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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Oct 30, 2008

I'm so sorry shadow. \:\( I could stick MY wet nose on your leg (dolphins usually tend to have a pretty wet nose as a general rule). \;\) I did get the 2nd party done and it was a pretty good party.....not the roof raiser of the 1st one......but still descent party. \:cool\: I need to add the text part and then shut down to upload (I really wish we didn't have to shut the Sims down to upload stories \:rolleyes: ). \:\) Well if ever you could use one; BIG HUGE FUZZY WARM, WET (you were missing the wet THIS time) DOLPHIN HUGS, WITH MACH TRUCK LOADS OF PIXIE DUST!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

tinkerbell7716Oct 29, 2008

thanks for signing my guest book.\:\)

MJxoOct 29, 2008

thanks for commenting on my page\;\)

hiedibear75Oct 29, 2008

O PS no clue what's going on with the pictures. \:confused\:

hiedibear75Oct 29, 2008

Well I had quite a few different costumes there.....the ninja was tending bar.....he served Bloody Mary's. \:P I'm going to look & see what all I have to redo. \:rolleyes: Mike changed the settings so it'll ASK me BEFORE it just DOES. \;\) Well yes it counts......but if you comment on the story itself.....EVERYONE can see. \:cool\: Unless you're embarrassed or something. \:P LOL Glad you like the chopper. \:\) Anytime you want something.....just do the same & you'll have it. \;\) Well enjoy your snooze. \:wub\: 5:00-7:00AM is my usual bedtime. \:ph34r\: Well type with ya later. \:wub\:

rodentredOct 29, 2008

*waves white flag* You win \:rah\: \:ph34r\: I have lost all taste for seafood now. Please do keep up the great work and whit \:D

hiedibear75Oct 29, 2008

It was wonderful to finally SEE that you liked it. \:wub\: \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\: The pix are fixed now. \;\) I'm not sure what was going on with the pix on it either. \:wacko\: I had AVG Hell. \:mad\: I was in the midst of making the party and getting wonderful shots......when AVG turned my computer OFF! \:eek\: I lost the whole stinking party! \:\( So now I have to do it all over again. \:rolleyes: Oh that was a sinch. \:P I had an oi vey kinda night\morning. \:wacko\: Say....didn't you pick the wrong barnyard animal? \:confused\: I thought HOGS rode choppers. \:P Take care. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 28, 2008

Yeah I know what you mean, but the real challenge for me is to achieve fx a top ranked business, never had that before. \:o I haven´t used cheats on all of the challenges, except from juice, Genie and life elexire? (Sorry know that the spelling is wrong, at least it looks wrong to me \:o) But really I have kept her busy that Emma, given birth to twins twice plus the teen and child she came with. \:o Mostly I have made up new families, cause the originals came with wrong names, that disturbance should be caused by Pets, but you should be able to change their names by Simpe, if you know how, I don´t. And this time I´ve only for Emma used aging off, ´cause I like the offspring to achieve as much skills as possible, before they go to uni, so they get as many shcolarships as possible. For her husband I used that setting age cheat, cause I let her use all 3 wishes from genie and none of them had enough to buy l-e.... Let me know what you think about your new toys! \:wub\: And hopefully you can turn a disaster to miracle! \:wub\: \:rah\: *LOL* TC and catch ya

hiedibear75Oct 28, 2008

My favorite cow has some...."hay" cookies waiting in her "cookie jar" e-mail. \:cool\: Sorry about the pix being messed up. \:confused\: They've fixed it now.....what ever it was. \:\)

hiedibear75Oct 28, 2008

Oi vey. \:rolleyes: I see that. \:eek\: It was fine just last night. \:confused\: And just when I thought I was FINALLY going to get ya to leave a comment too. \:P I'll have a look at my yahoo? I don't look at it much......90% of what I get is junk. \:D Will have a look and I'll see what I can do this week. \:cool\:

KDLANG0Oct 27, 2008

Yeah punishing me for having been quite silent for some time you know! \:o \;\) \:P The most important thing is that you received both of my mails I wasn´t sure about the CEP-mail. Whoa there´s another one coming up? I didn´t know that or else I would`ve waited! \:o Let me know when it has been released, if I don´t find out myself. I´m sorry that the farm-challenge doesn´t work out for you \:\( But really it´s a difficult one without using cheats, not that I use a bunch only aging off and setsimsagecheat on or what that one is called! \:o You should go for the Love Thy Neighbor, that one is really fun, if it would just work for me, and if haven´t tried that out yet. \:P \:D TC and catch ya later! \:wub\: \:rah\:

rodentredOct 27, 2008

That was like a PIKE in the side \:o I really didn't 'smelt' that one coming \:D I guess I should really start reading between the squid - ly lines. P.S. This is really starting to flounder \;\)

KDLANG0Oct 27, 2008

Now who is not talking to who??? \:eek\: \:mad\: Are you punishing me? Or are you sleeping? Or are you just creating? \:wub\: Well you´ve got to tell me, did you get my mails? I actually sent you 2 of those yesterday, so don´t complain not spending any time on you! *LOL* And you´ve got to tell me what you think about that hack and if the CEP-update worked! \:\( I´m a little busy today, but I´ll be around about 7:30 just to check before I´ll play the game! \:P \;\) Hmm could it be that you´re mad at me ´cause that farm thing works fine for me? \:o \:P Well TC and catch ya later with a Hug! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 27, 2008

This time you have to tell me what your think.....I made this chapter #36 nice and long just for you. \:D AND you've got the whole week off. \:P Type @ ya L8R. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 26, 2008

Well thanks for bursting my bubble. \:mad\: LOL \:P I made an extra long chapter....just for you. \:D A nice long chapter to get to know Dianne with. \:wub\: I'm going to turn my game on.....Matt & Jenny need to get their costumes and get candy for all the trick-or-treaters. \:D Oh & I have to put nearly a dozen Sims all in costume for the "Monster Mash" chapter. \:\) But other than that I haven't been busy. \:P Why not just take out all but your stuff THEN run homecrafter? \:confused\: Well type with you later. \:wub\: TC. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 26, 2008

BTW it doesn´t make any trouble in gameplay..

KDLANG0Oct 26, 2008

Hi! I`ll send you a mail in a few min time with some files. I know hiedi has told ya about a bike from MTS and you asked for a moped. I´ve got both, but maybe hiedi has already send it to you? Well I´ll do it anyway together with that hack I told you about, maybe you`ll enjoy it as much as I do! \:wub\: \:rah\: TC and catch ya! \:rah\: \:wub\: \:P

KDLANG0Oct 26, 2008

Naa I´ve only got one request, a recolour of my favourite hack! (shop clothes from home for free).. It´s from MTS and it´s great, I use it all the time, just hate the colours it came with! \:\( But that farm thing works fine here, I had to make a new family though names were wrong. Usually it´s not a problem except from that neighbor thing \:mad\: .. But the names they turned out with in the farm thing was funny. The husband was called Emma but not McDonald. The boy was called Lis *LOL*.. So something was really messed up. So as I´ve already told ya, I made a new family and let them move into a different lot. But I haven´t finished anything except from the gardening. But I let her work, and that is not a great idea, but they need the money to expand but I let her drink a lot of juice \:P \;\) .. TC and catch ya \:wub\: \:rah\:

KDLANG0Oct 26, 2008

Hi! Thank you so much for commenting on my screenshot! \:D Normally I say never ask where from I get my stuff, cause they are from all over the internet, but uhm this particuarly set I remember! It´s from an artist called shadow66 or Mad Cow if you prefer, does that ring a bell? *LOL*\:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: I´ve wanted to upload pics for days, but couldn´t find the time! \:o Those were just so great that I had to and John was being nice to me and let me spent some time on my pc. \:wub\: Yep he´s a really sweetheart sometimes *LOL* Hugs TC and catch ya \:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: \:rah\:

midland_04Oct 25, 2008

Hi shadow66, Long time no write, in either direction, me to you, or vise versa. LOL Thanks for taking the time to take part in my poll. Sorry I haven't been around much. Been trying to finish final projects before winter hits, and messed up my knee this week. So I finally got Freetime, and going to go play in it a bit, plus I got another xbox up and running, and have been playing network games the last few night. I see u have been busy creating. I still say u should join in the TC! It could teach you some things. I've learned a lot there. \:D Anyways, hope to write soon, and hope you have a good morning! Midland_04 \:cool\:

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