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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Oct 13, 2008

It was that I couldn't wait to play Sims. \:D I'm bringing back someone from Jenny's past to play a side any good "sitcom?" \;\) Dianne and her family will be moving close by. \;\) Well I was sim-ing.....that was until some1 said she was chatting with a certain lovable cow we know. \:\) Well pile the hay up just the way you like it and have a good sleep. \:wub\: BIG HUGE WARM, wet dolphin hugs......with PIXIE DUST! \:wub\:

KarieOct 12, 2008

ME? Sweet lil' ol' me? Harass YOU? Why, I would NEVER! Okay..hardly ever? Fine. Once in a while I might.. Sheesh. Okay, so I MIGHT have harassed you just a teeny weeny eency weency microscopic bit. Not much...really..Oh, and my halo is NOT a Halloween prop. It's there ALLLLLL the time! \:P

rodentredOct 12, 2008

Heh, nope. Red is me, just have black tendencies \:P

hiedibear75Oct 12, 2008

I forgot what EP allowed that but yes you can. \:cool\: I lust figured you did it with pools in mind. \:confused\: So I guess the truth comes out......the halo is a Halloween costume piece. \:P My favorite is Bohemian Rhapsody. \:cool\: BIG HUGE WARM, wet dolphin hugs......with PIXIE DUST! \:wub\:

simonandyOct 12, 2008

I speak French , German, Afrikaans, and a little Irish and Turkish, along with a little Klingon of course and it is actually 1000 times, must have, mistyped if yer ken wot I mean. Thanks for the info for the add on pack will look for it today, did't know about that.\:D tlho' SoH (Klingon thankyou)\:cool\:

hiedibear75Oct 12, 2008

Glad you liked #32. \:cool\: You commented! \:eek\: \:rah\: \:P Thank you for commenting by the way. \:cool\: I'll see about making #33 a bit lengthier. \:P Glad everyone likes it\them. \:rah\: Well TC & enjoy Queen. \:cool\: Big warm, wet dolphin hugs, with pixie dust. \:wub\:

KarieOct 12, 2008

Ask Hiedi...I could sleep though it. I have a knack for falling asleep in the dangdest places! I fall asleep during loud movies, I fall asleep with loud movies being played in my bedroom, over video games in my room playing. I live next to a military base & they are always practicing (so I have been told). They are always shooting and stuff. My hubby and Hiedi can hear it, and it wakes them up, but not me!! Falling asleep is NOT an issue for me. Not at all. Perhaps staying awake is more of one! \:confused\: And if I didn't make digs at you, you and everyone else would wonder what is wrong with me! SO....did you create more goodies for us tonight? We are waiting. Rather impatiently!! Chop Chop!!\:P

hiedibear75Oct 12, 2008

More like in white flag. \;\) Gotta hurry up n get 2 Siming before some other cow friend of mine has to go to bed.....seeing as she went & moved 2 time zones away, which Karie & I did NOT give her permission to do. \:P TC & big fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 12, 2008

Well maybe I just wanted an excuse, oh gosh I´m tired I know I didn´t spell it right, but I can´t see the how it´s spelled not right now anyway so please forgive me. \:\( Yeah it´s Dusty I play, but I found it harder with Hanna Tremble having her baby taken away! \:rolleyes: That was mean!!! Ok Ok I forgot! The Unicorn and the PENGUIN! *LOL* and Queen too? You got FREDDIE! \:mad\: I thought you didn´t need the nanny not when you sleep that much! You wouldn´t wake up before monday! \:rolleyes: So I didn´t forget her it was on purpose! And I need her for myself at least for tonight, for some reason I can´t fall asleep! \:\(

KDLANG0Oct 11, 2008

Well yeah it is one of those challenges, failure is not an option, funny it is! \:D \;\) I start really to be addicted to it! *LOL* Well some times it´s just a pain in the butt! \:o You know that wizard thing won´t recognise one of the challenges! \:mad\: I´m nearly done with it, but it´s all greyed out on the wizard! Well never mind now, I just play other challenges instead. I have asked for help in the discussion forum, but people are a little bit slow to reply. \:\( Well about the tiles and walls, I just saw the big pic of the tiles and yes I just downloaded it straight away and then commented, didn´t see your link or anything else before I was about to leave, but I did find them, and that´s the most important thing! \:wub\: \:D \;\) But yeah you can say it, I am growing old! \:\( So here´s an old BigPinkWetZombieTheFreddie\:D LadybugBeeWerewolfVampire AlienPlantMonkeyZebraTigerGiraffeElephantDumboBigfootBlackEvilWarlock AngelSnoopyHug! (Did I remember them all?) \:cool\:

KDLANG0Oct 11, 2008

\:\( I just don´t get it! I definitely saw that poll and it was about your walls! \:mad\: I saw it late thursday night, shortly after midnight, but I had already done one, and I won´t deny myself any kudos like you *LOL*. John understanding??? No, definitely not! John hates Harry Potter and Sims. \:\( But he was a sleep, so I could bring Harry with me to bed without him notice! \:D \;\) \:P Well no hugs right now, but you only have to wait a little bit longer! \:P \;\) \:D

KDLANG0Oct 11, 2008

Hi there! I´v got a stupid question for you, D report card, how low is that? Is it lower than they start out with? And if it is so then how much??.. No I´m not giving you any hug tonight, since you won´t be around to enjoy it! \:wacko\: And where the F... is your poll? I´d really looked forward to reply on it and then it´s just gone! Or am I going blind too? I can´t seem to remember much lately! \:\( Well hugs anyway TC and catch ya!

KarieOct 10, 2008

The mystery is solved. Now I know why you have so many Queen concerts you are going to. I just read that YOU said one of the first signs of old age is amnesia. I guess you kept forgetting that you had tickets to the one concert and kept buying them, huh? \:eek\: \:P

KarieOct 10, 2008

I had fun chatting with you at that "other place", even though you did disintegrate my halo!\:P It was a lot of fun. I hope you have a really great time at your Queen Freddy Kruger concert tomorrow..or tonight, as it is already tomorrow where you are. Hopefully, you wont sleep through it since you stayed up so late!!\:eek\:

hiedibear75Oct 10, 2008

San Diego area.....the southern SOUTHERN end of California. \:cool\: But since you've been yaking with Karie for hrs I'm guessing you already got that cleared up. \;\) I am the nicest of the witches. \:\) I only do that sort of thing once in a blue moon. \:P I'd get member spotlights but let's face it objects and sets are where the downloads are at. \;\) You can have the rain back REAL soon......all we need is a few cm of the wet stuff then it's all yours again. \:ph34r\: Ooops.....evil streak alert. \:ph34r\: Ok I'll be nice and keep it till AFTER your concert. \:P Well I hope you won't be MOOving your bovine butt over to pogo. \:eek\: Oh well. \:\( I suppose I should just start looking at it as "at least we're all EA-ing together" \;\) TC. \:wub\: Big warm wet dolphin hugs sparkling with pixie dust. \:rah\:

KDLANG0Oct 10, 2008

\:eek\: You´ve made a poll? Well won´t do it before tomorrow, that´s saturday to you, won´t miss out any kudos *LOL*! Btw love your new tiles! \:wub\: Yeah well I guess that I have to learn how to spell to PENGUIN! \:mad\: *LOL* I guess that it´s because it almost spells the same way as PINGVIN! See? that´s the right way of spelling it! \:mad\: \;\) And I´m old and tired and just wish to sit by the fire in my rocking chair! \:rolleyes: And yes you are skipping me now, not being here just because of some stupid Queen concert! \:rolleyes: John agrees with hiedibear, you can´t go to a Queen concert Freddie is DEAD!\:P \;\) \:D But I at least wanna know if they are good or not! \;\) \:D Yeah, sometimes after I´ve posted in your GB I can tell I´ve made some bad spelling, and yes you are nice letting me practise in your GB! \:wub\: Btw I understand what you´re saying, I feel the same way when people can´t spell properly in danish.. Sorry now it´s 2:26 PM again! I´m tired and don´t give a fart for spelling right now, I just wanna lay down in my bed with Harry Potter! \:wub\: \:wub\: So night night have a good time TC and catch ya with a BigWetPinkZombiePENGUIN!*LOL*BigfootVampireWerewolfAlienPlant LadybugBeeDumboElephantTigerZebraMonkeyIHaveForgottenTheRestAmnesia YouKnow*LOL*SnoopyHug\:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 10, 2008

Well someone seems to not getting enough ´round here! \:\( \:o \:eek\: Cake, Queen-concet, hugs and correct spelling and when it´s am or pm! \:mad\: I am old!!! \:eek\: \:D I DID leave the cows though! \:D And now you are skipping me! But I´ll bet you still want your hugs anyway! \:\( \:D \;\) \:P I don´t own a dictionary, but you are not nagging? me that much about my spelling, so I guess it can´t be that bad or? \:o \;\) I´ve always had problems remembering when it´s am or pm and it really doesn´t make sense to me. \:o Sorry \:o \:\( But I´ll try to remember how to spell penguin! Maybe, I can´t promise you anything though, cause already by now I´m not sure if there´s an e in the end! *LOL* Well gonna play a little longer, and yes I WILL send you a hug before bedtime! *LOL* \:D \;\) \:P \:wub\: TC and catch ya

KarieOct 9, 2008

Stalker? Me? What ever do you mean? (K adjusts halo once more). Sure, just let me know when you want it and I will send you one. I think I get like 2 a week or something like that. The badges are just..well, I guess just a way to say you completed a challenge. They sit in a little album on your page and people can look and see (once you are a member) what you have played. You win tokens too, that are useless until you are a member. You can use them to bet for REAL money winnings (good luck with that one, eh...I hear it takes MONTHS to get anything you win) or use them to jazz up your little avitar (buy clothes and backgrounds and pets). It's just fun. That's all.

simonandyOct 9, 2008

Thanks for the info, by the way had already made a beeline for that other one, don't you remember the bees knees comment?\:D Looking forward to the new set and thanks again\:\)

hiedibear75Oct 9, 2008

Yeah poor Arianna is gonna get yet another operation. \:\( For once.....I'm actually praying for rain. \:cool\: There is a fire burning pretty close to our house. \:eek\: There are airtankers making water drops on it trying to keep it at bay but we went from raining over the weekend to dry "santa ana" conditions. \:wacko\: This is the same month that last year had us on evacuation standby. \:\( You came as far as Birmingham and didn't stop by to say hi to us? \:mad\: J\K \:P (I know you didn't mean Birmingham Alabama \:D ). Oh I know you don't NEED the was just a way to pick on ya. \:ph34r\: I think they should come up with more exclusives......though I am thinking of buying a membership spotlight. \;\) Well TC. \:wub\: And as always (even if ya don't type me a lil somthin somthin on M&J \;\) ) BIG HUGE WARM, wet dolphin hugs......with PIXIE DUST! \:rah\: \:cool\: \:wub\:

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