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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Dec 5, 2008

I didn't have the original at the time I looked. \:o I've been playing with only a few recolors and get this 16,000 files. \;\) NO I DIDN'T DELETE ALL MY GOBS OF CC. \:D It's just sitting on my desktop because I made a couple of lots that are only maxis, so I played a bit with Lolo using minimal cc. \:cool\: Oh and we were playing our own challenge and my challenge Sim dug up 3 chests. \:rah\: $15,000 to a NO cheat Sim. \:D

LaurieRDec 3, 2008

OK!!! I got your prezzie and I JUST got to see it LAST NIGHT!!!! Give a girl some time to play with it. Just for the record, it is presently hanging in the hall of my game!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! There, is that a good enough comment? THANK YOU!!!!!!\:wub\: \:D

hiedibear75Dec 3, 2008

I installed them but when I looked for it I couldn't find it. \:confused\: So I have to reinstall it or just go into Matt & Jenny's & just recolor their coat hook. \:cool\: I hope your computer doesn't mess anything up. \:\) I'm feeling "eh OK". \;\) Found out that the rain is coming back. \:eek\: THIS would be why I'm not feeling back to normal. \:rolleyes: Oh well.....this is why I hate winter. \:P LOL LOVED the unicorn pix.....but I'm ga ga for them almost as much as dolphins. \:rah\: I think I have an idea for Matt & his painting.....and YOU. \:cool\: Well off to play my game. \:wub\: TC & hope your week flies by. \:rah\:

simsfawn200Dec 1, 2008

\:D your page is like one stop shopping!!!! You are so talented and I just love the sets and all the recolors...finally stuff to match stuff!!!\:wub\: Thank you so much for making so much stuff\:D \:D

KDLANG0Nov 30, 2008

Well the bigger, the better\;\) \:P \:o Darn did I really say that? *LOL*

KDLANG0Nov 30, 2008

You´ve got mail\;\) \:P \:wub\:

KDLANG0Nov 30, 2008

\:D Yeah I got that all right!\:D \:P \:wub\: \:rah\:

KDLANG0Nov 29, 2008

Hello you!\:wub\: Sorry to hear about your pc.\:\( Espicially when it comes to that I have to pay the prize\:rolleyes: (not having new cute items\:mad\: \:eek\: )Sorry it took me some time to answear you, but we were out almost all dayn n´ night yesterday, just got on my pc now close to 21:00.. I couldn´t ask you to do that?\:o Now you make me shy!\:o \:\( But thanks for offering\:wub\: I really appreciate it\:wub\: \:D \;\) \:P \:rah\: But I could tell you what I am saving my kudos for, that wouldn´t harm I guess\;\) \:P Well first of all, there´s Murano´s SFH-kitchen, which I´m waiting him to finish, I had the old one, but I lost it long time ago.\:confused\: \:\( Then there´s Birgit43´s pram´s I just love these, and evi´s toddlertoys and her bunkbed and clothes and DOT´s lamps, espically her flower-lamps\:wub\: *LOL*..... And sure the new kudos kitchen, did that answear your question? *LOL* And I´ve problably forgotten something!\:o \:P \:cool\: Well wanna play a little before bedtime\;\) TC and cathc ya with a hug\:D \:wub\: \:rah\:

sailorjuneNov 29, 2008

Thank you so much for creating oodles of color sets for us to play with in our game! Today is already marked out for messing with the colored tie-back curtains - should I do pastel walls with them? Dark walls? Matching walls? Contrasting walls? I will try them all. And I have to build some nurseries now with all the pastel downloads. It will be a colorful day! \:D \:cool\:

KarieNov 27, 2008

Hi there!! Happy Thanksgiving to you! I haven't been hiding, just haven't had time to play on pogo or comment on here. I am up here at my moms for Thanksgiving. We are waiting for my brother and his wife to get here and then...let the feasting begin! It all smells soooooo good! We have turkey, stuffing, gravy, yams, salad, biskets and pies for dessert! \:P We will do Thanksgiving again at my house on Saturday, when Heidibears mommy is home. YUM! \:P

KDLANG0Nov 27, 2008

Hello you crazy mad cow!\:P \;\) \:D \:wub\: I´m glad that you look on my "depression" like that\:P \:D \;\) \:wub\: Well just wanted to be sure that those nureseries were cute\:o (I really need a cutefix soon\:o \:P )or else I just had to find it elsewhere \:D \;\) \:P I know I know, I´m not nice right now sorry, shame on me\:o \:\( So how are things? I´m a little worried about you? You seem so hmm quiet somehow, see I can tear myself away from Potter, at least for 5 min at the time *LOL*..But ok I know you´re busy making pics and nurseries, along with spending time on that horrible w-place\:rolleyes: So I guess I forgive you! But Hey weekend is almost here!\:wub\: \;\) \:cool\: Btw just in case you didn´t know, you´re now in the kudos-hunt and sure I´ve bookmarked you\;\) \:wub\: Thought I´d done that long time ago, but hmm I hadn´t.\:\( Well TC and catch ya\:wub\: \:rah\:

LaurieRNov 27, 2008

I got your new curtains!!! THANKS!!!!\:wub\: I love them!

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2008

No I hadn't realized that. \:confused\: Ooops. \:o I can't wait for the unicorn paintings. \:cool\: I've been feeling so-so. \:\)

hiedibear75Nov 27, 2008

R U going 2 bed or R U going 2 that OTHER place? \;\)

MySteRY-GirLNov 25, 2008

Itz a pleasure \:P Im usually in2 gothic/witchy/fantasy/nature stuff 4 my sims,thtz why i like ur stuff alot \;\) Id like 2 go check out da stuff ur workin on,coz now u got me curious \:rah\: haha! njoy ur day! \:cool\:

KDLANG0Nov 25, 2008

Hello! \:D So you´re happy when I´m happy?? Oh I could make you pay for that, abusing it to the very red thin line, or something *LOL*.. But I´m nice and cute, so I won´t \:D \:P I didn´t expect somthing special, right I didn´t know what I wanted, except from some happy colours, and you did that!\:wub\: The originally colours make me feel depressed!\:puke\: And I do use the hack all the time, so it´s really annoying with those awful colours. So thank you so much for making it look so much nicer!\:wub\: Btw I love the hacks you sent me, it does make my sims lives so much easier\:wub\: I haven´t been playing much since my son has occupied the pc a lot, so I´ve been doing another one of my favourite hobbies, reading! I´m reading Harry Potter again, then I found out that one of them is so miserable that I have to get a new copy, I want to replace them with english versions, I´ve only got the 2 last books in english, so maybe that´s my chance to at least replace that one with an english one. Oh what a bunch of rubbish I´m writing!\:\( sorry \:o Well I do look forward to see your new nurseries\:wub\: Are they cute??\:wub\: I really need a cutefix, I know I know but your new looney(hrmph up my street!)pics are more fun that cute.\:wacko\: Well wanna play a little before my son´s coming home\:\( So catch ya and TC\:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Nov 25, 2008

Ooopsie. \:o I've hardly even felt up to turning my computer on. \:\( It's been hurting so bad that I've been getting sick constantly. \:puke\: Sucks. \:mad\: Oh well.....such as life. \:P LOL Well TC. \:wub\:

spaz02571Nov 24, 2008

My son is five. He plays put I don't let him do certain things. But he finds kissing and stuff gross anyway. Though he thinks it hilarious when pregnant sims bellies pop.

KDLANG0Nov 23, 2008

Just got on my pc, but yeah I noticed a mail from you \:D \;\) So now you´ve got one waiting in your inbox from me \;\) \:P \:wub\: But I love what you´ve done with you know what \;\) \:D \:P \:wub\: TC and catch ya\:rah\:

LaurieRNov 23, 2008

Nagging? Would I nag? Come on now. Give me some credit!\:D Ok. So, where are my paintings?\;\) \:D I suppose you are going to call that nagging now.\:confused\: \:wub\:

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