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shadow66's Guestbook

LaurieRJan 1, 2009

If I have to wait I suppose I will survive. It WILL be DIFFICULT!!!! Quick, go get SimPE! I really need more paintings. Some really pretty landscapes or flowers, trees, rivers that sort of thing. Am I specific enough in my nagging?!\:P I want to make sure I nag properly.\;\) \:D

hiedibear75Dec 31, 2008

I thought that screamed "YOU". \:cool\: Glad you like it. \:wub\: I am off to bed now that it's now almost 8:30 AM & I'm more than likely not doing much of anything. \;\) If I were to need Rx pain meds......can't drink. \:P We'll most likely just watch some TV & Sim. \:cool\: TC & enjoy the new system and the time you have left before the "w" place. \:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Dec 30, 2008

I sent you a personal e-mail with a link to a picture pasted in it; so did you get it yet? \:confused\: Inquiring minds want to know. \;\) LOL \:P Take care chat with ya another time. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Dec 30, 2008

No but you know, shopping might comfort you a little\:o \:P Well I´m doing as you told me to do but I´ve started to wonder, will I ever finish?? And when?? Before my next birthday?? Gosh it takes time!\:\( I´ll never complain again and be impatient next time you, which I´m not hoping for, will be in trouble.\:\( \:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: \:rah\:

LaurieRDec 29, 2008

\:\( \:\( \:\( \:\( I don't know if I will survive! QUICK!!!! Find that disk! I might die from impatience!\:eek\: I know... that would probably make your life easier.\;\) \:D

KDLANG0Dec 29, 2008

Well I was so angry, I needed some comfort\:\( .. OkOk I´ll try with a little amount at a time, but how much is a little? 5 items or 50???\:eek\: \:rolleyes: \:puke\: I hope it´s not my hard drive, there should be enough memory when I look at it...... Gosh it´s frustrating!.. Come on now, I still got room for another message in my GB before midnight!\:D \;\) \:P \:wub\:

KDLANG0Dec 29, 2008

Hi again! So bought it, the clock set, commented it so now I got 5 kudos! When I post this I´ll got 5, can´t post more today in GB´s, so won´t be a p.i.t.a today, but maybe I will tomorrow?\:P \;\) \:D So come on now, sigh my GB!\:rah\: \:wub\:

KDLANG0Dec 29, 2008

Hi! I´d as you suggested, there´s nothing wrong with no CC. When I bought that sub-day I split the downloads up in folders, you know with 200 items in one folder. It crashes with 2 folders, which maintains mainly clothes from S2S and evi, a small amount from openhousejack. So the problem is with the clothes, which sets causes the problem I don´t know. Sometimes it´s boys outerwear and other times it´s teens daily wear... I won´t delete anything, cause I have decided for an extra hard drive or a new bigger pc, really hope that that will solve the problems I have.\:\( Well now I got 2503 kudos when I´ve posted this message, so gonna buy those wall clocks\:wub\: \:P \;\) \:rah\: So TC and cathc ya!\:rah\: \:wub\:

LaurieRDec 28, 2008

Good doggie huh? Bite me! Now who is the Pogo stalker? I am never mean to my kids.... just slightly ornery.\;\) \:D So, I need more pictures. Where are they?\:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 28, 2008

Oh I almost forgot I got a new body pillow and a pink fuzzy case for it. Oh and I got a "Snuggie", it's a blanket with sleeves. A bunch of fuzzy socks. Can ya tell that I have a need for warm stuff? I also got a big pack of 120 different crayolas and a fairy coloring book, and before you laugh YES I LIKE COLORING. \:P OK yuck it up. \:rolleyes: I also got a USB hub and a new keyboard so that when I write my Matt & Jenny stories.......NO MORE "(Q)"! \:rah\: I'll have a "?" now. \:D So yeah I liked my gifts. \:\) Now if only Santa could have brought a different body. \:P LOL Anywho.....I'll see ya around. \:wub\: \:cool\:

hiedibear75Dec 28, 2008

You don't have to make the horns.....that's just why she thought of your sign. \;\) It has finally stopped raining. \:rah\: I don't know for how long....but the longer the better. \:cool\: Laurie & I are planning on Simming tomorrow. \:D My cc issues are finally sorted out. \:cool\: I remember not being able to have any cc. \:eek\: A sad and dull time in my Sims' lives. \;\) Well I guess I'll swing by your pasture again real soon. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Dec 27, 2008

Hi! Hope you got through christmas alright!\:wub\: Well it only crashes when I want to load clothing. No matter what and how much I remove from the download folder, it crashes.\:mad\: So really I´m so sick and tired of it, it really takes away the joy of playing with new items.\:\( I´ve tried everything, or so it seems and nothing helps. I´ve only got 1625 items but 127 MB, and still it crashes. Well won´t complain any longer! Have you had at nice christmas? How are things around you? Hope to hear from you soon!\:wub\: TC and catch ya on a snowflake\:wub\: \:rah\:

LaurieRDec 26, 2008

My stupid knee has been so painful, this is the first time in a few days that I have touched my computer! So, no I didn't know about the paintings. Now I do so I will go fetch!!! Did you have a Merry Christmas? My kids had a blast. I was mean and made Alex, my 10 year old, think he didn't get his DS that he wanted!\;\) Then we made him look for it and of course he was thrilled! Cody ripped through all his presents in no time too. What a mess!\:D

hiedibear75Dec 26, 2008

I suppose it would make more sense if I started @ the VERY beginning. \;\) Well I think you know that Karen\Karie is partially deaf. \:confused\: Well rather than spelling out m-a-d--c-o-w Karen came up with a sign for you. In sign language a person's name is unique and individual. \;\) Well for cow in sign language you make imaginary horns like that of a cow. And the glass thing was because "C" in American Sign Language a "c" would look like your hand when holding a glass. And since crazy or mad people twirl their finger in a circular motion by the head you are now ("C" in a circle by the head = crazy cow). My name is an "H" tapped against the heart 2x. \;\) But then I'd have to try and explain how to make an "H". \:P LOL But don't worry......Karen says my ASL (American Sign Language) has a "serious lisp". LMAO. \:D So hope it all makes a bit more sense now. \:\) For us though it sure is a lot shorter to sign "c" in circle by the head then m-a-d--c-o-w. \;\) Talk to ya later. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 25, 2008

You don't speak sign eh. \;\) LOL \:P I think Karen has a web cam. \:confused\: We'll have to set it up and post a clip or YOUR sign somehow. \:D I'd explain you mine.....but it's harder than yours. \:P It's your vacation time......I don't want you to hurt yourself. \;\)

hiedibear75Dec 25, 2008

Merry Christmas. \:wub\: I hope your travels are warm and safe, & that your TIRES don't slip in any ice. \:cool\: Happy Holidays and happy creating now that you've got a new computer AND still have another week or so off. \;\) You've been the cuddliest cow I know. \:D TC & Happy Holidays. \:wub\:

qvisnDec 25, 2008

Thank you for your lovely comments, i will keep missing sally thats for sure but xmas is for my kids and i will enjoy seeing sparkling eyes and excited oohs and aaahs, how can i not have fun. Merry xmas to you and have a great year.\:wub\:

~wyldchyld~Dec 24, 2008

**Merry Christmas to you and yours, and wishing you a blessed New Year!**~Sherry~

KDLANG0Dec 24, 2008

Are you on to cars now?\:eek\: \:P Well at least you´ll be able to be online and I´ll be able to reach you!\;\) I don´t mind you working with it for the next 6 weeks or so, I won´t be able to download any of your stuff anywayz now my game crashing all the time\:rolleyes: \:mad\: I will buy an ekstern harddrive in the end of january, and hopefully that´ll solve my problem.\:\) But I read somewhere that if the polys are to high this might happen.\:\( Yeah my son is driving us all nuts!*LOL* But he´s a real cutie so I forgive him.\:P He´s feeling much better now thanks, he still does cough a lot but that´s it. Poor guy he hurt his ribs badly the week before he got sick and it still hurts a lot when he coughs.\:\( Well I wish you a merry christmas and you cold leave me at least some bose!\:P TC and catch ya on a snow flake, that if you got any cause no snow here!\:\( \;\)

charliefellDec 23, 2008

Have A Very Merry Christmas and a happy new year \:D

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