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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Nov 23, 2008

I for 1 hold The Pogo Princess (a.k.a. Karie) responsible for turning you into such the Pogo addict. \:P LOL So how've you been? And yes I will be downloading the new curtains you've got out. \;\) I haven't been feeling much like playing myself. \:eek\: Laurie even asked me if I'd been alien abducted. LOL I just can't seem to "get in the mood". \:confused\: Yup that's how everyone knows something "aint right with the bear". \;\) Well I guess I'll let you get back to grazing or \:rolleyes: Pogo. LOL \:P TC. \:wub\:

LaurieRNov 22, 2008

I suppose I have been pretty busy. I played sims yesterday... what a nice time I had. It seems I haven't really felt like playing lately. Arianna keeps me very busy. So far, she is doing really well. I am hoping it stays that way so we will be home for all the holidays!! Last year she just barely made it past Christmas. Fortunately, she seems fine. Now, I am hoping for no pneumonia. She got that in March this year. So, if we can avoid that we should have no problems!! YEAH!! So, how are your sims? Have you played much? Is life interfering with your simming too? I plan to play again today!! Of course, you could sim more if you would stay off POGO!!\;\) I see you on there quite a bit. Sims are better!!!!!\;\) \:D I will talk to you later and I am watching for pictures!!!!\:wub\:

KarieNov 22, 2008

Um..I guess I forgot to tell you that you CAN go and get the old badges! That is your personal challenge. You go to the badges pages and pick. You can go back several years. Or did you do that already? All is well here, 'cept she's not feeling real well. Could be because we may get rain just in time for Thanksgiving! Ugh. Of all the times for rain to come, on a holiday! I am going up to my mom's house to have Thanksgiving with my family, then on Saturday, we will do Thanksgiving dinner here at home, when Hiedi's mommy can join us. YUM!! Good eating coming my way! Good thing I work for a gym, huh? I think I am going to have to start working out again...

LaurieRNov 21, 2008

You never come by anymore!! I am feeling very neglected! Poor, poor me. I love the pictures!! Could you make more?! Pretty please?!\:wub\: \:wub\:

KDLANG0Nov 21, 2008

Miaow!\:P Yeah Dusty has to run away, which he has. That wasn´t too bad. So your mind is alright I guess, you know as alright it can be without me being cheeky *LOL*. So weekend is here!\:wub\: What will you be up to? I won´t be up to much, there´s some jobs I want to respond to but otherwise, I don´t know. I have received your mail, thank ýou \:wub\:, I responded on it right away, so there should be mail for you too, not anything exciting\:rolleyes: I haven´t tried it out yet, cause I haven´t been playing yet. But I´ll see to that, so TC and catch ya later\:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 21, 2008

Almost forgot. \:o You'll love the new roof tool that comes with it. \:cool\: Oh and also the Sims can "stop to smell the flowers" and they will smell any flowerbeds. \;\) There are also some nice looking hair with it. \:\)

hiedibear75Nov 21, 2008

It really sucks that I've been feeling so lousy.....the weather really hasn't been that bad. \:confused\: Although today was quite chilly so maybe there is something coming.......I tend to hurt for a few days before and after a storm or weather system. \:rolleyes: So what was this about me scaring Karie? \:confused\: I love Unicorns! \:rah\: I also love the butterfly one you've got on the blog. \:wub\: So what have you been doing aside from dunking choky bikies or however you spell that? \:P LOL Well enjoy the weekend. \:rah\:

KDLANG0Nov 20, 2008

Yeah a fury miaowing cow, that´s me \:wub\: *LOL*.. I don´t know, I just think it sounds cute!\:wub\: And you know I´m into cute stuff!\:D \:wub\: But anyway it was you and hiedi who gave me the idea to "KittyCow"! So I´ll just blame you two \:P You know, you calling me crazy insane cow and I just luv hiedi´s cats \:wub\: *LOL* Dusty won´t stamp on his report card, he actually doesn´t get a report card anymore \:mad\: All I get is warnings about social worker and that he is a horrible kid\:\( I have tried getting the report card both as teen and as a child but no, I´ve moved them out of the house, no. There´s only 2 sim days left, then he will be an adult, so guess I´ll lose this one.\:rolleyes: Yeah I will get the new package, it´s just not out for sale in DK yet!\:mad\: My oldest daughter, Denise, will buy it for me, since she bought Ikea for my birthday, but I got that from my parents *LOL*.. I need a new and bigger pc, no doubt about that. I only have problems when the lots are too big. \:rolleyes: Well wanna play a little, maybe even finish one of the challenges before dinner\:wub\: \:D So TC and catch ya! Mooiaaaaaaw *LOL*

MySteRY-GirLNov 20, 2008

Yeh, Grim Reaper is my husband haha \:D But dnt b scared, he`z actually very nice, when he`z not at work \:cool\: And id lov 2 go check out ur lil site, soundz very interesting \:P

ChililiNov 20, 2008

I will go to your minisight, I am a snowy wintery type of person. chow

KarieNov 20, 2008

Howdy! Yes and no back on sim are NEW challenges this week to try out!!! Hiedi's not feeling well this evening. It could be because it's damp out (finally, I am tired of that darn hot desert air blowing in and drying everything up!). It's pretty foggy right now. Hiedi is sound asleep at the moment. I am off to check Pogo and email and facebook stuff right now!\:D

rodentredNov 19, 2008

What else would it be \:confused\:

KarieNov 19, 2008

did you get it?? did ya? huh?? did you get Mansions and Gardens stuff?? It's great!! New stuff!! Sims do new things too! YEAH!!\:D

rodentredNov 18, 2008

No, your more like a cube in a drink \:P

KDLANG0Nov 17, 2008

I´ve signed up for spring cleaning, so I should keep my account, but I haven´t heard from them yet. \:\( Yeah well, KittyCow or KC sounds more fun than KD doesn´t it \:P \;\) Yeah just bring those hacks on and I´ll try it out! Sick of Dusty at the time, I can get him a D but not in his report card! \:rolleyes: It´s all I need to finish that challenge! I did finish Hannah Tremble today finally!\:wub\: \:rah\: Sorry to hear about your pc, guess that´s why you´ve been so quiet? \:rolleyes: Poor thing \:wub\: Well gonna play a little more before bed time\:wub\: So TC and catch ya \:wub\: \:rah\:

rodentredNov 17, 2008

Heh, frigidly yours \:P

KarieNov 16, 2008

You mean that you don't make things exclusively for me? \:eek\: I am crushed!!\:P I don't want to share!!\:P Mine mine MINE! \:P As far as I know, Lolo is doing okay. I sort of talked to her last night in the bingo room, but only for a game or two...I think she had her sister in law on the phone while she was playing, like she and I do a lot. I only pretty much got yes and no answers. Cody is over his sinus infection, and I guess the baby is doing well. I think you need to get your computer fixed up so that you can get your subscription to pogo and play with us more (although Heidi may kill us for the whole Pogo thing, lol, but we can run faster than her!)\:D

simonandyNov 16, 2008

Thanks, well on the mend now, and back to work tonight so alls well.\:D

KDLANG0Nov 16, 2008

BTW I`m trying to change KD to KittyCow! \:wub\: *LOL* (I´m a little tired of KD\:o )

KDLANG0Nov 16, 2008

Hi there! It`s been a while I know!\:o Have been busy trying to solve some issues with the challenges, and I finally figured out a way! So I´ve finished 3 in a row \:wub\: \:D \:o You know I had problems with that gardening badge, so I´ve studied hard in one of the forums and that helped! Monique on MTS has made a pc where you can study the badges available among other things. So I downloaded that and tried it out and it did work!\:wub\: I don´t see it as cheating, cause they already got the badge but the wizard wouldn´t recognize it!\:mad\: Why? Cause I found out that the badges are built up on points, it has to say 1000 points, but for some reason Emma and Owen only had 999 points.\:wacko\: Tell me if you´re interested in that pc and I´ll mail it to you!\:wub\: I don´t know those hacks you told me about, but I found another one on MTS where you can change their grades. I don´t have it though since it´s not updated to AL. I do have some problems with Dusty and his D report card though. I´ve tried everything. He skipped school, not doing his homework. He gets the D but not in his report card \:mad\: \:rolleyes: It actually drives me nuts! \:rolleyes: Well I´m off to bed, it`s 4 in the morning AGAIN!\:o TC and catch ya \:wub\:

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