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shadow66's Guestbook

KDLANG0Oct 9, 2008

Oh Gosh! Sorry, it´s 3 am in the morning yeah, so night night sleep tight! \:o \:P \:D

KDLANG0Oct 9, 2008

I thought better to keep my promise \:o So here I am 3 pm just to say good night, and let you have that hug of yours I know you´re dying for! *LOL*.. Well maybe I don´t remember them all, I´ll do my best, the rest is up to my amnesia! \:D \;\) \:P TC and catch ya later with a BigWetPinkZombieBigfootVampireAlienPlantWerewolfPenguineUnicornLady bugBeeMonkeyElephantGiraffeTigerZebraDumboBlackEvilWarlockAngel SnoopyHug! *Pheeew* Did I forget anyone? \:o \:P

KarieOct 9, 2008

madcow66? is that you? let me know "fer sure" and if it IS you, I will send you a guest pass.\:P

hiedibear75Oct 8, 2008

PS you DO have an evil streak in ya. \;\) Denying yourself kudos just to NOT leave a comment on the stories themselves? \:\( Brutal. :P

hiedibear75Oct 8, 2008

This may sound like a stupid question.....but....ah....Freddie Mercury died, so how is it you're seeing Queen? \:confused\: I didn't say for it go to YOU.....actually I think Laurie got ours. \:ph34r\: Her hubby was working at getting her van fixed last night in the pouring rain so she could take Arianna to yet another Dr. appointment. \;\) I didn't exactly DIS-courage Karie from singing "rain rain go away".....perhaps I should have had her be more specific about where it should go till "another day". \:P Glad you liked M&J #31. \:wub\: When you're done feeding your stomachs there are some vids on youtube showing wheelchair judo AND karate. \:cool\: Well TC & enjoy your concert. \:rah\: Big fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 8, 2008

Do I know you? \:rolleyes: Who are youO?? Sorry but it seems I´ve got amnesia! *LOL* Well I´m still here! \:o But just admit it, you miss your hug and the c-word not me in particuarly! *LOL* I´m not on my pc much lately and when I am, I just wanna play \:o. But ok shame on me, neclecting mad cows herd that it´s not the way to stay in your good books is it. \:o \:\( \:P So I promise across my heart and hope to die, I´ll give you your hug before I go to bed later today/night! I´ve been re-decorating my son´s room, well helping John with it is more correctly I guess \:o \:D \;\) \:cool\: \:P Well I´m off to make coffee and play some more! \:D \:P \;\) Warmhearted hugs from me to you! \;\) \:wub\:

KarieOct 8, 2008

The best way to annoy LOLO (Laurie) is when she is bored to tears, stuck in the hospital & has no sims, and is going crazy with take a picture of your sims with your cell phone and then send it to her!! She REALLY loves that!! \:P \;\)

LaurieROct 8, 2008

"Mad Cow" is right!! See how you are! Now, you have tortured me AGAIN!\:P I knew you were the EVIL one!\:eek\: Yes, she was having this problem before. We were home for about 2 days when it began again. We went back to the hospital and got out again. She is getting just enough food to keep her from dehydrating. Her upper GI is tomorrow and I hope they figure this out. I don't know how long it will take before they get the test results. I am hoping to hear something by the beginning of next week. So, they need to do this soon. I am going to tell them so!\;\) \:D

LaurieROct 7, 2008

Uhhh... just for the record I think you are most likely totally evil.\;\) I suppose the first baby is enough. However, if you tried again maybe you could suffer a bit more and then I would feel better!\;\) \:D Arianna is throwing up all over the place and is bordering on dehydration. She is a g-tube fed baby. Nothing by mouth. We have a pump that feeds her and right now she has to be on it 24 hours a day at a really slow rate. That seems to be the only way to keep her food down. I am desperately trying to stay home. I think I will take her to the doctor and make sure she is ok before I go driving off to Vanderbilt tomorrow. She is going to have an upper gi tomorrow. They squeezed this test in between her to appointments. I am hoping they will see what is causing all this and be able to fix it. If she needs another surgery it will postpone her hip surgery again but this is WAY more important!!\:D I am tired of washing all her sheets, bedding and clothes!!\:eek\: Oh! By the way, yes there are plenty of really cute doctors at Vanderbilt but I am married and not allowed to touch!\;\) \:D Besides, half of them are younger than me. I am getting old.

KarieOct 7, 2008

Challenge? Me? Your kidding, right? LOL!! I did play the sims on Saturday, and was having a good time, but then had to quit to spend time with my family (hubby, hiedibear and her mom). Saturday, a lot of it was spent at that other "place" that you mentioned. SO. what's your screen name? If you give it to me (and I give you mine) if we happen to run across each other we can chat! PM me if ya want! I just spent the last 3 hours cleaning my kitchen. I did a lot of the deep cleaning that I have been neglecting & I mopped my floor. Phew. I am worn out!! Laurie and Hiedi are trying to make me sim. I just now turned on my computer! I am checking my mail and stuff first!\:P

hiedibear75Oct 7, 2008

Eh like I was just the baking and serving of those little buns in the oven that gave me grief. \;\) No wonder why surrogate mothers are paid so much. \:P Picking on Laurie is fun....I've been doing it for almost a decade now. \:ph34r\: Ever since the beginning of 2000. \:D And I can ALWAYS use warm hugs. \:wub\: You're welcome about the comments. \:\) Rain is o-u-t OUT of the forecast for a bit so I should be feeling better. \:rah\: Well TC & BIG HUGE fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

spaz02571Oct 7, 2008

Half my town is preggers thanks to n all gender pregnacy hack.So believe me a large choice of nurseries is an awesome thing. And yours are some of my favorites.

LaurieROct 6, 2008

Well, I think if your labour was that easy..... you should try again. Get it right. It's supposed to hurt. Mine sure did! Cody and I nearly died. It was great fun and then Arianna had me on modified bedrest the whole time. That was great too. NOT! Alex was the only normal one and I had back labour. That is like hell on earth. Thanks. So, try again and get it right. You know, harrassing me isn't kind. It is kind of evil warlockish!! Now I know why you have one in your game. When I picked on you it was to get more stuff because I enjoy your stuff so much!!! What's your excuse? As for my favorite get away... we nearly had to go last night. We may still have to go today. I am going to call the doctors office soon and see what they say. Arianna must really enjoy hospitals because she keeps dragging us to them!\:eek\: Oh well, she is worth it!\:wub\: \:D

hiedibear75Oct 6, 2008

So! YOUR labor was that easy huh? \:mad\: I suppose next you're gonna tell me you were like my mother "I never felt better than when I was pregnant". \:rolleyes: I had pregnancies and deliveries from Hell. \:wacko\: I'm great at getting's from there until the little boogers are born that I have issues with. \;\) Laurie needs a little bit of harassing from time to time......keeps her on her toes. \:ph34r\: So how have ya been? \:confused\: Well TC & BIG HUGE fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\:

Ve96Oct 6, 2008

Hi, There are really nice & in the game also they make really nice room good work \:D

qvisnOct 5, 2008

\:P YES 'Tombstone of Life and Death', I cant remember where i put stuff either, sometimes i write it down, then clear up and lose it again.\:P I tell myself im as thick as a plank sometimes.\:P

qvisnOct 5, 2008

I think he can have sim babies but they never resemble him, I cant tell you what the cheat was but it was something about a tombstone i think, ask around and someone will know. i have the worst memory. must be old age LOL.\:P

LaurieROct 4, 2008

You are so cruel to me.\:\( You are going to make me cry!!!\:\( How could you?!\:mad\: That's ok. I slept in my bed last night. Not as long as you though!! LAZY BUTT!\:P I had to get up and take care of that adorable baby of mine. No sleeping in for me. Especially not half the day!\:eek\: \;\) \:D

hiedibear75Oct 4, 2008

I'll feel better soon enough......when it dries up. \:rolleyes: Thanks for the warm hugs. \:wub\: I've got some pretty wonderful kids.....they're really good about this sort of thing. They said if it isn't raining next weekend they'll come over. \;\) I haven't done anything more on Karie's challenge......I'm ONLY up for EASY challenges. \;\) Hey I can honestly say I've got more then 90% of your stuff. \:P That's why I say you're the most creative cow on the net. \;\) Thanks again for the hugs. \:wub\:

KDLANG0Oct 4, 2008

Are you in to Thin Lizzy and Gary Moore too? Out on the field is one of my favourites but uhm on grass is not particuarly! \:\( Old Cow hmpf! And on your frontpage it says you´re 100! Almost thrice my age! \:P \:\( \:o So kind you are \:P \:wub\: Well think I might put you on ice and call you a pinguine instead *LOL*. Just a little bit longer or maybe I should call you a Mad Cow on ice with ice cold hooves? \:wub\: \:rah\: But yeah sure I´ve got IKEA! I earned it! *LOL* But I haven´t been able to play it yet! \:o But I´ll see to that right away, so catch you later on ice with an ice cold hug! \:wub\: \:rah\: Maybe!!! \:D \;\) \:P

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