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shadow66's Guestbook

LaurieROct 20, 2008

If I came over here and didn't pick on you.... you would think aliens got me!!!\:eek\: You know it. It is impossible to be civilized with you. It goes against my grain. Yes, it is in my vocabulary. I just can't seem to find it for you!!!!\;\) So, where are my pictures with white frames????!!!!\:confused\: I don't see any on your page anywhere!!! Did I not look closely enough? Is that it? Hmmmm...... I haven't checked your pages lately, since I can't touch yet. Maybe I will have to have a looksie one day and drool. NOPE!! Not until I can take what I want again!!\:P I am still expecting some lovely landscapes and florals with WHITE FRAMES! Have you gotten the hint? No, we haven't sorted out the problem. Thank you. You mad old cow you!!!\;\) \:D \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 20, 2008

OMG!!! \:eek\: Kisses shadow from head to hoof! \:wub\: I am so IN LOVE with the Pooh Bear walls!!! \:rah\: They're so mine. \:cool\: I may have a really hard time being patient on this one. \:P Big fuzzy warm - wet dolphin hugs -DRIPPING with pixie dust! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

melaniecoxOct 20, 2008

No i don't have the pets, so that explains it, i did try submitting a screenshot, but for some reason my snapshots and screenshots are registering as bmp files, am not that great with computers, so don't know how to correct it, and it wasn't uploading because of this problem. I guess i have a lot to learn! Thanks for info regarding what i would need, to do furniture, and stuff, will look into it at some point soon. I am very close to the new forest which is fantastic, because i can walk to long down dairy farm with my children, and can also catch a bus to most areas of the forest, as well as into the city, we also have a reasonably good train service, so am also able to get to places like bournemouth. nice to here from you again! I also have your little unicorn collection, and really like that too. \:ph34r\:

hiedibear75Oct 20, 2008

I don't want to give to much away.......want you to read it don't ya know. \;\) Anyway let's just say I've got some big plans cooking and your paintings are going to come into BIG play. \:cool\: And yes it is going to be a $ making business. \:cool\: He's gonna need a lot of money for what I'm planning. \:ph34r\: Glad you had so much fun at your concert. \:rah\: We had so much fun at the festival we went to we want to go to more of them. \:cool\: I'm glad you do......but how come you've got a week of no work coming your way? \:confused\: I gotta get MOOving.....gotta get my Sims' honey out of college before the "blessed event" (aka baby) so it'll have HIS last name; working on yet another challenge with Lo lo. \:cool\: No I haven't finished my Ethan Allan Sim yet......I just put him on pause so to speak. (no pun intended) \;\) TC & big warm fuzzy/wet dolphin hugs/sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\:

skyblue7377Oct 19, 2008

Giant hugs

hiedibear75Oct 18, 2008

Her PC isn't having any of that cc thing. \;\) I know her pain......I was there once. But at least I'm back to being the "Download Diva" again. \:\) Have fun at your concert? \:cool\: Have a wonderful weekend. \:rah\: BIG HUGE WARM, wet dolphin hugs......with PIXIE DUST! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 18, 2008

Ya know it's funny you should mention "art studio". \:D I was going to have Matt start painting for that very purpose. \:\) Jenny's old friend Dianna is going to make a somewhat staring role fairly soon......and that's how Matt get's into the art studio biz. \:cool\: Oh & PS hope you don't mind Matt taking credit for your work. \:ph34r\: \:P I'll say something about the pix being yours but with in the story itself I''ll make it look like Matt did it all. \;\) Hope you have fun. \:rah\: They pretty much have them under control. If they can keep them at bay or gain SOME ground with them the rain should be here in another week or 2. \:cool\: Well enjoy and raise a hoof for me. \:cool\: TC. \:wub\:

melaniecoxOct 17, 2008

Hi, i have everything working except the bee rug, the nursery looks fantastic, would send you a screenshot i took of it if i knew how, don't know whether i could do it by an email and then an attachment, up to you. Will be taking a look at some of your other creations soon! out of interest, how do you actually design the objects? I couldn't find anything in the sims 2 files that can allow you to do it, is it by cep? I have designed my first item of clothes, it is a polka dot nappy for toddler girls, had it rejected to start with, i apparently uploaded it using the wrong bit, so have tried again using saved sims this time. I noticed you live on the south coast, me too, nice to find somebody local to me.

KDLANG0Oct 17, 2008

No, I haven`t! But I am a kind and gentle human being, so I let you sleep or recover or whatever you have been needing after that horrible trip and that uhm w-word place... I´m still here, oh yes! Well I got an error message that´s why I couldn´t comment on your new bedroom! \:\( But I guess if the site is a little too busy things like that happens?! \;\) \:D And you didn´t mind me borrowing your nanny, not that you had a say so on it but anyway \:P \;\) \:D But from now on you can keep her to your self, I don´t want her \:mad\: \:rolleyes: Thought she smelled a little to much of cooking sherry *LOL*..And yes I have been a little busy with a few challenges, my hair starts to turn to greay\:rolleyes: I have sort of given up on Hanna Tremble, at least for now and that darn Love Thy Neighbor \:mad\: But I have finished some others \:D \:P \:wub\: So that´s what I have been up to sort of.. What about you? Ready for the weekend and for FREDDIE THE QUEEN? \:wub\: \:rah\: \:D TC and catch ya!

LaurieROct 17, 2008

It hasn't been THAT long since I have been on your page!! Do you want to be picked on all the time!?\:confused\: If you do.... just let me know. I will be happy to oblige!!!!!\;\) \:D

spaz02571Oct 16, 2008

I bookmarked your page this time so I don't miss anymore updates. Personally love kittes. I have one named Peanut Butter. My five year old named it.

KarieOct 16, 2008

p.s. how about a room of fairies?? i know you did pictures of fairies, but I need a whole room! Maybe a grownup room?\;\)

KarieOct 16, 2008

I grabbed a few things again, but need to get more. I didn't get to Sim tonight. I was at "that other place" and you were too. I tried stalking you, but the room you were in was full every time I tired. So..for once, you were safe. Kinda like that Lottso game, do ya? You need the subscription so that you can play Bingo with LoLo and I. \;\)

rodentredOct 16, 2008

\:P \:P \:D \;\)

KarieOct 16, 2008

NO. I did not BREAK my computer again. I didn't break it to begin with. It died and I had nothing to do with that (other than loving to use it all the time). I don't know why your stuff wouldn't load. I was able to load stuff from another sim site. So. I don't know. That "W" place is a real drag, isn't it? Sigh. I would love to not have to go there, but I am glad that I have a place to go for the evil "W" word. Especially having to get up at 5:30 every morning to be able to get there by 7 so I can leave there at 3:30 so I can run home and play on that other site, this one, check my own emails and PLAY SIMS!! \:P So, since you had such a hard time getting back home from your concert, maybe you shouldn't go to the 3rd one. I wouldn't want you to get stranded there either!\:eek\: If you were stranded somewhere (and without your laptop, which you refuse to lug around with you to concerts), you wouldn't be able to create wonderful things like that Kitty room for me..ahem. I mean US. \:D (K picks up fallen halo, rubs at the strange rust that seems to appear, and replaces halo back on head, where it belongs).\:P

rodentredOct 15, 2008

Like the plague \;\)

KarieOct 15, 2008

PATIENTS??? Me??? I don't wanna be patient!! \:\( It's to cute! I am gonna have to come back and get them all again because they didn't show up in my game when I loaded them. \:\( I don't know why! How was Queen last night?

hiedibear75Oct 15, 2008

We have fire going also BUT theirs is worse and more out of control then ours so it's gotten more news coverage. \;\) But there WERE 2 fires in San Diego area and 1 of them is still burning but it moved to the East of us. \:D I hate rain but on the other hand.......bring on the rain. \:rah\: Eh I'm "a bear" I'll just hibernate through it like I always do.......Rx hibernation. \:P TC. \:wub\: Enjoy Queen. \:cool\:

KDLANG0Oct 13, 2008

Hi there.. Again! \:o \:D \:P I just saw your new bedroom, I couldn´t comment on it. \:\( \:mad\: But uhm you know....... It´s cuuuuuuute! \:wub\: \:rah\:

KDLANG0Oct 13, 2008

Well yeah and you STILL can´t get ENOUGH *LOL*! You can´t have it all girl! \:D \;\) \:P Hope you enjoy yourself tonight together with Queen and Freddie the dead-gay-Zombie. \:wub\: Well next time I want to borrow your nanny, pleaaaaase tell her to let me get some SLEEP! \:mad\: I didn´t sleep the whole night trough! \:\( So if this is how it´s gonna be each time you lend her to me, you are welcome to keep her for your self! \:\( \:mad\: \:rolleyes: *LOL* TC and catch ya later with a BigWetPInkQueenTheZombie\:D UnicornPENGUINLadybugBee VampireWerewolfZebraMonkeyTigerElephantTheDumboAlienPlantBigfoot BlackEvilWarlockAngelSnoopySweetMadCowSnoopyHug \:wub\:

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