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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75Oct 4, 2008

I just wanted to stop in & tell ya your folder is over 1,400+ now. \:rah\: \:cool\:

hiedibear75Oct 4, 2008

I haven't done anything with it lately. \;\) But then again I haven't felt up to much lately. I was up early. \:rolleyes: Although what happened was rather than being up all night and sleeping all day I went to bed @ midnight and stayed sleeping til almost 1PM......Rx drugs = zzzzzzzzzzz. \:P We've got that stupid wet stuff coming which meant I had to postpone my visit with the kids. \:mad\: I don't like having them over when I'm feeling THAT bad......not cuz they're not well behaved or anything......I'm just super quiet and + I'm usually really sleepy and groggy. \:rolleyes: So how have you been holding up with everything? \:confused\: I hope those big fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust help at least a little bit. \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

KarieOct 4, 2008

Thank you so much for the tip on getting my game started! It was nice to play again! I've missed my game! I hope I get to play a lot this weekend! Last Saturday was rather hectic! And, if it's a good sim game...I will raid TSR for all my missing stuff!! there a COW nursery in my games future?? (K lovingly bats her big ol' baby brown eyes at the Mad Cow)\:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 3, 2008

Hooray 4 Friday! \:rah\: How are you doing shadow? I'll send ya an e-hug. \:wub\: hang in there. \:cool\: TC & big fuzzy warm, wet dolphin hugs, sprinkled with pixie dust. \:wub\:

qvisnOct 3, 2008

I have put something in my blog just for you, bigfoot and his baby, go look.\:P

LaurieROct 3, 2008

"Kind" words? I don't know that I am feeling all that kind toward you. Rubbing in all the wonderful things I can't have and then the fact that you get to sleep in your OWN bed!!! RUDE!\:P We just got home and I put the patch in getting ready to play. I still have to unload my van first though! Arrrrgh!!!\;\) I also need to change Arianna's bed. I didn't have a chance to do that after she barfed! I don't want to lay her down in that nastiness!! EWWWWW!\:puke\: I am off to unload our stuff, make her bed and PLAY my SIMS!!!!!!!\:D

KDLANG0Oct 3, 2008

Hi sweetie! Thank you! Look on my front page \:D \;\) \:P I don´t have much time, John is nearly here! \:wub\: \:wub\: But uhm I´m not gonna ask why on earth the tongue-cow reminds you of me! \:o \;\) \:cool\: \:P TC and catch ya with a hug! \:D \:P Later you fool! *LOL* (you called me old \:rolleyes: )

LaurieROct 3, 2008

Arrrgh!!! You are totally killing me. I just saw the cow pictures!! HOW CUTE!!!! I WANT THEM!!! Yes, I still want them even if you are being evil. Informing me when I can't do anything. So cruel.\:\( I still like you though. Maybe.\;\) \:D

hiedibear75Oct 3, 2008

Karie tried the trick you told her about and guess what? \:confused\: It WORKED!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: No wonder why India worships the cow! \:wub\: I may even abstain from eating beef for a day or 2. \;\) can be quite tasty. \:ph34r\: Thank you shadow......oh thank you for giving Lolo & I our SIM-athon partner back. \:wub\:

KarieOct 3, 2008

Ahem. I second the "COW nursery" vote. COW CUTE (I mean HOW cute!)!!!

KarieOct 3, 2008

Ok I will try that and see. I was gonna try in a few min. Laurie is stuck at the hospital again with her baby, but she borrowed a laptop this time, and has sims at her disposal (and internet too). As for patients. "Have patients have patients, don't be in such a hurry. When you get impatient you only start to worry. Remember, Remember that God is patient too and think of all the times when others have to wait for you!" Sorry. You started that song in my head. Picture a SLOW snail (his name is Herbert) singing that song.\:P

hiedibear75Oct 3, 2008

Ya know that's probably the reason why Mike likes pushing me......afraid she'll find a steep pier. \:P LOL I have been PATIENTLY awaiting the couches. \:wacko\: It's driving me batty (I've already got "bat ears" anyway.....SUPER hearing). \;\) Just think shadow.....just ONE more day til the work week is OVER! \:rah\: So wut cha been up 2? Those cow paintings are adorable btw. \:wub\: R U gonna do a nursery to go with? \:confused\: I for 1 REALLY think you should. \:D Maybe use those same cows and make a crib that is a big picture so it looks like all one instead of a bunch of lil cows.....thought that'd be cute too. \;\) Well TC. \:wub\:

KarieOct 3, 2008

We used to walk down to the pier from my house. The way we went was by the fire dept. This time we went, she was using a wheelchair because her knee was bugging her (she's got a bad knee). Well, we walk across the front of the fire department, hang a left at the corner to go down that street. It's on a hill. Kind of a steep one. And there was a fireman out at his car. A cute one (of course). So I let go and said "Look Ma, No hands!". She turned around looked at me and SCREAMED. She wasn't even a foot away from me and not going anywhere. It amused me and the cute fireman. We both laughed! I don't think I have been forgiven for that one yet. I was thinking I would give my challenge a try...but this dang computer wont read my Apt Life disk. It keeps telling me to put it in the drive...IT'S ALREADY IN THERE!!! (WAHHHHHHH)\:\( I only got to play that once. I am gonna try again later. \:\(

qvisnOct 3, 2008

Bigfoot the vampire!!! LMAO\:P

KDLANG0Oct 3, 2008

Oups I forgot the PinguineSweetMadCow! \:o

KDLANG0Oct 3, 2008

I don´t want to miss my prezzie do I?! I´ll be here \:D \:rah\: \:wub\: Well then I don´t know what she´s talking about! \:o But I do know about that potion to reverse them! Guess I´ll just have to keep trying then. But still she´s to say hello doesn´t she? My mom will buy IKEA for my tomorrow \:wub\: My cute sweet mom! \:wub\: If I go shopping with her that is! \:puke\: I´ll call it blackmail! *LOL* Congrate with your 1 mill. Great job girl! \:wub\: But you know that means hard work don´t you! You have to make more cute stuff and more and more and more, you´ve got costumers waiting! *LOL* And sure enough I´m one of them! \:D \:rah\: \:wub\: Well time for your hug, you know I have to go shopping with my mom and John is coming home tomorrow night! \:wub\: \:rah\: But I´ll be here anyway! \;\) \:P So here´s your hug my little hug-junkie *LOL* \:P \;\) \:D \:wub\: BigWetPInkZombie BeeLadybugBigfootAlienPlantUnicornElephantGiraffeMonkeyTigerZebra WerewolfVampireDumboBlackEvilWarlockAngelSnoopyHug! Darn I hope I´ve remembered them all! \:o

Bury me deep inside your heartOct 2, 2008

Hi!!! Thanks for passing by and explaining to me... Now I understand. Sorry for the late reply. Greetings\;\)-Maru-

qvisnOct 2, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my flying bigfoot, it was fun doing all that for a few pics.\:P

KDLANG0Oct 2, 2008

Hi! It´s me if you should ever doubt it! \:o *LOL* I´ll try to catch up with the last messages in my gb... Yeah I´ve seen I wrote 2 pinguines, I could be cruel that it was to test you, to see wether or not you really read all that! \:o But I´m a sweet cow \:eek\: So I´ll confess, I must´ve been tired when I wrote that so it just slipped like I don´t have a lot to write in that hug, I even double it! *LOL* Well you´re still a sweet mad cow! \:wub\: \:D \:rah\: (really sucking up here *LOL*), nothing can change that (wow I´m great)! I think the time to train John is long gone, you can´t teach an old dog new tricks can you! \:\( Btw how are your dogs? Hope everything is fine with both of them! \:wub\: And sometimes I think harder than I can write, I´ve not joined a competition but a challenge! Well 5 to be exact! And it´s fun! Think I´ll make a neighborhood just for challenges *LOL*. Speaking of challenges, have you ever read anything about a potion that can change your sim into a werewolf? Someone has mentioned it in a forum, but not to find it! Surely I´ve asked! She has of cause made friends with the leader, really close friends but he won´t bite her! Well I´m off to the dishes \:puke\: Catch ya later with a hug! Promise! \:D

KDLANG0Oct 2, 2008

\:o I know sorry! I´m so emberrased! I´ve joined some of those competitions you know, gameplaying.. Harried Hanna Tremel, I´ve been so occupied by that that it seems I´ve forgotten everyone around me! \:o I´ve almost completed the task, I just need her to become a werewolf but it´s not so easy! \:o \:rolleyes: I´ll catch ya later, just wanted to tell you that I´m still here and that everything is fine! \:wub\: Btw I saw your snoopy-pics! Cuuuuuuute seems to be the right word here! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:P \;\) \:D A BigCuteSnoopyHug \:wub\:

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