No ice-creams...
I really just have to share this story with you all.
Last night, my fiancee and I went to the cinemas to see the new movie, Shutter Island. While the trailers were playing, Chris went to get us a couple of mint choc chip ice-creams. He came back with a mint choc chip choc top for him and a vanilla for me for some strange reason. Even he doesn't know why he got a vanilla for me but I think it was because we were talking about them before he went and therefore he had vanilla on his mind. So anyway, that was fine and I said I would just go get myself a mint choc chip one.
By the time I came back in, the movie was just starting and a couple were now sitting next to Chris, pushing us down one seat. As I sat down, he explained that while trying to move for the couple who came in late, he had dropped his ice-cream and it now lay splattered on the floor in front of us. So, I was willing to share mine but while he was showing me where his dropped ice-cream was so I wouldn't step in it, my ice-cream fell off my lap and splattered on the ground, too!!
We were just speechless. Three ice-creams later and neither of us got to eat one! Obviously we weren't meant to have an ice-cream last night. After the initial annoyance disappeared, we couldn't stop laughing about it. Luckily the movie was great - it has a surprising twist! - and it was still a great night. But, what are the odds?? :-D