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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Oct 25, 2008

Hurry up with the grazing....I signed in to Pogo JUST FOR YOU. \:wub\: All I see is Karen and a bunch of gofers.....but no cow. \;\)

hiedibear75Oct 25, 2008

MTS2 is a freebie so I can share with you. \:cool\:

hiedibear75Oct 25, 2008

Almost forgot yes the bikes ARE rideable and they have everything from choppers to vespas to BMX. \:D

hiedibear75Oct 25, 2008

PS (yeah I know it showed up 1st \:P ) Big warm fuzzy, wet dolphin hugs (with a towel), sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\: \;\) \:P \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 25, 2008

And you told it to search the correct neighborhood? Just sos you know......Laurie & I have had to run ours several times at times to get that stupid thing to work. \:mad\: OH MY GOSH......did you upgrade to the newer wizard? \:confused\: They updated it a few weeks or months ago......and you said you hadn't done anything with it since June. \;\) Well the lengths are kinda tough.....some people want long ones others would rather they be I try doing a bit of it all. \:D It was raining thanks to the evil witch so since I'd already turned her mother into one.....and I had to explain the rain.....I just worked it into the story line. \:cool\: But don't worry.....the mystical parts will be minor and the magic is with Matt & Jenny.....not a cauldron. \:P You know how it is from creating cc, you know people must like it cuz of the number of downloads......but it's still extra nice to know that you're doing a good job and what people like about and think about your work; same thing for me & my story. \;\) Pretty soon I think I'll be purchasing the member spotlight.....but I want to put out a few more pets & lots 1st. \:\) I didn't do any stories last winter cuz I thought using Mike's laptop was going to be temporary. We'll see how creative I can be this year. Good thing you told us about that trick to get the Sims to run.....that is the reason I was still using Mike's and now Karie is using MY now HER laptop. \:D But Mike's has a larger screen which is SUPER helpful to my blind butt. \:D Anyway hope the wizard works for ya. \:cool\: TC. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 25, 2008

I´ve wanted to write to you so many times, but RL keep knocking om my door all the time! \:mad\: So yeah for the little time left to have fun, I have finished some small and easy challenges. I have downloaded that farm thing, and I have started it, but not finished anything, so I don´t know if the wizard will catch up on it. I didn´t know that the poohs were available until I came across your site today, or more correctly, yesterday. See it´s 2 o´clock in the morning again. Got so much pain in my legs so can´t sleep \:\( But never mind now, I´m here just for you! \:o \:D \;\) \:P And I will be back later, want your new fairies remember? \:P Well I´m glad that I´m not the biggest download-aholic around here! *LOL*.. Do you delete the zip-files after unzipping? That´s how I keep my download files down. It takes me around 15 min to load the game, don´t think that is slow, but sure with a bigger pc it would be quicker or with a clean game without downloads, but how boooring *LOL*..But wanted to ask, does it matter when Hanna Tremble gets bitten? I mean an elder can be bitten right? Or else I have to cheat, but I just so much want to finish that challenge and it´s all I need to finish. Love thy n. I´ve made 2 couples but the wizard won´t pick up on any of them, one of them I have completed 8 of the tasks and no one wants to help, so don´t know what to do except guess I have to give up on it and cancel the challenge. \:\( \:rolleyes: \:mad\: Well guess I´ll try to get some sleep, I´m pretty exhausted, it´s been a long nightmare of a week.. 9 days weekend doesn´t sound bad at all and can´t wait to see what you´ll come up with or else I could might help you with a few suggestions *LOL* \:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: TC and catch you later today, across my heart and hope to die\;\)

hiedibear75Oct 24, 2008

And yet you never comment. \:\( Don't get too discouraged.....Laurie & I have completed ALL 39 challenges, and the same thing happened to us. \:mad\: Which one are you doing?\:confused\: Oh & you could have a biker gang; go to MTS2 and they've got several....everything from Harley (looks like it anyway) to a Vespa, even have quads ATVs. \:cool\: I've had several of them before. Back when I was at 43,000 files in my DL. \:D Oh you I'm starting to miss my bikes again. \:rolleyes: It's also quite hard to be good and not download my game......but you and everyone else just keeps making all this great stuff for our games.....and know how it is. \:o I'm a total download cc addict. \:ph34r\: Then again I don't know how many other SIMers out there play 12+ hrs strait on an almost daily basis. \:P Well I'm actually going to go Pogo now....have some errands to do & won't have time to play beforehand. \;\) Take care and type at ya later. \:wub\:

simonandyOct 24, 2008

Been very busy as usual Short staffed and its bill week so have not had much time, managed a few downloads and about an hour on the sims this week, tons of cheesy comments to put up just haven't had time yet, shall make up for it next week. Saw your wood floor set and just had to pop a quickie off the top of my head up.\:D Al the best Simon\:P

rodentredOct 24, 2008

I guess I'll clam up now before I get too crab-by \:D \:D Gotta go, I think I'm herring the phone ring \:P

hiedibear75Oct 24, 2008

I was (don't faint or anything) playing on Pogo & tried seeing if you were up playing some early morning games before heading off to that horrid "w" place as you & Karie call it and I tried entering in "CrazyMoo66" and it said that your member name doesn't do too. \:P So do I have your Pogo screen-name wrong or what? \:confused\: I'm just plain ol wheeliebear on Pogo. \;\) Well Sim ya L8R. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 24, 2008 expected something different? \:confused\: Out of her? \:eek\: Just kidding. \:P You've got Karie drooling over the upcoming fairy set. \:ph34r\: Since you guys were talking about my DL folder on's JUST shy of 40,000 and it takes my game about 50min or so to load to the enable disable screen. \:o It takes a long time to load. \:wacko\: But OH BOY OH BOY is MY game FUN!!! \:rah\: \:wub\: I've got ethnic Sims and era Sims and punk rocker Sims and goodie goodie Sims......ALL SORTS OF SIMS! \:D That's what happens when you do nothing but Sim & sleep. \;\) Well TC. \:wub\: Big fuzzy warm\(I'll leave out the wet this time) dolphin hugs\sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\:

rodentredOct 23, 2008

Its all in my name. Rod-ent and I do it just for the halibut \:D

rodentredOct 22, 2008

I'm starting to think you are just 'fishing' for compliments \:P \:P

spaz02571Oct 22, 2008

I'll download rugs. Themed to match the paintings sure. Your stuff is like chocolate I can't seem to get enough.

melaniecoxOct 21, 2008

Thanks for the useful information again! i have uploaded one of my pictures from the bee nursery, am going to have to re do the other picture, because can't find it on my computer now. why is it a notorious beauty spot where you live?

LaurieROct 21, 2008

Ok. I just downloaded ALL your sets. I am going to install them now and see what happens. If this works I will expect all of those wonderful WHITE recolors!!!\;\) \:D

LaurieROct 21, 2008

Of course it is worth it?! I am still working on my problem. I am still slowly adding my hacks. I even have a few but very limited meshes. So far, my game is still working. I am going to try recolors again VERY SOON!!! So, if there happened to be some wonderful painting recolors in WHITE FRAMES I just may come and get them!!! OH AND LIGHT WOOD TOO!!!! There, is that enough requests for you?\:P I just want to make you feel wanted!!!\;\) \:D I wouldn't want you to feel useless after all. Really, if you truly felt like it you could recolor pretty much anything in the game to white for me. I love using white. Maxis apparently felt that color really wasn't needed!!!\:D \:wub\:

KarieOct 21, 2008

Moo. Moo moo mooo moooOOOooo moo. I hope that means Hi, how are you doing? I am trying to be bilingual. I didn't find you on pogo this weekend, but that was probably because you were at your Queen shindig. I hope you had a blast!! \:P

rodentredOct 20, 2008

Yep, ya got me 'hooked' \:P

KDLANG0Oct 20, 2008

I´m glad that you are back! \:D My GB has been a little lonely without you \:o \:\( ! I didn´t notice that your latest bedroom had been released, but surely I´ve got it now \:D \:wub\:. And like hiedi those pooh is so mine! \:wub\: \:D \:P \:o But I´m now alse facing a turning point sort of speak. My download folder has come to a breaking point and I`ve got 2 choises: 1) Delete a hole lot of my downloads 2) Or create a new download folder. My pc is now complaning about that the virtual memory is to small. I haven´t faced that problem for months now, not since a friend of mine put some more RAM in it. \:o I DID download some heavy stuff, some big house files, so instead of having ca 4 MB in my folder it has turned to ca 85 MB\:o And I´m not done yet downloading \:o But btw I haven´t been much around my pc for the past week, you know school holyday last week, so surely my son was here all day fighting with my oldest? daughter whos turn it was to use my pc \:mad\: So that didn´t leave much time for me. I´ve know that problem you´ve got with that farm challenge. It´s the same thing I´m facing with Love Thy N. My son is off to the Gym, so I´ll be back later tonight! \:wub\: So until then TC and catch ya \:wub\:

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