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shadow66's Guestbook

rodentredOct 2, 2008

\:D \:D \:D \:eek\: \:P

LaurieROct 1, 2008

I KNEW you were EVIL! The proof is in my GB. Rubbing all that wonderful stuff in!!! How could you?! I thought you were my friend?! YOU EVIL MAD COW!\:\( There is no way I will finish that challenge by the weekend. It is too much! This one will take a while. So, join in we will still be suffering through it.\;\) \:D

rodentredOct 1, 2008

Woo Hoo!!! More black curtains!!! \:D \:D

hiedibear75Oct 1, 2008

Just have him purchase an existing home costing $100,000. Karie has some "INTERESTING" ideas as to what the Sims' aspirations should be. \:mad\: \:rolleyes: I'm calling for a protest. \:cool\: Well the progress was from last night so that's part of it. \;\) And yeah I cheated and made them start off with a toddler......only way to ensure cute offspring + why wast 3 days being preger and another 3 as an infant? \:wacko\: Thanks for the sofas. \:wub\: Hope you have a great week that goes by quickly. \:rah\: TC...BIG wet dolphin hugs. \:wub\:

midland_04Oct 1, 2008

shadow66, I'm still around, I had to wipe my computer, and re-install everything, and I have also been trying to get a couple of sets out that weren't TC related... so just been creating a bit, and updating some of my older software to newer version. So just been keeping busy, and trying to get over this cold... also we're having to re-finance the farm to hold on to it, so we've been cleaning up so we get a higher appraisal value. So... I've just been very busy. Hope everything is going good for you. BTW thanks for the comment on my TC 106 bedroom... my TC 107 Livingroom should be getting uploaded soon, then I must finish my Grand Marquis Bedroom Set. LOL Hope to hear from you soon. Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Oct 1, 2008

Hey shadow go to my blog and see what I've done with Karie's "over achiever" challenge. \:cool\:

shakeshaftSep 30, 2008

Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment on my creations. Happy Simming!! Andrea \:\)

KarieSep 30, 2008

I knew that at first you weren't going to feel sorry for her. YET, She accuses me of things all the time (like time she said I almost dumped her into the "river" at Disneyland into "duck water", or the time I messed up a home run at kickball where we took care of daycare kids-I twisted my ankle & fell & that was the end of that game), but really she's done far worse then ME. I didn't send HER sliding down a hill on her rear end (she stepped in water & her shoes were wet and we were SUPPOSED to walk down the hill, but her feet slipped out from under her, knocked my knees out from under me where I landed between her legs and we slid down the huge hill just like that. We were laughing so hard we couldn't breath! Or there was the time we were ice skating at an iceskating rink & I hadn't fallen yet -she had- and she yanked me down when I was trying to be EVER so helpful and help her up) Just don't mention the fire department to her. She will come up with more against me! "she said my middle name is Trouble.." Of COURSE I know we are the Champions!! DUH\:P \:D

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Alphabet challenge is easy. Start off with parents starting with the letter Z their kids will be Y and their grand kids X and so on and so on. Just have them have at least 2 kids perpetuating the challenge (this is in case you like having girls take on the last name of their husbands). Moods money don't you can't "cheat"......and it's great when you don't feel up to micromanaging Sims' moods. \:cool\: If you like these we've come up with others......just let me know. \;\)

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Oliver D. World: Oliver D. World dreams of world traveling and seeing faraway lands. Fill his ENTIRE suitcase of memories.

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Havana Blast: She's a party girl......start her off as a child so she can have a party of her own, have her have every kind of party available. Graduation, engagement, wedding, birthday (both one of her own + her child's), anniversary, family reunion, Christmas, New Years Eve, etc. ; AND they ALL have to be roof raisers.......bonus if the cops come out to your party. \;\)

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Billy Hill is a "hillbilly" Sim who has to buy a $100 dollar home get married and raise at least 3 children in it. Seeing as hillbillies are notorious for working on cars, fishin, and farmin.......thems what he does ta earn an honest livin......and ONLY those things. \:ph34r\:

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Oh if you want a challenge I've come up with tons of them. I'll have to tell you about them. \;\) I don't know if it's going to help you keep your mind off your dogs BUT it'll at least keep you busy. \:D

LaurieRSep 30, 2008

I wish I had been there to see you fall over!!!! ( evil, hysterical laughter!!) Yes, she is doing very well. She is extremely happy to be home. She has been a happy girl. Of course we took Karie's challenge seriously. I am surprised she thought we wouldn't! She is such a dork. By the way, she has tortured me more!\:D

KarieSep 30, 2008

P.S. Yeah, I LOVE sending her sim pics when she can't sim. She gets sooooo aggravated at me! Don't feel sorry for her though. She has been torturing me for 24 years. Trust me. She deserves it for all I have had to put up with! Boy, the stories we have!!!

KarieSep 30, 2008

Of course you can play too!! However...I am good at coming UP with challenges, but doing them?? ARE YOU OUTTA YOUR MIND?? Lolo, I mean Laurie and Hiedi have been trying to get me to do challenges all along but I never seem to "get into it". I love to play my sims, but then after a while, I seem to get awfully stressed out over them and I don't want to even LOOK at that sim anymore! That is partly why my Sux Tobeyou story has not continued anymore. I still plan on it, but I just haven't gotten around to it. I have ideas, and I think I can end it with one chapter, 2 at the most. Feel free to join in on the fun of the "challenge". I was thinking maybe, the "winner" would be the person who's sim gets the most total things accomplished in their lifetime. I didn't know that they took me seriously on it when I thought it up last night! I couldn't put any thoughts to it today, cuz I was busy at that evil "W" place. I love being able to turn my "ears" off!! It sure comes in handy!! Oh, and tomorrow (the sun will come out Tomorrow!) "Whistle while you work". Hey, why should you escape the curse of Karie's Evil MP3!!!

hiedibear75Sep 30, 2008

Hush up you! \:eek\: \:mad\: She'll read that ya know and get ideas. \;\) Ya we were counting the fire safety and such under skills. Thankfully she said we do NOT have to do all the jobs just get the lifetime and yeah the $100,000 and buying a vacation home and OMG what long time this is going to take. \:rolleyes: Feel free to do it along with us.......if you're cow enough. \:ph34r\: So how come you're feeling so uninspired? \:confused\: Was it cuz I didn't pop any wheelies on my last few comments? \:\( If it's that evil "w" place......sorry I haven't been able to do anything for Karie. \;\) Big wet dolphin hugs. \:wub\: TC & may the "w" week fly by. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Sep 29, 2008

Yeah but if I went around with headphones (earbuds).......that'd be rude. \:confused\: Karie says we should "turn your ears off".....but alas.....we don't have ears that come equipped with an on\off switch. \:rolleyes: So just the standard tune into my Sims and the rest of the world out. \:P LOL My but I do have some folders that keep getting fatter and fatter...."shadow66 ______". \;\) Yup had to grab your curtains......they're no Veil of Dreams but they still rock. \:cool\: I'm thinking of TRYING this insanely sadistic challenge of Karie's; to have ONE Sim "do it all" become all the creatures you can, get all the plaques, all the badges, max all skills, not to mention fill up the suitcase of memories.......and as a toddler get all those skills get into private school, got to college and get ALL those memories, + get the wishing well, and I can't remember if that's it or if there is more. \:eek\: I smell truckloads of elixir being used. \:cool\: Sorry about the 4 letter words flying around today.......WORK....RAIN. \;\) TC & just think.....only 4 more to go. \:rah\:

KarieSep 29, 2008


LaurieRSep 29, 2008

Well, you sound like you have been busy while I was away! I love the quads hack and you are right.... they always choose the smallest rooms!\:D I think you will survive though! Is your evil warlock through harassing all those Uni sims? Poor things!\;\) \:D

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