if EA ever fixes CAW!!).  But now I'm back to the paintings and thought I'd tempt you all with a few previews of upcoming collections!

Firstly, since my previous fashion sets have been quite popular, a couple of new sets:


Secondly, a collection of tulips:

Thirdly, some traditional European coffee recipes:

Followed by some yummy desserts:

Continuing with the food and drink theme, some 'Love' cocktails:

Then we have some relaxing Oriental paintings:

A collection of chess pieces:


A pair of nudes (I presume these will be allowed!):

And finally for now, a set of four cute little bonsai trees:

I also have two sets of tattoo paintings (great to hang in the new tattoo parlours) which I am uploading now, so they should be out in the next few days, and plan on doing a set for your firefighters/fire stations over the next week or so.

Comments, suggestions, ideas are always welcome, as is feedback.



Laundry Paintings - As requested!

With the addition of laundry duties for your sims in Ambitions, I received a request and a link from keedyboo18 to make some laundry paintings, so here they are:

Unfortunately they were all different sizes, so I've had to use two different frame versions.  I just need to test them out in-game, but I don't foresee any problems with that (other than my game now taking ages to load due to all the 'goodies' I've recently installed - that's what happens when I buy a subscription day!).

Anyway, enough waffle - I hope you like them, and if anyone else (or even keedyboo again) has any ideas or wishes for certain paintings, just leave me a message - I only bite when I'm starving!


Back With More Goodies!

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who supported me in my previous blog over the reporting issues - it's greatly appreciated!  I'm presuming that since I've had my submissions accepted and published since then (and I haven't changed anything in the process), that I'm not officially considered to be doing anything wrong and it was just a case of sour grapes on the part of the reportee.

Anyway, I just want to put it all behind me and carry on doing what I enjoy - making paintings to (hopefully) brighten up your sims' homes - so here are a few previews of some sets I've been working on.

Firstly, three adorable bear paintings - great for nurseries and kids' bedrooms:

Secondly, staying with the cute theme, two 'Cuddly Toys' paintings:

Thirdly, two more sets for your fashion designers:

Followed by a pair of rather nice flowers:

Something a little different - candles:

Some beautiful white tulips:

And finally for now, some booze (Rah!):

and some more booze (Hic'cup!):

Hope you like them - comments, ideas and feedback always welcome!


Reported Paintings � Warranted or Not?

I have just discovered that my five latest paintings sets have been reported (all by the same person) for not having in-game preview shots.


No-one else has mentioned this and there is nothing saying it is compulsory to include in-game shots for 'objects' on the submissions page.  I have read and followed all of the 'rules' regarding submissions and my creations have been accepted and published, so surely if I was doing something wrong, this would not have happened.


I have not changed my way of submitting items since I started uploading sets, so why have my paintings only now been reported?


Could it be because the person who reported me also creates paintings?!!


I test my paintings in-game before I publish them, so I know they are fine, and I have had no negative feedback regarding any of them.


Everyone has the right to present their creations how they wish and my chosen way of presenting my paintings sets is in a frame, which I think is quite apt.


I always include previews of the actual paintings close-up so people can see what they are downloading - something you can't always see in screenshots, especially of multiple paintings hanging on a wall, with other objects included in the picture.  Yes, some look really pretty, but when I’m looking to download something, I’d rather see the actual item itself rather than a screenshot of a room containing the item in the distance, with very little detail visible – that’s just my preference, but I know a few people who feel the same.


I also think that displaying my sets in the same unique fashion every time is helpful to people who are particularly looking for my creations as it makes them stand out amid all the others.  Again, that’s how I look at the previews when I’m searching for downloads – you get to know the style the artist uses and if it’s the same, or very similar every time, you are automatically drawn to that picture and item.


Anyway, if anyone would like to pass comment on the way I present my paintings, please feel free to do so – I won’t be offended and would appreciate the feedback.




P.S. – And if the person who reported me would like to reveal the reason why they suddenly decided to do so, that would be appreciated too.

Butterflies, Cakes, Chateaux, Love & Peace - I've got them all!!!

Having had an unexpected afternoon of work, I decided to re-stock my gallery, so here are a few previews of some of the latest paintings I've been working on and will be appearing here shortly.

Firstly, since quite a lot of you seem to like my drinks and chocolat paintings, I thought I'd add some yummy cupcakes to the menu:

Secondly, a set of rather nice French chateaux paintings (ideal for all your homes in Champs Les Sims):

Thirdly, for all you nature lovers, a pair of butterflies:


Then there's fashion from around the globe:

A pair of modern abstract tangents:

And finally, lots of 'Love & Peace':

That's it for now - Enjoy! 

More New Paintings - Coming Soon!

Actually dragged myself away from Ambitions to create some more paintings tonight, so here's a quick sneak-peak of my latest sets which will be coming soon!

Firstly, a really cute set of ducks - great for bathrooms (includes 2 new co-ordinating, and 1 original wood frame versions):

Secondly, a beautiful set of traditional nursery rhyme paintings - great for nurseries and bedrooms (includes 7 frame variations to co-ordinate with pretty much any decor):

And lastly (for now anyway!), a collection of 6 party drinks paintings with a little twist! - Great for bars and dens:



Sneak Peak Time Again and 'Ambitions'!

Thought I'd better get a few paintings sets ready before I got 'Ambitions' and got addicted to trying out all the new stuff that involves!  Loving it so far - played a firefighter and an inventor last night/this morning (didn't get to bed til 5am - ooops!!).

My firefighter reached the top of the career and got his very own 'Woo Woo 4000' (that's a fire engine btw!!), and my inventor had just created her first 'Monster' (that's a SimBot!) when I finally had to give in and go to bed!  Not sure if it's just me, but there seems to be more humour in this expansion pack, which I like. Some are just little things like new pie-menu options, while others are more visual - for example, my firefighter explored one of the tunnels made by the mining machine and came back as a caveman - new outfit, new hairdo, but still wearing his trainers!  Anyway, I won't spoil it for everyone (unless you want me to of course!!).

So, on to the new paintings.  I've managed to get quite a few sets done and ready for upload - they just need testing in-game, but I don't foresee any problems. So my first offering is a set of two really cute ballerina bears:

Followed by three cheeky kids:

Two for the gardeners:

A set of four for those budding fashion designers:


Something a little fruity:

Four beautiful songbirds:

Two elegant still-life paintings:

Two still-life vases:

Beautiful vases and dried flowers:

Plus a few more surprises to come!  ;)


New Paintings Sets - Previews!

I've been busy creating again the last couple of days, and hopefully will have more time over the next week since I won't be working - YAY!!  Anywa, here's a quick peak at a few of the paintings I've been working on:

Firstly, Ballet Dancers:


Secondly, a couple on a romantic coastal trip: 

Thirdly, some hair fashion:

Fourthly, a pair of paintings in black and gold:

Fifthly, a set of rather beautiful paintings called 'Renewal':

And finally, what girls love the most:

Hope you like them!  Feedback, comments, suggestions always welcome.


Latest Headlines

Back In Business! Submission Issues Coffee, Cakes, Flowers, Fashion... Laundry Paintings - As requested! Back With More Goodies! Reported Paintings � Warranted... Butterflies, Cakes, Chateaux,... More New Paintings - Coming Soon! Sneak Peak Time Again and... New Paintings Sets - Previews!
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