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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Nov 14, 2008

I still gotta wait. \:rolleyes: I don't know how much more I can take. \:wacko\: You made DOLPHINS! \:wub\: I want my dolphin nursery. \:D have YOU been? \:confused\: I hope you have a wonderful weekend (it should be....there is no "W" place). \:rah\:

bluzkat1965Nov 14, 2008

I am pretty new to this site and have only downloaded items for a short time. I just wanted to comment that your work is awesome and you are my favorite Artist here. Your textures are great, carpets are wonderful and your downloads are very user friendly. All of my homes are being decorated with your items. Hope to see lots more work from you. BluzKat\:P

hiedibear75Nov 13, 2008

Now don't I just about ALWAYS go get your items AND leave wonderful comments? \;\) And then well you should know I can't resist "sea life". \:D And then well DOLPHINS? \:eek\: You know I'm so going to be downloading it! \:rah\: Dur. \:P Yes I go to the "other place" when I'm not feeling creative. \;\) And if you don't find me here or there or anywhere......check the weather for Oceanside CA or ask Karie what the weather is like. \:P I had asked about buying a computer from the college because I had a professor who got a fairly nice PC for hardly anything. \;\) Well I'm off to see if my poor game will load. \:D TC. \:wub\:

KarieNov 12, 2008

Okay, I am off the bottle now, lol! Everything is clear again and not fuzzy wuzzy. Speaking of fuzzy wuzzy, the pictures of Timber showed up!! AND they are clear! AND THEY ARE WONDERFUL!!! Right now, they are hanging up in Tyler Crazzylazy's room (Fugly Fiona's son). I really wanted to play tonight, but by the time we did the grocery shopping, put everything away, moved his car, checked the mail and cooked dinner, and checked emails, it was to late to do more than check to see if they worked and get on here and let you know that they worked. TOMORROW, I hope I can play! Thanks again for the pictures of Roo and for the other stuff you've made! \:wub\: I had fun playing Bingo with you too, and I really wasn't ready to quit yet either. \:mad\: Rumbley in my tumbley won over Pogo though!

KDLANG0Nov 12, 2008

Hello you! Was about to write to you when I saw your message! \:eek\: \:P \:wub\: Which hack? I´ve got two schoolwork hacks, I´ve got one which make them do it faster and one where they do their homework at 19:00 every day. But maybe it´s none of them you mean? And thank you! I just screwed up, her brother was still a toddler when she joined the private school, so had to go through it all again. Yeah normally I don´t bother with that, but have to practise for those challenges haven´t I? \:P \;\) I have just done my fully ranked business! \:wub\: And sure it was a challenge\:o \:P \;\) The Farmes Wife you know, but I´ve got the same problem with her as with Owen Munny, the wizard won´t recognize her gardening badge. I´m going nuts with that, I`ve nearly completed the challenge. I just need the party and the retirement. Well I´m off to bed as it´s 4 in the morning \:\( So TC and catch ya! \:wub\: \:rah\:

KarieNov 10, 2008

Yeah, it worked, but for some reason, it showed up fine when I was picking it, and as soon as I let go to place it, it was fuzzy. I don't know if it was just my computer because other stuff was fuzzy, even maxis stuff (no it wasn't my eyeballs either). Yes, all your badges and tokens will be there when and if you decide to subscribe to it. Same with any tokens ranks and badges you get while NOT a subscriber,will be there when you do subscribe. I will let you know about my stuff when I reload my game again. Oh, and don't feel bad about LOLO, Cody has strep throat and a 103.3 fever (Friday night anyways and was puking his guts out). She may have just been distracted.

hiedibear75Nov 10, 2008

The story isn't going to "go magical" on us. \:D I do have a few witches I must admit. \:o But with this witch I'm leading somewhere with it. \;\) \:ph34r\: \:cool\: Happy to hear you like the story. \:wub\: And Lumbar is going to keep having little moments like those.....kinda like Dr. Doolittle (SP?). \:cool\: He's smart......but still a dog. \;\) Well I've got some things to do. \:\) I'll sim you around. \:cool\: TC. \:wub\:

denishaclayNov 10, 2008

\:D I think wonderful is a understatment you have style and you have unleashed the fashion demons!!! everything you create is great.. thank u for makin it availble to those without subscriptions

KDLANG0Nov 9, 2008

Just to let you know: I´ve just sent my first kid off to private school \:wub\: I did everything you said, so I owe you \;\) \:D \:P Thanks and TC\:rah\: \:wub\:

KDLANG0Nov 9, 2008

This might be the shortest answear I´ve given you, but I won´t disturb you to much. \:o \:D \;\) \:cool\: Thanks you for your kind help, I´ll let you know if it works, espicially the owen thing. I´ve tried with Hanna Tremble, she got into a plant sim, before getting the badge, but the wizard wouldn´t recognize it, so I had her having a babygirl and called her Hanna *LOL*.. Still haven´t finished that one. \:o Well this didn´t get as short as I had thought, so TC and catch ya later \:wub\: \:rah\:

KDLANG0Nov 9, 2008

Hi shadow! I must´ve been tired yesterday, answearing you in my own GB \:o *LOL*. I can live with being spoiled \:P \:wub\: I understand, I should´ve told you sooner, but I´m fine with you making them for me \:o Just wish I could recolour stuff myself, I have tried though but with no success.\:o \:\( I´ve just finished Rags to Riches part 1 and I´m off to part 2\;\) I haven´t started on it yet, and when I ran the wizard to update the challenge, I noticed she´s already enganged to Ian Rich. I haven´t even moved her back into the lot! \:eek\: *LOL* I´ve never tried that before! \:P Have you done it yet? I forgot to change her asp to fortune \:o But guess it can be done without. \:ph34r\: Can´t wait to see your new stuff! \:wub\: So TC and catch ya \:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Nov 8, 2008

Blah blah Pogo. \:rolleyes: LOL \:P Karie wanted me to tell you that she was able to get your TSR stuff so she things she will be able to get your pictures you made of Timber. \:cool\: He is a sweet pooch....when he isn't doing something gross. \:D Well I'm back to my game. \:rah\: TC. \:wub\:

KarieNov 8, 2008

oh yeah, I did get my badges, I just need to get my personal challenge badge. Gotta go sim now, Lolo is on the phone.\:D

KarieNov 8, 2008

I posted pictures of Fiona Fugly...check her out! \;\)

KarieNov 8, 2008

I will check my game tonight. Laurie is calling, Heidi is loaded...I mean loading \;\) her game, and I will check it out tonight. I need to see if Fieona's baby got beat with the ugly stick like she did, or if the "handsome" townie father saved it with his genetics! Dang, I can't remember if I posted a picture of her or not. I will go check my pics and see, and post if needed. She's REALLY ugly! \:P Scary ugly. If she was Laurie's sim, she would be a dead ugly sim (Lolo has a "thing" for the grim reaper, lol)

hiedibear75Nov 8, 2008

I don't really have any. \:confused\: Oh well. \;\) NO! \:eek\: Thank God it wasn't MY experience. \:wacko\: I just figured it'd be a good laugh for ya. \:wub\: LOL \:P Well I'm off to load my game......should take JUST SHY of an hr. \:o Yes my game takes a VERY long time to load.......but it's OH SO FUN when I finally get there. \:ph34r\: Have a wonderful weekend. \:rah\:

KDLANG0Nov 7, 2008

Well what is weekends for if not sleeping!\:P \;\) \:cool\: Yep I found them pretty easily thank god\:rolleyes: (Was afraid I had to go through all 25 pages, but I cheated and started backwards clever me\:P :cool\:\)I CAN wait for that recolours you know, I´ve had that hack for ages, so I can live with it for a little bit longer \:P \;\). Just tell me before you upload it, cause the artists want credits and a link directly to the hack, and you don´t have that I take it? Sorry to hear that you´ve got problems with your stupid pc.\:\( Know the feeling\:puke\: .. Well I`m off for challenge!\:wub\: TC and catch ya in the snow \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\:

rodentredNov 7, 2008

Ok, thanks. Haven't really downloaded much lately sine my last download binge \:P

KDLANG0Nov 7, 2008

Well just wanted to say HELLO \:wub\: \;\) \:P What`ve you been up to? except from that w-place and sleeping!\:\( TC and catch ya!(hopefully\:P \;\) )

hiedibear75Nov 7, 2008

SHADOW! \:eek\: It was WORKING! \:rah\: Well I hope it keeps that way, my pictures are showing up in my least at the moment. \;\) Hopefully they'll still be that way when you sit down to breaky or get home from that "w" place you can have a nice story or 2 to read. \:cool\: Well TC. \:wub\:

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